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War of the Ring - ROTK(obi)

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  • War of the Ring - ROTK(obi)

    That's my current project.
    This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog

  • #2
    A new project? - Good stuff!

    Especially the Romance of the Three Kingdoms...!


    • #3
      Isn't that ROTK as in Return of the King?
      More info ASAP plx!
      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
      It can only be achieved by understanding"


      • #4
        If it is LOTR done by Koby, it could be very interesting!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Arthedain
          Isn't that ROTK as in Return of the King?
          More info ASAP plx!
          I expect that means it has a scope comparable to the awesome boardgame of the same title.

          I hope, anyway!
          "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


          • #6
            ROTK by flavoured flight had a nice look and but the feel was more of a quest type game like his other two in his LOTR set. It was a nice quick scenario but Helm's Deep and Osgiliath were not even cities in that one. I'll be using some of flavoured flight's graphics but the feel will be more epic, like Harlan's scenario i.e. with many more units. Think Dominion War meets Middle Earth.

            Some key ideas I have in mind:

            You have to research the various events (like Gandalf's Return or Army of the Dead) rather than find trigger units. And the AI's own research will drive their escalation of the War (you know like Witch King or aggression event of Isengard against Men of the West).

            Moria and Shelob's Lair will be the same labyrinth but altered via change terrain in between use. Both will reside in the Sea.

            River Anduin (and maybe River Greyflood to shield the Shire at the beginning) will be ocean tiles but at some time bits will change into a 'landing craft flotilla' terrain at choke points like Cair Andros to allow the Dark forces to move across.

            See my current planing map. Any views? I may end up making Gondor and Rohan bigger, sort of like having a biger Europe in a world map.

            I won't be following the movie I think so Haldir or Eomer for that matter is not coming to the resuce at elm's Deep.
            Last edited by kobayashi; February 27, 2007, 12:41.
            This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


            • #7
              Sounds good

              MGE or ToT?


              • #8
                Originally posted by fairline
                MGE or ToT?
                I guess MGE, otherwise there wouldn't be any need to use the sea for both underground parts
                Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                Discworld Scenario:
                POMARJ Scenario:
                LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                • #9
                  If it was ToT - Those awesome LOTR units of fairline's could be pressed into service!



                  • #10
                    This is a great idea for an epic scenario. Making it a build up type scenario is a good idea.

                    Catfish, on his site, also has a ton of fantasy units that could be used.


                    • #11
                      Being the LOTR geek that I am (especiall a LOTR map geek) there are certain things I could comment on your map, especiall the city selection/placing. But I guess most of it would take away cities, and we all know a scen needs cities. I want to point out sme things though. These are just suggestions, after all, this is YOUR scen. Don't take this as whining/complaining.

                      Lond Daer - ruins during Third Age
                      Edhellond - ruins during Third Age
                      Amon Hen & Amn Lhaw - not cities
                      Rhudaur, not even in Rhudaur
                      Gondolin - Was once a city in Beleriand, not a city during Thrd Age. If you want a city there, maybe rename it Ithilien?
                      Thurbad - Tharbad, though ruins during Third Age
                      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                      It can only be achieved by understanding"


                      • #12
                        If you want to create a multi-level scenario with Test of Time, I would be pleased to help.
                        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Arthedain
                          Being the LOTR geek that I am.... Don't take this as whining/complaining.

                          Lond Daer - ruins during Third Age
                          Edhellond - ruins during Third Age
                          Amon Hen & Amn Lhaw - not cities
                          Rhudaur, not even in Rhudaur
                          Gondolin - Was once a city in Beleriand, not a city during Thrd Age. If you want a city there, maybe rename it Ithilien?
                          Thurbad - Tharbad, though ruins during Third Age
                          Perfectly understand you wanting everything to be accurate...its just a trade off between accuracy and playablilty I guess.

                          Thurbad, Lond Daer, Edhellond - Belegost, Nogrod other examples? I plan to make them with low production as with a few other abandoned cities. They are not going to have shipyards or anything. They are still sites which could be garrisoned or support a village sized population. The most obvious example of this is Osgiliath itself. Thurbad is particularly important to have as it controls the river crossing.

                          Between using the name of an abandoned city or the region's name as the name of the 'civ city', I consider the former to be the lesser evil. (Even though I had no choice but to use the latter in some cases and even the names of tribes when I needed a few more cities, like in the case of the Easterlings)

                          Amon Hen & Amn Lhaw - neither is Henneth Annun of for that matter are Car/Narchost. All are outposts. Same logic as above.

                          Rhudaur -
                          This will be a building site for Dunedein Rangers.

                          Gondolin - My bad, I just put Gondolin there to remind myself to decide where to spawn the eagles. There won't be any city there.

                          p.s. do you have a better name for Mirkwood North? And if you have any ideas where I can position additional cities, please I welcome suggestions.
                          Last edited by kobayashi; February 27, 2007, 22:08.
                          This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


                          • #14
                            The original name of Mirkwood was Greenwood the Great. You might try some variation of that for "Mirkwood north."
                            Lost in America.
                            "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                            "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                            "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                            • #15
                              Amon Hen & Amn Lhaw - neither is Henneth Annun of for that matter are Car/Narchost. All are outposts. Same logic as above.
                              True, but in the books, these two weren't outposts manned by Gondor.

                              Rhudaur -
                              This will be a building site for Dunedein Rangers.
                              Sounds like a good Idea, but if I were you I would make Arthedain (The ruins of Fornost) the buildig space for Rangers, and even Rivendell.

                              It feels more accuratthan Rhudaur (which was mostly inhabitated by trolls in the Trollshaws) and it's closer to the Shire.

                              p.s. do you have a better name for Mirkwood North?
                              Hmm, I have no idea what to name the home of Thranduil (and Legolas) in Northern Mirkwood. In my scen attempt of WOTR a while back I just named it Mirkwood.
                              "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                              It can only be achieved by understanding"

