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Extermination Is Here!

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  • Extermination Is Here!

    My little xmas treat to you all!


    I should make clear this is NOT the Dalek Tyranny scenario,
    but a specially-made mini battle game just for the holidays!

    So, while you are waiting for your roast turkey and dinner,
    why not kill some Daleks? The perfect way to spend xmas!

    Actually, the Daleks will likely end up roasting you for dinner!

    The plot:
    A Dalek Saucer has landed outside your UNIT base.
    You are Colonel Bateman, charged with the last defence
    of the area. You must hold out for as long as possibe in
    a deadly battlefield against the merciless Daleks!

    Well - Here is the beta...Enjoy!!!

    Scen Files
    Sounds 1
    Sounds 2

    The usual CIV2 installation rules apply.
    Make sure your TOT copy is patched to 1.1 standard.
    Unpack into an 'Extermination' folder and a 'Sound' folder within that...

    Here are some game notes...

    * ONLY play as the UNIT faction.

    * Artillery/Missile units should only be moved between Firezones (airbases).

    * New units can be bought if you have the Command Points.

    * The battle lasts fifty turns...But you might be dead long before that!

    * Use ATGs and APCs to tackle the Daleks head on!

    * Colonel Bateman is your hero unit...Don't waste him!

    * Best of luck....Humankind is relying on you!

    Last edited by curtsibling; February 5, 2007, 14:58.

  • #2


    • #3
      Harr. Just the thing I was waiting for, thanks a lot, Mr C


      • #4
        Just in time for the Doctor Who Christmas premiere on the BBC tonight eh Curt? Though sadly the Canadian premiere isn't until tommorow night here on the 26th. At least they won't be a week behind like they were in Eccleston's debut season.

        A strange phenomenon has taken place though, the new terrain, cities, and all the other graphics have loaded into gameplay as they should except for the units file. For some reason, no matter what I do the units are always defaulting to the original ToT default units. I've disabled the animated units option, I've even tried replacing the default ToT units with the "Extermination" units, and nothing will work. Can anyone think of a solution to this problem? I'm sure in the last several years someone has come across this little bug once or twice and knows the solution.

        I look forward to enjoying this in the new year though Curt once she's up and running .



        • #5
          I have a solution...!

          What to do is to create a 'backup' folder in your 'original' folder in the main ToT directory.

          Cut and paste all files called Unit.spr (00 to 99) into the backup folder...

          That should fix the problem.

          Because the scenario is built from the 'Original' folder content,
          The ToT program always tries to refer to the spr files in that folder...

          Moving the spr files into another folder makes ToT use the scen's unit.bmp file instead.

          Hope this helps!

          The xmas special was quite a riot...!
          Tennant has pretty much nailed the character.


          • #6
            Well that theory made perfect sense, but for some strange reason making a backup and deleting the ".spr" files did nothing. I'm sure there is a simple solution out there, though I can't understand why this doesn't happen with Dictator, Brown Mans Burden, or Bitterfrost. I've tried moving the Dalek unit file into Dictator and the units show up in the Dictator scenario okay..... its only in the "Extermination" game folder that they don't show up in. Also, oddly enough, I copied the Dictator ToT ".scn" file into the Extermination folder and all the files loaded properly. Could there be some kind of issue with the Extermination ".scn" file itself in this case on my machine I wonder?

            In any case thanks for making the introduction scenario for us to play over the day's respective turkey dinner. It might also serve as to give a good sense of the Dalek's nature for those not familiar with the Doctor Who series.


            • #7
              Sarsstock, Have you moved the 'static'.spr' file to the backup folder too?

              That might make a difference...I hope!



              • #8
                Curt, there's a real easy way to get around the bug. In @UNITS_ADVANCED, enter a 1 for the spr overrride for all units.
                ; G) General flags
                ;   10000000  override .SPR file for this unit:	    1 - don't use .SPR  
                Makes the units move faster, too.

                And Thanks!
                El Aurens v2 Beta!


                • #9
                  Cheers, Boco!

                  Methinks I will do that...!



                  • #10
                    On Boco's advice, I have created an upgraded rules file
                    for anyone with similar SPR problems to Sarsstock....
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Ha ha!! Now its working my friends!! Many thanks once again Curt for making this little conflict scenario thanks to you Boco for that rules tip, and I hope you've both had a Merry Christmas.


                      • #12
                        Cheers, man!
                        And I hope you too had a good day.

                        I am glad that rules edit worked out for ya!

                        PSMake sure you all have the latest version zip from Evolution!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by curtsibling
                          I have a solution...! (...)
                          You might want to have a look at Catfish's guide Curt:

                          IMHO, scenario players shouldn't be inconvenienced worrying about sprites or having to change their installation. Especially when they don't have to!

                          Well, Boco's tip helped there, but you can probably use Catfish's guide for future reference.
                          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                          • #14
                            I'll check that tip out...

                            Cheers, Merc!



                            • #15
                              I was debating about mentioning Catfish's static.spr, but decided to apply the KISS principle. One less file to worry about.

                              It could be that better solution is to use Merc's SpriteGen, but I haven't checked to see whether you have any trigger units or such, for which you want to hide health bars.

                              Sprites actually move slightly slower on my machine than units from the bmp. Is that also true for Catfish's dummy sprites?
                              El Aurens v2 Beta!

