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problems with a scenario

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  • problems with a scenario

    Hi folks,

    Finally i found a great WW2 scenario within MPG. Sadly, if playing the germans, and standing far in the russian lands, they can use a damn spy and buy and complete army (or city) from me. Sorry, but thats total unrealistic. I never heard a functional army would led brib itself. Anyhow the cheat function in this scenario is disabled.

    I really wished to -
    a.) enable the cheat function again
    b.) change the units in the programm. Is it possible to remove the spy unit from the programm? The scenario would be so perfect then.

    I have no clue of programming. Please help if you can!


  • #2
    Well, gungnir, if you were so kind to identify that scenario someone might be able to help you out with some advice or so ...


    • #3
      Re: problems with a scenario

      Originally posted by Gungnir1349
      a.) enable the cheat function again
      - Open the scenario's Game.txt file in WordPad
      - Search for: @REALLYCHEAT

      You should see something like this:
      If you enable cheat mode, this will be recorded in your game score.
      Do you really want to enable cheat mode?
      [b]... etc.[/b]
      In all likelihood, the dialog box text was changed to say you can't use the cheat mode, and the "Yes" line is missing. Change it to look like the above, save the file, and you can enable cheat mode again.

      b.) change the units in the programm. Is it possible to remove the spy unit from the programm? The scenario would be so perfect then.

      - Open the scenario's Rules.txt in WordPad
      - Search for the name of the Spy unit.
      You should see a line looking something like this:
      Spy,          nil, 0,  3.,0,  0a,3d,  1h,1f,  3,0,  6, Esp, 000000000000011
      Change whatever text you find in the position of Esp in the above line to no. In this case, that would change it to this:
      Spy,          nil, 0,  3.,0,  0a,3d,  1h,1f,  3,0,  6, no, 000000000000011
      Save the file and play without the spy. Spies existing at the start of the scenario, if any, will still be there, however.

      I have no clue of programming. Please help if you can!

      Don't hesitate to ask if I wasn't clear enough (or if it isn't working or it broke something else).
      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


      • #4
        very good !

        all worked fine as you adviced!
        As i see now you have knowledge, there are two more
        things that could be improved.

        1. I only hate spys for bribing. Is it possible to program them
        that they can do their normal actions (spying, terror etc) but not bribing?

        2. the guy who installed this scenario liked "scorched earth".
        so this means there are no engineers in this scenario. This has the good point that there is no city building all the time. But i'd like to built some roads though. So again, is it possible to create engineers who can built roads and so but no cities?

        thanks a lot for your help!!


        • #5
          1. No
          2. No

          We all want those functions, but it's not possible.
          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
          It can only be achieved by understanding"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gungnir1349
            1. I only hate spys for bribing. Is it possible to program them
            that they can do their normal actions (spying, terror etc) but not bribing?
            Yes, you can edit one of the scenario's text files (I can't remember which one - game.txt perhaps?) so that the human player doesn't have access to these options when using spies. The AI will still be able to access all the options though.
            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


            • #7
              one more thing

              Hi again,

              The scenario has a strange time counting system. There are no years or month. The only thing you can read are week 1,2,.....

              This means you always have to calculate to know in which year or month you are. I think this is bad too. So at the moment every turn is a week.

              How can i change it to month or year ? So best would be
              4 turns a month or so.

              greets and thanks


              • #8
                You can't have 4 turns a month. Civ2 can only have turns counted in years or months. The scenario creator changed the "A.D." to "week" to make it count weeks. It's the best he could do.

                You'll just have to try and play the scenario without knowing exactly what date it is. A scenario can never be perfectly historically accurate. Unless you're trying to perfectly time your actions with what historically happened, it doesn't matter anyway.

                Hmmm, actually... I think there's a way to make it take 4 turns per month. You still wouldn't get the year, nor will you get the name of the month, but rather the number of the month. That's easier to interpret than number of the week though.

                Let's see... Open the scenario's Labels.txt. Search for "Jan". You'll see the abbreviations for the 12 months.
                Change "Jan" to "day 1 of month", "Apr" to "day 9 of month", "Jul" to "day 16 of month" and "Oct" to "day 24 of month".

                Now set the scenario's starting year to 10, and the turn year increment to -3.

                You should now be going through the months in 4 turns:
                day 1 of month 1
                day 9 of month 1
                day 16 of month 1
                day 24 of month 1
                day 1 of month 2
                day 9 of month 2

                You have to be careful with the length of the month label or it could overlap other stuff. The above already nearly overlaps the science beaker. But you can of course change the labels to other things. I suppose you get the idea.

                It's probably not what you had in mind, but it's the only way to do it. You'll have to decide whether you think this is an improvement over the week numbers or not.
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #9
                  For Beach Assault I used the days of the week, with Saturday and Sunday defined as the "weekend".

