Cheers man, this sounds interesting. Best wishes to finish soon!
- I'd like to play on a large (giga) map, lots of dteail and space between cities. Somebody did an amazing Japan/Samuri game on a large map, and I thought it really worked.
- story does seem a bit campy. You only get a couple of lines on your title page, and maybe a few event boxes to tell your story, and those should be sparse (my opinion). I recommend a scandal in the election; both parties claim fraud and refuse to back down, could be strong enough to add some believability to the plot.
- Some zero attack protestors in the early game? for 2012 special weapons I'd go with whatevers hot on TV or movies right now. small vials, body armor, etc.
- Canada and Mexico should definitely be in. Especially Mexico.
- I'd like to play on a large (giga) map, lots of dteail and space between cities. Somebody did an amazing Japan/Samuri game on a large map, and I thought it really worked.
- story does seem a bit campy. You only get a couple of lines on your title page, and maybe a few event boxes to tell your story, and those should be sparse (my opinion). I recommend a scandal in the election; both parties claim fraud and refuse to back down, could be strong enough to add some believability to the plot.
- Some zero attack protestors in the early game? for 2012 special weapons I'd go with whatevers hot on TV or movies right now. small vials, body armor, etc.
- Canada and Mexico should definitely be in. Especially Mexico.