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US Civil War 2012 - Scenario Idea/Discussion

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  • #16
    Cheers man, this sounds interesting. Best wishes to finish soon!
    - I'd like to play on a large (giga) map, lots of dteail and space between cities. Somebody did an amazing Japan/Samuri game on a large map, and I thought it really worked.
    - story does seem a bit campy. You only get a couple of lines on your title page, and maybe a few event boxes to tell your story, and those should be sparse (my opinion). I recommend a scandal in the election; both parties claim fraud and refuse to back down, could be strong enough to add some believability to the plot.
    - Some zero attack protestors in the early game? for 2012 special weapons I'd go with whatevers hot on TV or movies right now. small vials, body armor, etc.
    - Canada and Mexico should definitely be in. Especially Mexico.
    Ants. An MGE scenario


    • #17
      Originally posted by biru biru
      You only get a couple of lines on your title page,
      Try using a list box to extend the title page lines.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        I've got most of the unit graphics, just need the Chinese amphibious vehicle I requested in the Modern Unit Graphics thread, a Stryker for the Commonwealth Mech Inf unit, Hugo Chavez, and a few other units.

        As for terrain graphics, right now I'm using a lot of La Belle Epoque (graphics upgrade) terrain graphics (Is that OK?) - they're beautiful, but I wonder if there's a terrain set that better fits Curt Sibling's city graphics pack. (There probably is.)

        Attached to this post is my latest attempt at city placement. The US and Mexico are all done (somewhat), though Canada is not complete. The map is essentially the B-Dawn map one will find in Apolyton's archive of Civ 2 maps, with the bottom "oceaned" to simulate travel from one "coast" (i.e. East Coast or West Coast) to another (either via the Panama Canal or around Tierra del Fuego). I put mountains above the "canal," on which will, in the final game, be stationed State Troopers owned by the "Neutral" civilization, a "civ" which cannot be negotiated with, and will be allied to all sides (How do you do that? I've tried doing the "NEGOTIATION" thing in EVENTS, but as the Neutrals I've been able to engage in diplomatic relations even with these events in place. Or is it just me?)

        Anyway, I'd like feedback on my city placement (I've dones reasonably well, especially in the eastern side where river and coastal references are frequent, but I'm not so sure about the Midwest, where I seemed to forget which tributary of the Mississippi was which.)
        Attached Files
        Last edited by GhostOfDisco; December 8, 2006, 09:26.
        The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
        2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


        • #19
          So ... anyone want to give me some feedback on my city placement?
          The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
          2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


          • #20
            Did you update to MGE?


            • #21
              Yes, I did, but given that I'm playing Civ II on a Virtual PC on a Mac... it's not perfect. FW seems to work better, so that's what the save game is. Not sure if the scenario will be MGE or FW, but given that FW scenarios do just fine in MGE, MGE players should be able to play it. Right now I need to know if I need to any adjustments on city placement.

              Also, what should I do about roads? Should the roads there be RRs (ensuring unlimited movement) or roads, for limited movement?

              On a thrid note, I'm not sure what to do for technologies, if any. I think I might force the player to research Battleship to create more BBs, to depict the fact that the old tools needed to make such vessels are gone (the two BBs being held in reserve in RL will be in the game - whether it'll be both for the Union or one for each side remains to be decided), and maybe Meixco and Canada will need to research Carriers to build such things. I dunno. Advice on such matters would be welcome.
              The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
              2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


              • #22
                Well I can't load the file. I don't know if there's a version confliction.

                As for roads I would use just that, roads. Railways offer unlimted movement which can make a game too easy. Then again some limited railways might be good.

                I think a tech tree based around rebuilding lost industrial power might be a good decision. Make the player research in order to build more improvements. Use techs to depict getting contracts with the defense industry allowing a player to build more units. Use the techs in conjunction with the event file.


                • #23
                  European Union supporting Chinese interests?

                  **** off...
                  "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                  -Kaiser Willhem II


                  • #24
                    Actually, it's more French, "Red" Chinese, and Chavez's Venezuela supporting "Blue State"/"Democratic Party" interests, all for varying and different reasons. Hey, politics can make for some strange bedfellows, as most of you probably know.

