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Colonialism PBEM (for EVO immigrants)

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  • #91
    The Habsburg Empire reaches it's 200th unit!

    Btw, has any of you gotten any slaves lately?
    Attached Files
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


    • #92
      not in a loooong time


      • #93
        Originally posted by Lord rebel
        not in a loooong time
        yep, it´s true.
        they are random event created units, right?
        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


        • #94
          not in looong time, too. rare.

          anyways, Alejandro, you are the first to play in the round, you have to see a message when a slave is created. when was the last time you got one?


          • #95
            Moved a few ships and other units around. Discovered Feudalism (I thought I would have had that in William I's day back in 1086).
            Attached Files


            • #96
              Originally posted by Patine
              Discovered Feudalism (I thought I would have had that in William I's day back in 1086).
              Attached Files
              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


              • #97
                Big problem, it seems that we can’t build any more cities!!! When I was going to found Goteborg I simply couldn’t, and now I realize it must be because we reached the maximum allowable number of cities (must be around the 250), stupid that I didn’t thought of that before. Dam, my future colonization plans ruined, just when I was going to settle in Australia. This is a major problem for this scenario; we can’t colonize in a Colonialism game! I don’t know if this can be solved if so I like to replay since I sent my settlers way back now. If not then I guess we have no other choice than to grow with what we already have. Mierda, it will be less fun from now on, still so many places to colonize…stupid game

                Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Anno Domini 1568

                *Trondheim captured! 1 Veteran Royal Artillery lost
                Attached Files


                • #98
                  Damint, this ruins some plans for me as well...

                  256 cities is the max allowed. The game won't allow more cities. It sucks but that's how it works, no way to go around it. It's been a problem of min in all scenarios I've made, that you can't create as many as you want. What are you going to do, you know? that's just how it is...
                  Find my civ2 scenarios here

                  Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                  • #99
                    damnit... well, it´s pretty obvious that this will change the tide of a game. from now on, if you want to expand your territories, you´ll have to conquer them, right?

                    i see war in the near future...
                    South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                    Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                    • DOUBLE POST
                      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                      • Eivind, finished your exams??? so that i finish my rest?



                        • Yes.
                          Find my civ2 scenarios here

                          Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                          • Bump Dario!
                            Find my civ2 scenarios here

                            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                            • re:

                              Victory Conditions:

                              #2: Technological: First one to reach Industrial Revolution Tech (Future Technology)
                              1568, Le grand empire. Industrial Revolution

                              Lot of strategical movements, colonies founded, trading, building improvements, hard work,finally gave as result, the victory of the french empire by getting the last tech.

                              Dario I, King of France

                              "We have accomplished our mission as frenchmen, catholics and western we are..... our nation has the best and profitable trading routes... we have colonies all around the world.... we don't have riots.... we have the largest empire.... we have the best ships... we have the best defense... we have the best weapons..... and we are a very peace-loving nation. nobody has an alliance against us, nobody hates us, nobody fears us, and that is the consequence of our null diplomacy and not any single bullet fired upon nooone!!. we have the best government, and we have the biggest amount of cities. we founded the last city 256 in this world.....
                              a pitty that we didn't discover america but we will discover the atomic bomb early in 1700...... "

                              Afther this speech, the king went to sleep. now France will face a new era.... the industrial revolution will change drastically the empire. but that's another story.

                              Attached Files


                              • Is that that, then? Eivind, you're the author. Has he actually won?

