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Hammer of the English

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AGRICOLA
    How about Bollocks Warmers so they can campaign in the winter? -40 can't be pleasant in a miniskirt.

    Long pikes
    Schiltron = formation of Scottish troops carrying long pikes


    • #17

      The actual design of a pike is insanely simple (its an excessively long spear), but training men to use pikes in any sort of useful way takes a great deal of effort.

      One thing that needs to be addressed. Wallace, historically, had minimal support from the nobility. How plausible would making it possible to change that be?

      That and the possibility of enlisting Welsh men (or active French and/or Norweigan even) help would be interesting routes to pursue.


      • #18
        I saw this and was sort of inspired. While far from a great artist I took one of Fairline's slightly older units, a viking, an modified it, trying to make a Scottish Warrior/Wallace unit. Since it is only a slight modification I chose not to remove the original signature from the image.

        I hope it can be of any use.

        Last edited by torbk; June 14, 2008, 17:47.


        • #19
          Nice work torbk

          Fairline's gfx almost make me want to create a civ2 scen again But there is no time..


          • #20
            I'd want to work on it some more before considering it done, but I like how you managed to make it work. We'll see what comes of it.


            • #21
              Here's a question. Longshanks even at the start of the war was elderly and perhaps not in the best of health and it certainly didn't get better as it continued.

              One of the things that could not happen soon enough for the Scots was his death.

              So...assuming the Edward I unit isn't killed, what should trigger it? Or should there be an Edward I or Edward II unit in the first place? (Neither was directly involved in the fighting.)

              Whether there should be or not, having his death occur when it did historically no matter what seems off. But I'm not sure how to represent the chance of him dying earlier in a way that makes sense.

              Note: This is a "What would be a sensible way in 'story' terms" thing. Events can handle it, I'm sure, whenever the ******* passes on.



              • #22
                Originally posted by Elensar
                So...assuming the Edward I unit isn't killed, what should trigger it? Or should there be an Edward I or Edward II unit in the first place? (Neither was directly involved in the fighting.)
                One idea: use a city named Edward I. Home the "King" unit to it. Use events to create a unit that conquers the city (could be a random trigger). When it's taken, King Edward I disappears (with text). You can then even create another "King" unit homed to Edward II.

                Another idea: don't represent the Eds with units, but use techs, cities, or something else named "Ed" instead.
                El Aurens v2 Beta!


                • #23
                  Techs might work. One thing that is tempting is to represent Edward I (as superior to Edward II, regardless of how he and junior are represented)...make his presence a wonder.

                  The Hoover Dam for instance. Or perhaps the Oracle.

                  Junior was a far weaker king than Longshanks had been, and his nobles highly unhappy about his apparent sexual preferences. So something important should disappear with Longshanks dying. I'm not sure what...


                  • #24
                    Suffrage, maybe, becomes obsolete with tech representing Ed II...
                    (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                    (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                    (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                    • #25
                      A question, for those interested.

                      When exactly should this scenario start?

                      And related to that...

                      Should winning the battle of Stirling Bridge (or any other big battle, for that matter) have any Wonder effects?


                      • #26
                        Haven't really worked on this, but a thought that's circulating that would be good as a consequence of Edward I dying.

                        When Edward I dies, the following Wonders bercome obscelete:

                        Hammer of the Scots (Sun Tzu's Academy).

                        Not to be Triffled With (needs another name, mind): Michaelanglo's Chapel.

                        Perhaps in addition it doubles as "Communism", which would also mean that Cathedrals are slightly less effective.

                        In addition, the Scots recieve "Longshanks is Dead", which acts as Theology.

                        I think I like the sound of this.

