Except that you can get settler type units to jump maps by putting them on automate and waiting for them to try to move when the other map is active. Bingo, no need for a space ship.
The Vikings beat me to Centaurus last game I played, but never fear. Every time they fought some alien or got a city captured or a barbarian showed up, some of my engineers floated on up there. I won the game on a research win.
As was said on this board before, these map jumping bugs is basically going to ruin any multimap scenarios that get made.
The Vikings beat me to Centaurus last game I played, but never fear. Every time they fought some alien or got a city captured or a barbarian showed up, some of my engineers floated on up there. I won the game on a research win.
As was said on this board before, these map jumping bugs is basically going to ruin any multimap scenarios that get made.