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SW: Siege of Cydonia

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Sarsstock
    Now I have a question regarding "space based" game maps. Is it preferred for ease of gameplay to have the area of map that represents space be actual land (ie prairie, grassland, desert) or ocean? I ask because as of now my outer space map uses ocean for space and I was wondering if anyone with more experience with space scenario's knew if it would be easier to use a land for space map in the long run instead?
    If you want to include 'carrier' ships for smaller fighters to land on and transport craft for troops you'll have to use sea terrain for space obviously.


    • #77
      Though I was torn initially between making open space a land or sea graphic I think that in the end making space sea will be less problematic, though I appreciate the tips from your own experience with a SW project Torbk.

      As for progress on this brainchild of mine.... well the cursed real world combined with some difficulties in multi-map movement have slowed things down to a crawl somewhat. Not to worry, all the hard work from the likes of Patrick, Gareth, Curt, Agricola and Boco will not have been in vain!

      As soon as worked out the basic mechanics of ground to space to ground movement I'll have more progress updates to report on.


      • #78
        So, how goes it? I'm itching for a good battle and a solid round of SW fun. Any update on the progress? Summer is up and battle season is here


        • #79
          First off thank you for the interest torbk. Sadly I don't know if it will be ready for the summer gaming season (one of the best gaming seasons there is) but rest assured this one is still my highest priority right now.

          However in light of the utter lack of progress made over the past few months I've decided that I have to drop the concept of the outerspace and land multi-map game. Even with the help of two of the most enlightened and veteran multi-map scenario makers around I still can't quite get a hang for the map relations, and in the rare cases where I've been able to get inter-map movement I wasn't happy with the restrictions on the units. So I'm going to be going back to the original concept of a ground based game only since for now that's what I know how to do.

          Having said that every unit Gareth provided will be used actively, even the space based ones and I'm still quite confident it will both look and feel like Star Wars with the help of the right graphics and sound effects.

          Stay tuned.


          • #80
            Alright, for anyone who is still interested or can still remember this one, and believe me I can more than understand if few are or can, this epic project of mine is NOT canceled and is still a work in progress.

            All I can say is that my utter amateurishness when it comes to scenario making really killed progress for a while and I've hat to start over and go back to the drawing board since everything from the map to the events and rules became one big mess.

            Luckily Curt's been a real help in getting me to understand the best process for scenario making so hopefully I'll be able to show everyone who's been kind enough to contribute their work to this project some real results.

            Stay tuned....


            • #81
              Originally posted by Sarsstock

              Stay tuned....
              I am.
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #82
                Yeah, still waiting for this one with baited breath.
                STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                • #83
                  I am still around. I can wait for ever for a project like this.


                  • #84
                    Glad to see the forum's still interested. As per Curt's wise advice I'm currently focusing on making a user friendly tech tree that's challenging but not impossible to work with. After that will come tweaking the game map and city placement. I already have most of the units that I'll need in the game ready, though afew more requests for units might be posted along the way.


                    • #85
                      My offer of any help I can give still stands (I owe you for all those units, flags, and stuff). Good luck.


                      • #86
                        I hope the scenario is still on it's way? Been a long time of silence. I am eager to save the Cydonians from utter destruction and conquest.


                        • #87
                          How is it going, Sarsstock?

                          If you need any help, we are all here!


                          • #88
                            Well Curt I thank you for the offer to help, believe me I will call you up on that offer soon enough. Despite the lack of posting by myself (thank you all for showing interest none the less btw), this project is still going ahead and is in no way being put on any back burner.

                            You see as crazy as the cursed real world normally is, I had been up until recently in the process of putting out a few minor brush fires concerning my very own wedding which happened this past Saturday. Luckily as crazy as things, in about a week from now (after the wedding, the festivities and all the immediate post wedding festivities have concluded wink wink) I shall be back plotting away at this project.

                            I’ve already made many changes to the design on paper that just have to be translated into the events, the map and so on.

                            Stay tuned!


                            • #89
                              As for the changes that I’ve made on paper, due to popular demand (and the fact that the crowd at Poly here seem to sympathize with the bat winged ladies civ) I’ve decided to make a version of the game that’s both playable as the human Cydonian civ and the non-human and long oppressed Skeltrix civ.

                              If anyone is familiar with the computer RPG Knights of the Old Republic, it will be similar in the sense that this will allow the player to peruse two different storylines with their respective different conclusions.

                              I’m also going to re-design the map to better reflect one of the great inspirations for the combat in this game, Red Front by Alex and Captain Nemo (ie the allout war of attrition over a long front stretching from sea to sea. Lastly the tech tree is going to be stream lined considerably, and there will be more options for outside foreign intervention, namely the armed forces of a yet to be named Hutt crimelord.

                              Also there will be both a heroic Jedi and a sinister Dark Sider in this game, playable depending on the civ you choose.

                              Stand by for more announcements.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Sarsstock
                                I had been up until recently in the process of putting out a few minor brush fires concerning my very own wedding which happened this past Saturday.

