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American War of Independence - Creation Thread

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  • #31
    I´ve a problem with the rules-file.
    I will give the indians a little special tech-tree.

    In the civilize2 row i pointed the tech for the indians with the number one to put them in one group like this one.

    1 ; U1
    1 ; U2
    1 ; U3
    1 ; X1
    1 ; X2
    1 ; X3
    1 ; X4

    After that, i changed the leaders2 row for the indians. I changed every zero into a two, without the second zero from left.

    This is the row for the Indians from the leaders2

    20222222 ;Sioux, Sioux,

    With the other nations i changed the second zero into a two.

    02000000 ;Americans, American,
    02000000 ;English, English,
    02000000 ;French, French,

    Now only the indians should research the technologies. But it doesn´t work. Every Civ can research the techs.
    What did i wrong?

    If someone could help me, it would be very great.

    I can make special tech trees like in MGE but i won´t to do so. It´s too difficult, i think the possibilities of TOT are more better.
    American War of Independence
    A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


    • #32
      The first of your uits are ready - I've posted them in the ancient/pre-steam gfx thread:


      • #33
        Originally posted by civ2units
        I´ve a problem with the rules-file.
        This guide may help: .

        In it Catfish states:

        2. The data from @LEADERS2 are indeed stored in the .sav/.scn file (although they are not embedded in the events section at the end of the file). For the hex-editors amongst us, the offsets for the @LEADERS2 data are: 29728 to 29895 (version 1.1 only). That's 168 bytes (21 tribes x 8 groups x 1 rules).
        If you need to change any @LEADERS2 settings in your .sav/.scn file, you have two methods at your disposal: you can use the EnableTechnology event or alternatively, whip out your hex-editor (see point 2, above).
        El Aurens v2 Beta!


        • #34

          Thank you for your tip, i´ve made my different tech-trees with my old style like in MGE. There i´ve used the nil/no command for enable some techs from the main civs.

          It´s working fine now on my scenario but i will have a look at this guide. It should be also work on my files i think i did only some stupid mistakes...
          American War of Independence
          A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


          • #35
            Hello to all,

            i think it´s time to let you know, how many things are done for my scenario.

            I´ve made a complete new tech-tree, not so large like the original one. Because it´s a war scenario i think there haven´t been so many techs.

            All Terrain graphics are done, also the Improvements.
            I´m now working on the units (attack/defense settings, etc),
            after that i will make the events.

            While i´m working on the rules file, i noticed, that i only have the german files.
            Is it possible to change the labels, rules, game files with my MGE files? These are in english.
            I don´t know how good you all understand german, so i will make a complete english scenario.
            American War of Independence
            A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


            • #36
              Maybe someone could help me.

              I have a little problem with the sound files. In the original game, the cannon sound is fire.wav, oldcannons.wav and largexpl.wav.

              What have i to do that these three sound files also works in my scenario? Is there a special entry in the rules file?
              American War of Independence
              A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


              • #37
                If the cannon is in the usual unit slot, just put the WAVs into the sounds folder
                and leave the line for the cannon in the @SOUNDS section of rules at the default.



                • #38
                  Thanks Curt.

                  it works now. Only two artillery units are not in the cannon slots. But with the oldcannon.wav the sound works ok.
                  American War of Independence
                  A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                  • #39
                    Here is the first set of cities for civ2units...
                    These are intended for the British and Americans.

                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      Here is a zip with the bmp version...
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        I am thinking the Americans/British/French/Dutch should
                        share that same 'colonial' visual style for their cities.

                        The only anomaly I can envision is the Spanish civ,
                        which could use a more 'Mexican' visual city style...?

                        What do you think, civ2units?



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by curtsibling
                          I am thinking the Americans/British/French/Dutch should
                          share that same 'colonial' visual style for their cities.

                          The only anomaly I can envision is the Spanish civ,
                          which could use a more 'Mexican' visual city style...?

                          What do you think, civ2units?

                          Thanks for the great city-style, Curt. They looks fantastic.

                          I agree with you, i can use this style for all european nations.
                          Only for the spanish i would prefer like you wrote a "Mexican" style.

                          For the Indians i thought about some Tents and Tipis.
                          For the pirates a more dirty city style...
                          American War of Independence
                          A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                          • #43
                            There are some great wigwam cities already around, they are in Harry Tuttle's Gold Gulch scenario
                            (a real classic BTW) and I'll get the Mex/Pirate styles made up soon, with the people to match...

                            BTW - What people are for each era on the file...

                            Will it be Indians=Ancient, Spanish=Medieval, Pirates=Industrial, Euros=Modern or whatever...?



                            • #44
                              The eras are Europeans - Ancient
                              Americans - Renaissance
                              Indians - Industrial
                              Pirates - Modern

                              The indian citie style from Harry Tuttle looks great.
                              BTW Harry, may i use them for my scenario?
                              American War of Independence
                              A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                              • #45
                                After some playtest with the British and Americans the scenario is nearly ready.
                                Here are one screenshot i´ve made during the game:

                                Cornwallis attacks New York

                                I´m working now on the text files, override the descriptions for the wonders, etc...

                                Nearly all events are ready. One question I have:
                                Is it possible to give one nation a special tech in, for example, turn 24?

                                This one doesn´t work,


                                Maybe someone could help me...
                                American War of Independence
                                A Divided Nation - US Civilwar