                    True, in my current graphics pac I've got a Eurofighter unit which might have a split EU/Commonwealth (Commonwealth of North America - the secessionist government set up by the "blue" states - not the British Commonwealth) shield - well, that's because a)I need a European equivalent to the F-22 for the eastern portion of the blue states b)I couldn't find a French equivalent and c)the only guy to fly both the Typhoon and the F-22 says they can't be compared, they're so different, giving me a plausible excuse to make them eqivalent in my scenario. But no, the EU is not giving its support to the Commonwealth- maybe Germany's giving the first Euroifhgters to the CNA, or maybe the CNA's buying Eurofighters and hiring percs to pilot them or something - I dunno. Does anybody know of any "future fighter" France may be whipping up by 2012? (As in the eqivalent to the F-22)

                    That reminds me... I think I'll need to post on the "Modern Unit Graphics" soon.

                    Couldn't load the game, Harry? Don't know why? I might make and MGE version of the game and upload it, just to be safe.
                    The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                    2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                    • #25
                      What version of CIV2 is the save intended for, GhostOfDisco?

                      Don't know about bunching the Euros in with the bad guys?

                      You know the French are actually fighting alongside the US on various flashpoints just now?



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by GhostOfDisco
                        Does anybody know of any "future fighter" France may be whipping up by 2012? (As in the eqivalent to the F-22)
                        That would be the Dassault Rafale, which is currently entering service with the French Air Force and Navy. In terms of capability it's aparently slightly inferior to the Eurofighter, though its a much more attractive aircraft to look at See:
                        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by curtsibling
                          You know the French are actually fighting alongside the US on various flashpoints just now?
                          But that was now. This is 2012. :P

                          As for the equipment, I was thinking that maybe the Commonwealth could get some equipment from Russia, as it seems their arms manufacturing companies are selling top-of-the-line stuff to everyone but Russia (who can't afford it). So then the Commonwealth could use Black Eagle tanks for their armor and top-line Russian fighters (like, say, the Su-47) for their jets. The problem is that I need the Commonwealth to have an equivlaent to the F-22 at the beginning of the scenario, when they have no home-grown military. There is the Rafale, but that seems more in line with the F-16 and other "jet fighter" aircraft. I could have the Su-47 as the F-22 equivalent, and claim that the CNA hired mercenaries to pilot their jets - but then, do merc fighter pilots seem plausible in this day and age? Though I've heard that Yahya Khan had mercenaries fly his warplanes back when he was president of Pakistan...

                          (I've wondered about giving the Commonwealth the F-23 as their "native" stealth fighter, though that would require another unit slot. Perhaps if I got rid of the non-AEGIS cruiser...)

                          Been doing some graphic tweaking, and while the majority of the terrain graphics is from La Belle Epoque (great graphics, Elvind ) I've taken some graphics from a few other sources, and made new Gold and Iron terrain pics (though I might have to modify them)

                          Using curtsibling's GFX pad, I made a little village graphic, though on rough, rough playtesting I'm not so sure that I'll want villages in my scenario (I though they could be remote small towns and such who would send soldiers for your cause, give you techs and stuff or turn out to be terrorist sleeper cells. But, there are so many and the mercs they create don't seem all that plausible - CNA Strykers, Mirages and Gurkha mercenaries. Didn't know there were that many unemployed Stryker crews, French fighter units and Gurhkas in the continental USA.

                          I'll upload the village pic, as well as an MGE version of the city placement, the next time I can upload stuff.
                          The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                          2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                          • #28
                            Fixing which mercenaries you can get off villages is just a matter of tech and unit slots, so it's easily fixed.
                            Indifference is Bliss


                            • #29

                              Here's a MGE savegame with the city placement (USA and Mexico are all done, though Canada needs some work). Hope it works.
                              The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                              2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by GhostOfDisco
                                Here's a MGE savegame with the city placement (USA and Mexico are all done, though Canada needs some work). Hope it works.

                                Hmmm, here are some edits I think you should make for city placement.

                                Detroit 109,43
                                Baton Rouge 91,101

                                It's Ottawa, not Ottowa

                                It's Tallahassee, not Talahasse.

                                Consider adding Jacksonville, FL

                                Don't forget Canada's grainbelt cities (Winnipeg, Calgary, etc), maybe a possible Bermuda, and of course London (between Detroit and Buffalo).

                                Also, I would eliminate the swampland around the Great Lakes. We have regular old forests last time I checked.

                                Besides those few changes I think the map is great. Good job.

