Hi. Its been sooo long since I posted on these forums. Anyone remember me?
After several years as something of a gypsy I've recently sent down enough roots that I thought it safe to build a new computer. Since then I've been playing some of newer scenarios out there and I'm completely blown away! Things have really come along way in the last few years. Civilization 2 scenario creation is having a golden age right now and I feel empowered to try to realize my lifelong ambition to make a scenario for civ 2.
This is my work in progress: The Sea Kings
A scenario of trade and piracy set on the wine colored sea of the late bronze age Mediterranean. On a home-cooked giga map(mostly done), the scenario will start after the supposed eruption of Thera circa 1450B.C. and run to the end of the millennium.
The central players will be:
-1 Achaean Confederation: Sackers-of-cities, opportunistic merchants and buccaneers with out equal.
-2 He-ku-ptah(Egypt): Ancient people of the the black land, the beloved of ptah's extensive agriculture supports a huge population and an aggressive militaristic theocracy.
-3 Hatti: Capable diplomats, the Hittite Empire survived the cold steppe of central Anatolia, surrounded by vicious hill tribes and belligerent kings, and grew to be masters of on the the ancient world's greatest empires. Consummate statesmen and master charioteers the Hittites are a people to be reckoned with.
-4 Amurru: Miserly counting their hoarded shekels the shrewd Canaanite traders find themselves sandwiched between the ever growing Egyptian and Hittite colossi. Will they stubbornly protect their lands and trade routes against all transgressors, or will they be forced to choose sides?
-5 Sherdan Sea Peoples: Children of PO-SE-DA-WO-NE, a mottly collection of pirates, mercenaries, and transients; the peoples of the sea were partially responsible for the destruction of the of the great empires of bronze age and the ushering in of the new and miserable age of iron. Their name was whispered in fear first in the sailors dives and fishermen's jetties and later by the great kings and heads of state of the bronze age.
The Libyan tribes:ancient enemies of the pharaohs, come out of the dune seas of the Sahara from their desert citadels and shimmering hidden oasises that no outsider will ever see; crossing the scorched red sands to spread a message of fear to the the sedentary children of ptah.
-6 Arzawa: Hidden away in relatively remote part of western Anatolia the Luwian kingdom of Arzawa was nonetheless and important link between east and west. A member of the Assuwa league they are safe from the baleful gaze of the powerful northern Kashka tribes.
-7 Minor Achaean&Danaan states (tentative): Finding no place for themselves amongst the crowded mainland palace states, these second sons and exiled princes of the bronze-clad Achaeans are eager to compete for the old Keiftu trade routes.
Interesting advantages and liabilities for each player civ, lending themselves to their own particular styles of play.
Deeply researched late Bronze Age atmosphere
Changing military and economic technologies will over time radically change the dynamic of the game. Be prepared.
Pretenders to the throne! If the Great King died whilst away on campaign, a war of succession was usually the result. While not always catastrophic, civil wars will arrest the development of your civilization until you can find a legitimate heir to the throne.
The bronze age sackers-of-cities fought wars not for land or political power, but for booty, pretty slave girls and cattle; the sources of honor! Raiding barbarian villages is critical to fueling the growth of your embryonic empire, but beware, each act of brigandage may hold consequences for the future.
Here are a few tentative screen shots


After several years as something of a gypsy I've recently sent down enough roots that I thought it safe to build a new computer. Since then I've been playing some of newer scenarios out there and I'm completely blown away! Things have really come along way in the last few years. Civilization 2 scenario creation is having a golden age right now and I feel empowered to try to realize my lifelong ambition to make a scenario for civ 2.
This is my work in progress: The Sea Kings
A scenario of trade and piracy set on the wine colored sea of the late bronze age Mediterranean. On a home-cooked giga map(mostly done), the scenario will start after the supposed eruption of Thera circa 1450B.C. and run to the end of the millennium.
The central players will be:
-1 Achaean Confederation: Sackers-of-cities, opportunistic merchants and buccaneers with out equal.
-2 He-ku-ptah(Egypt): Ancient people of the the black land, the beloved of ptah's extensive agriculture supports a huge population and an aggressive militaristic theocracy.
-3 Hatti: Capable diplomats, the Hittite Empire survived the cold steppe of central Anatolia, surrounded by vicious hill tribes and belligerent kings, and grew to be masters of on the the ancient world's greatest empires. Consummate statesmen and master charioteers the Hittites are a people to be reckoned with.
-4 Amurru: Miserly counting their hoarded shekels the shrewd Canaanite traders find themselves sandwiched between the ever growing Egyptian and Hittite colossi. Will they stubbornly protect their lands and trade routes against all transgressors, or will they be forced to choose sides?
-5 Sherdan Sea Peoples: Children of PO-SE-DA-WO-NE, a mottly collection of pirates, mercenaries, and transients; the peoples of the sea were partially responsible for the destruction of the of the great empires of bronze age and the ushering in of the new and miserable age of iron. Their name was whispered in fear first in the sailors dives and fishermen's jetties and later by the great kings and heads of state of the bronze age.
The Libyan tribes:ancient enemies of the pharaohs, come out of the dune seas of the Sahara from their desert citadels and shimmering hidden oasises that no outsider will ever see; crossing the scorched red sands to spread a message of fear to the the sedentary children of ptah.
-6 Arzawa: Hidden away in relatively remote part of western Anatolia the Luwian kingdom of Arzawa was nonetheless and important link between east and west. A member of the Assuwa league they are safe from the baleful gaze of the powerful northern Kashka tribes.
-7 Minor Achaean&Danaan states (tentative): Finding no place for themselves amongst the crowded mainland palace states, these second sons and exiled princes of the bronze-clad Achaeans are eager to compete for the old Keiftu trade routes.
Interesting advantages and liabilities for each player civ, lending themselves to their own particular styles of play.
Deeply researched late Bronze Age atmosphere
Changing military and economic technologies will over time radically change the dynamic of the game. Be prepared.
Pretenders to the throne! If the Great King died whilst away on campaign, a war of succession was usually the result. While not always catastrophic, civil wars will arrest the development of your civilization until you can find a legitimate heir to the throne.
The bronze age sackers-of-cities fought wars not for land or political power, but for booty, pretty slave girls and cattle; the sources of honor! Raiding barbarian villages is critical to fueling the growth of your embryonic empire, but beware, each act of brigandage may hold consequences for the future.
Here are a few tentative screen shots
