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  • #46
    I agree that events, like they are done in ToT, should be included in an advanced form of Civ.

    And one question: Is there a possibility to support animated units in FreeCiv and if yes, in which format?


    • #47
      So far, I've been unable to move my units with anything other than the number keys. I don't have a numpad on my keyboard (Laptop), but in Civ2, I can move my units with the arrow keys, with the "Home", "Pg Up", "Pg Down" and "End" keys doing the diagonal moves (took quite a while to get used to that with the positioning on my keyboard), but nothing happens when I press those keys in Freeciv.
      Follow the masses!
      30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


      • #48
        I read "Terminology" chapter of that Civ2 scripting manual and found out that words are defined quite differently in Civ2 and Freeciv implementation. This is probably causing confusion here.

        What Freeciv calls "Event" is actually "Trigger" in Civ2.

        Other Civ2 terms have no exact counterparts in Freeciv terminology. (They stem from simplicity of Civ2 macro language, when lua is full programming language.)


        • #49
          Originally posted by Stefan H�rtel
          So far, I've been unable to move my units with anything other than the number keys.
          Are you using native win32 client? It is possible that it lacks even goto functionality...

          That client never reached feature levels of our primary client (gtk), far from it. And that was when it still had active developer, years ago. Since then it has been falling behind even more. I'll try to get it running inside windows emulator, so I could fix (and test) some of the most critical problems.
          I don't know how difficult it is currently to install gtk -client to windows, but I definitely recommend using it if you can.


          • #50
            Originally posted by techumseh
            City Captured -> Create Unit -> Cooridinate, etc?
            We have scripting infrastructure in game, but still only a couple of events (triggers) and things script can initiate inside Freeciv (what you would call "Action" in Civ2, I guess)

            For example, there is no City Captured event just yet. I have started working on it a couple of days back, though:


            • #51
              Originally posted by himasaram
              Stefan> Arrow keys work (but you can't move diagonally, needless to say) and you can use the mouse to give 'goto' commands. Just press the 'G' key and then on the tile you want the unit to go to.
              No need for 'G' if you are using default settings ("Keyboardless goto" on). Just hold left mouse button down (first press it down in empty tile so you are not opening city dialog or activating units) and move pointer to destination tile. This will create goto route to that tile for all selected units. If you activate this by accident, press 'Esc' before releasing mouse button.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Blue Lion
                Is there a possibility to support animated units in FreeCiv and if yes, in which format?
                Animated units are not currently supported. Only thing animated are cursors.


                • #53
                  It's Freeciv 2.0.9 gtk2, which was the version advertised as the latest "working" version of the game on the website. Maybe I'm just missing a little clue as to where to customise my controls or something...
                  Follow the masses!
                  30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Stefan H�rtel
                    Maybe I'm just missing a little clue as to where to customise my controls or something...
                    Should work out of the box.

                    This starts to seem like a Freeciv bug to me. Please report it to
                    bug tracker.


                    • #55
                      I'm glad to see that this thread finally found some use for people.
                      "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                      -Kaiser Willhem II


                      • #56
                        It has opened up a most interesting debate!

                        Which is the spice of life!



                        • #57
                          Yeah. This sparked some activity over at the Freeciv community as well. It's pretty clear now that 2.1 won't get much more functionality, as it would upset the release schedule even more (2.1.0-final is a year late already as it is). Nevertheless, I'd still really like to attempt a scenario for 2.1 using the features already in place. Then we'd be in a good position to request more features for 2.2! Will start a separate thread for this...

