Originally posted by Nilat
European retaliation on the French owned Frankfurt I think..
Oh by the way, did my second last AS level exam on History today. Went quite ****. Knew everything but ran out of time, how typical of me. Just in case anybody is interested, the questions were about Joseph Chamberlain and British Imperial policy between 1899-1905 (woohoo) and the failure of the Provisional Government in Russia between February 1917 and October (woohoo). Made me think about Belle Epoque in the exam, not healthy
European retaliation on the French owned Frankfurt I think..
Oh by the way, did my second last AS level exam on History today. Went quite ****. Knew everything but ran out of time, how typical of me. Just in case anybody is interested, the questions were about Joseph Chamberlain and British Imperial policy between 1899-1905 (woohoo) and the failure of the Provisional Government in Russia between February 1917 and October (woohoo). Made me think about Belle Epoque in the exam, not healthy

I took a history course last semester to fill up with credits. In the exam I had about the portuguese role in the pacific colonisation. Made me think of all kinds of scenario concepts (not to mention while reading the curriculum during the semester)!
