png preview of the aircraft - use the file in the zip below if you don't want crappy dark versions
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Spanish Civil War v.3
Useable bmp versions:Attached Files
Originally posted by Alex Woehr
I have it converted. The only issue with it is that the labels.txt is not compatible with ToT and causes it to crash. I can look into trying to convert labels into the ToT format, but right now I am swamped with RL stuff, so it will have to wait until after December 15.
Good job!!
wow guys, please go for it!
I'm very happy that my scen is still being played and enjoyed. It was my first 'serious' scenario ever, and IMHO the best one. I remember I needed about 9 months of research and developement to release the first version, with those old nemo graphics and small bugs
Version 3 still needs some improvements to make it more accuratte and playable. I'm still a very devoted student of the SCW period (in the last 3 months I have purchased 9 books about this subject to add to my huge collection) and some possible modifications come to my mind:
a) add 'airport' city improvements to the cities of Melilla, Tetuán and Sevilla only, to simulate the famous 'Straits airlift'. Right now troops can be airlifted to many other cities in a very inaccurate way. Decrease the number of troop transports because most troops were lifted by air
b) re-balance city garrisons. There are too many troops capable of offensive operations in mainland Spain. The only units capable of waging war in those days were the African troops of the Moroccan protectorate. The rest of the army was only prepared for 'internal affairs' -> anti-revolters...etc. Their equipment and tactics were very obsolete. So the number of motorised infantry, armored vehicles and regular infantry should be decreased.
b) Air reinforcements. There should be a way to make early plane reinforcements obsolete when modern planes are researched. For instance Nationalist Spain should no longer receive He-51 aircraft if they start to receive Bf-109 fighters...
c) Unit slots: There are a few useless unit slots which could be put in better use (rubble...etc).
d) I'd like to increase the international activity, and the way it affects to both sides to receive international reinforcements. Remember that the Soviets had to abandon the Mediterranean route (Odessa-Barcelona/Valencia/Cartagena) due to the Italian submarine activity, and send supplies from Murmansk...taking more time to arrive to the Republican ports, and often sunk by U-boats and nationalist aircraft. I still don't know how to implement this in Civ2.
e ) Naval units: Some naval units are misplaced. the 'Mendez Núñez' class old light cruiser should be created. And the Admiral Scheer German pocket battleship should receive an accurate unit graphic (it looks like a bismarck right now). The Canarias and Baleares heavy cruisers should be generated via events, since they were under construction at the start of the civil war, and right now they are available in the 2nd turn.
Unfortunately, I retired myself from the civ2 world due to lack of time and interest. I also lack of the skills required for improving the scenario in order to reach such a high level of historical accuracy. You guys have my permission to convert this scenario to ToT and improve it in any way you want
If any of you need historical advice or feedback, please contact me at:
@sarsstock: thanks for giving me the link to this thread!!
@all : Thanks for the interest! I'm doing fine, but I am a very busy person now. I finished my computer programming studies in June, and I started working for a consulting company in July as a software developer. I enjoy my job, because I do what I like, but it's a lot of work and hours...
Ok, take care everyone!
Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself, Pablo! As you know this scenario was inspiration for my Weserübung scenario. Always liekd this one. I think it will do good in TOT as well!
I think a couple of those issues could be resolved with Test of Time events, eg. ending deliveries of obsolete aircraft or allowing German/Italian interference with Soviet military aid.
Alex, can you save me the ToT files?
I might take a look at version 4 of this scenario trying to improve the points in my post from last December. I'd really like to reach a decent level of realism and playability. The scenario is okay, but could be much better
We'll see, those days I'm very interested again in Civ2 and have been playing it while I was sick at home. I haven't posted here in ages...
Welome back! Would you consider working on an upgrade in Test of Time? I'd be happy to help. BTW, I have a converted version if you want it.
It's just that I am too familiar with MGE and the older versions...I have ToT (thanks to steph aka jim panse) but I'm not used to it and I find it too diferent and a bit confusing. Plus I use my 256 color gif palletes to do the color changes I need, I don' know how well I would draw using more colors than those.
My main objective is to revise many events (I might split the scenario in several phases if I don't have enough events room), change a few useless units for some new ones and revise all city garrisons. Including more wonders and its description in the pedia.txt would be nice. Plus a nice graphical update to 2006 fairline standards would also be a good idea
I will keep you updated!