Ok, I need a refresher. How do I stop negotiations between one civ and another? I did the "no negotiation" between the Tribal Civ and the Romans and vice versa. Each command had "human or computer" in it, yet the tribal civ keeps wanting to talk and divulge its secret civ specific techs. What am I doing wrong?
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"No Negotiation"
It should work like this:
Code:@IF Negotiation talker=Romans talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Tribal Civ listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF
Make sure you've got the civ names spelled correctly. You said "human or computer". Does that mean you put spaces in there? Because there shouldn't be any spaces. Capitalization doesn't matter, but spacing does.
Is your "tribal civ" the barbarians? Have you renamed them properly? Oh wait, you used the editor, so presumably they're not barbarians.
Oh, and, what happens if you actually put in an action after the @THEN. Say, a text message. Just to see if the thing triggers.
And another, completely unrelated "oh", in your sig you say SL's Wikipedia page. That should be Wiki page. Wikipedia is a specific case of wiki. It's the name of the online encyclopedia that uses the wiki "technology".