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Calling All Generals!

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  • #16
    Heh! I wish I could add that restriction!

    It is just a little rule that helps the scenario stay within fairness.

    It means that the player cannot rush buy expensive
    or powerful units in far-away non-industrial cities...


    • #17
      Originally posted by EmuGod
      What are the civilizations and which ones are playable?
      All civs are playable, but some are more hard to win with than others.

      Here is how it works out:

      Nation = Difficulty
      USA = Moderate
      USSR = Hard
      British Empire = Moderate
      Third Reich = Moderate
      Japanese Empire = Hard
      Australia = Hard
      Chinese Republic = Hard

      Each power has their own individual challenges to overcome.


      • #18
        Australia ? :O
        Why not commonwealth then.. so maybe Australia can be together with New Zeland and India.. and Britain can retain Canada and South Africa and Gibiltair and islands (Malta, Crete ? Cyprus ? ) around the world..
        but maybe ..the way u did is more equilibrated in asia.
        So.. we Italians.. always with the germans eh ???
        little joy.. that at least the french ll not be there too..


        • #19
          If MPS had provided the ability to add more civs, I would
          be more than happy to include all the major combatants.

          I just have to make do with the 7 civs present!

          I would like to make an Italian and Vichy civ, but
          CIV2 WW2 scenarios are doomed to be exercises
          in compromise - I try to keep it balanced.


          • #20
            Is the scenario for ToT or MGE?


            • #21
              Test of Time, old chap!



              • #22
                First of all, I must apologize that I have absolutely no idea as to exactly how sprites work in TOT. I do know that some scens have a '1' [override .SPR file] in the first field of column 'G' for all units in @UNITS ADVANCED in RULES, others don't. DALEKS has the override for each unit, BITTERFROST doesn't. The same goes for scens by other developers.

                One thing I do know for sure is that DICTATOR VI needs the overrides in order not to try to use some bloody dumb sprites from the main TOT folder.

                Could you please shed some light on this?

                My setup is the usual one that I use for a scen. I play in a DICTATOR VI folder on desktop. The folder contains all downloaded files.
                Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                • #23
                  No sweat!

                  If you move all the files with a 'SPR' extension from the ToT
                  'original' folder and store them somewhere else, the scenario
                  will use the proper units/terrain/city files.

                  As an extra precaution, drop this dummy resource file
                  (courtesy of Catfish) into the dictator six folder...!

                  Hope this helps!

                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Bump to see if anyone wishes to try out the scenario -
                    Posting the links will make life easier for potential testers...

                    Dictator 6


                    All feedback very appreciated!



                    • #25
                      Will try this right away!


                      • #26
                        *Non-generic units can only be built in cities with factories.
                        What are we expected to do about non-generic Grenadiers that are abuilding at the start of the scen in a number of German cities that do not have factories?
                        Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                        Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                        Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                        • #27
                          Good point - I was more thinking of vehicles like Tiger tanks and Me262s...

                          Regard those Grenadiers as garrisons that are still being transferred...

                          (I don't really exepct anyone to obey house rules)

                          Having fun playing the scen is more important.



                          • #28
                            I think I'll try it out, when I get the chance to download it.

                            One comment on the small soldiers... an unconventional idea, but why are all the "later" US soldiers carrying submachine guns. IMHO, there should be 1-2 guys carrying BARs (or the equivalent MG), the officer/leader guy carrying a submachine gun. and the rest carrying rifles.

                            *considers making alternate small soldier graphics when he can*

                            But, if a download of more than once a week isn't required, I think I'll be playing this soon.
                            The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                            2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                            • #29
                              First impression: graphics are superb.
                              The environment of play is very pleasant.

                              I chose the Germans and at the end of June 1940, I conquered the town of Kovno.

                              The civilopedie on the governments seem to have a small problem :
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by GhostOfDisco
                                I think I'll try it out, when I get the chance to download it.

                                One comment on the small soldiers... an unconventional idea, but why are all the "later" US soldiers carrying submachine guns. IMHO, there should be 1-2 guys carrying BARs (or the equivalent MG), the officer/leader guy carrying a submachine gun. and the rest carrying rifles.

                                *considers making alternate small soldier graphics when he can*

                                But, if a download of more than once a week isn't required, I think I'll be playing this soon.
                                Well spotted!

                                Those chaps are US Marines in the screenie, as the GI troops
                                have a mix of rifles and Thompsons MGs, although the officer
                                does have a pistol. That is just for the visuals...

                                Please feel free to edit and make your own variations,
                                I would love to see them! And there is no pressure to
                                test the game if you are busy, take a shot whenever.

                                Attached Files

