Originally posted by Blue Lion
What images in the right format do you need?
What images in the right format do you need?
Can it be here the tools CivSprite and CivSwap are mixed up? I thought CivSwap is for batch files.
Whoops! I'm currently working on an update for CivSwap, so I mixed them up.
Simple death animation for standard Civ 2 units:
Simple combat animation for standard Civ 2 units:
Simple combat animation for standard Civ 2 units:
I'm not seeing them... But since they're in the standard game, I have them too.
May be for standard Civ 2 units there should be an option in an ultimate CivSprite to give some flickering colours in the zone of the attacking unit, that borders to the unit that is to be attacked.
I don't think that's really possible. For Northeast and Northwest maybe, but the other directions are going to be tricky, and the Southern directions are probably undoable.
For the animated civ 2 ToT units: Is there a possibility with the static sprites of the unit, that is attacked, to give it a possibility of firing back in a combat? (...) What happens, if the static sprite has more than one frame in each direction?
Static sprites are just that: static. They're not animations. They only have one picture per unit... But hmmm... You gave me an idea...
Of course this are only dreams for an ultimate CivSprite editor. Presumable this is not possible.
Well, some are impossible to do, some are difficult and some are easy.
And the word size was edited to the correct spelling. Thank you for that hint. This word with my wrong spelling was used much too often in my last post.
No problem.
That swordsman looks excellent!
I think that one could benefit from using a civ mask too. Different colour clothes isn't so funny as different colour ships.