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The Age of Napoleon PBEM v1.1

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  • Originally posted by Nilat
    European retaliation on the French owned Frankfurt I think..

    Oh by the way, did my second last AS level exam on History today. Went quite ****. Knew everything but ran out of time, how typical of me. Just in case anybody is interested, the questions were about Joseph Chamberlain and British Imperial policy between 1899-1905 (woohoo) and the failure of the Provisional Government in Russia between February 1917 and October (woohoo). Made me think about Belle Epoque in the exam, not healthy

    I took a history course last semester to fill up with credits. In the exam I had about the portuguese role in the pacific colonisation. Made me think of all kinds of scenario concepts (not to mention while reading the curriculum during the semester)!
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


    • Not much to report. Nilat, your last payment is in the 'To Prussia3' CivDip file. Eivind, the 'To USA' CivDip file gives you Haiti. Sergio, the promised units will be in position next turn. Both CivDip files are in this .zip file.
      Attached Files


      • I'm gone until tuesday. And I'll be away from the 16th to sometime in the end of the month. And in the beginning of July, I'll be away for two weeks. I'll try to come back with a more detailed absence plan later.
        Find my civ2 scenarios here

        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


        • Austrian Empire, October 1803

          *Vienna completes a Cotton Mill becoming one of the top producing cities in the World

          *Again the Gibraltar strait closed!
          Attached Files


          • Although Eivind has yet to come back and play the turn, I've been thinking about what action to take to sort out the European blockades in the Mediterranean and the Channel.

            As its hindering the flow of trade, especially that of the Austrian Empire, I am willing to maintain a squadron at Malta to deal solely with clearing the seas of European ships.

            All I ask that no one else blocks any sea routes with ships. If you can't round the straits of Gibraltar without blocking or impeding other traffic, then move the ship out of the way until the next turn when you can get through the straits in one move. This applies to the channel as well.


            • Sounds reasonable.


              • Eivind?


                • The Austrian Empire welcomes the decision of the British Empire to clean the west Mediterranean of blocking Spanish boats, I of course will respect also the British demands to maintain the straits open


                  • I'm back from my vacation and will play shortly (the scen is not installed on this comp).
                    Find my civ2 scenarios here

                    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                    • moving on
                      Attached Files
                      Find my civ2 scenarios here

                      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                      • Trade reaches Europe.

                        His Majesty’s Government declares war upon the Kingdom of Spain. Despite repeated requests to cease acts of piracy in the Mediterranean, the Kingdom of Spain has refused to even enter into negotiations.

                        A squadron under the command of Lord Nelson has arrived off Cape Trafalgar and begun to clear the waters of the Spanish Navy. So far two man of war, two ships of the line and two frigates have been either sunk or captured at the cost of heavy damage to some ships.

                        Attached Files


                        • *Seoul annexed to the Russian Empire
                          Attached Files
                          South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                          Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                          • France, long frustrated with Spanish 'excursions' across the Pyrenees, fully joins Britain in its war against Spain and L'Empereur orders troops to move south.


                            • Britain is glad that France is going to help in clearing the seas of Spanish privateers, but warns that any attempts to expand the French Empire could be met with force. This is a naval war, not a land war.


                              • I will have another absence from Friday (tomorrow) to sometime the week after the coming week. The player that has the most neutral stance, and least potental enemy of the US may play for me, but the best would be to find a new player, as I will have another 3 weeks absence again in August.
                                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

