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Jan III Sobieski scenario

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  • Got my Battle of Vienna book yesterday, thought it might help things.

    While it unfortunately does not contain pictures of what the Ottoman vassals' troops (such as those of Wallachia or Moldavia) or the troops of Emperor's non-Polish allies look like , it's a good read (I guess) and gave me a lot of information which will be put to good use when I get around to coding the Battle of Vienna events.

    Also, from what I've read it looks like I'll definitely have to have some Hungarian units, both infantry and cavalry. I could use the Haiduk and (non-Polish) Hussar units from fairline's ToT Carolus compilation, but I'm not sure. Any pics of Thököly's Hungarian rebels would be wonderful, as well as pics of the Imperial Hungarian forces of this time. (And should I do separate Imperial and Ottoman/rebel Hungarians, or go the sprite-coloring route? I am not sure.)

    Attached below are some unit pics I made when inspired by the pictures in the book.

    The first guy is an Imperial Dragoon. I decided to do this unit upon reading that the Imperial army did have dragoons (although such a unit seems to have been new for them) and I think I saw a picture of them in a lithograph of the Battle of Párkány. In the bottom right front of the picture there is a number of horseman carrying some sort of weapon held over their shoulders. From the way they are holding these nondescript weapons, and the length of said armaments, I reckoned these troops were dragoons and somewhat modeled them after that. (Basing my model on the dragoons from Casus Belli, that is. ) Also, since the lithograph is black-and-white, I decided to go with the colors of the Austrian infantry (since the dragoons at this time were presumably mounted infantry).

    The second guy is an Imperial Curiasser. This unit is taken from depictions of some Imperial cavalry (I think) from a depiction of the Battle of Pressburg in the Vienna book. Realizing that the guys with the tricorner hats were officers . I decided to look at the incomplete depictions of "enlisted" cuirassers in the reference pics (hey, there were wearing curiasses...) and did some conjectures from there. As you can see, he is largely derived from his TYW predecessor, with modifications to the helmet and the arms.

    The third guy is non other than Kara Mustafa Pasha himself. As can be plainly seen, he's a modification of fairline's Suleiman the Magnificent, and his look is based on a depiction of him outside Vienna in the aforementioned Osprey book. It took a lot of work to rework and remodel the unit, and I think the turban might be a pixed row too high, but still...
    Attached Files
    The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
    2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


    • Stunning mods, especially KMP! This scenario is going to be a visual feast. The last time I was in Wien I visited the Arsenal Museum where they have some of the Ottoman tents captured after the battle. They also have many excellent manikins wearing armour and uniforms of the period.

      Here is a link to the website: Wien Arsenal

      I just had a quick look at the site which is a bit limited but you may be able to find some kind of guide book with illustrations or another site with more photos.


      • In my Vienna book, it appears that Kosice and Sathmar belong to Imperial Hungary, rather than its Ottoman counterpart. So, I decided to place it under Imperial control. The problem is that (on my map at least) it seems isolated from the rest of the Imperial lands - the closest city is Ottoman Budapest. So, I decided to make road to the two cities from Pressburg, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.

        Does anyone know how eastern Imperial Hungary was connected to the rest of the Hapsburg lands?
        Attached Files
        The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
        2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


        • Hi there. GhostOfDisco!

          The cities are coming along nicely - I have the Polish set just about complete!

          What I need from you is the civ colour of each faction, who is the Yellow/Blue/Green civ, etc.

          Cheers in advance!


          • Polish - Red
            Imperial - Yellow
            Ottomans - Green
            Tartars - Light Blue
            Muscovites - "Russian flag" green/drabish
            Brandenberg - Gray
            Swedes - Medium blue/turquoise

            The barbs are black, and since a picture speaks a thousand words...
            Attached Files
            The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
            2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


            • Thanks, Ghost!

              I can recolour the cities now to subtly refelct the civ colour - Nothing drastic, but nice!

              I think a little peek is in order, to let you see how things are going -
              Attached Files


              • Even better than a sneek-peek - Is the finished Polish city set...

                More coming - The city-making machine is now up and running!

                Attached Files


                • This is definitely going to be one of the best looking scenarios so far. Good work CS
                  SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                  SL INFORMATION THREAD


                  • Thanks, Curt!

                    Here's what the cities look like in-game:
                    Attached Files
                    The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                    2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                    • Looking good! - Those cities are crying out for besieging!

                      Working on the Austrian Empire now...!



                      • Comment

                        • Magnificent. The terrain also looks much better. Combined with the colourful units I think this will be a feast for the eyes comparable to Frederick the Great. I can't wait to immerse myself in some seventeenth century warfare!
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                          • Just finished another!

                            Here is the Swede/Brandenberg/Euro city set...
                            Attached Files


                            • Here's some Hungarians I whipped up:

                              I've got two Hussars, both derived from a depiction of a Hungarian hussar circa 1650. The red guy takes his colors from the depiction itself; the other guy derives his color scheme from a Turks vs. Magyars chess set I found while surfing the web. The third guy is a 17th century Hungarian soldier for whom I referenced this pic. He at least dates from 1620 or so, so he's somewhat of the best reference I got.

                              Also, I'm not sure, but I'll probably be using the red guys for Thokoly's rebels/Ottoman Hungarians, and the turquoise for the Imperial equivalent. Maybe.

                              Now if only I could find some Saxon and Franconian infantry pics...
                              Attached Files
                              The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                              2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                              • Also, here's some of the reference pics I've used: Muscovites using helmets and traditional hats interchangeably and Muscovite Hussars!
                                The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                                2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm

