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The Solar Revolution

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  • #31
    Indeed. There isn't much willingness to form a free-trade area throughout America until the US realizes it will need to make a lot of concessions.

    In any case, the original purpose of this post was to report that the Argentine president is currently in Venezuela, and apparently Chavez (the Venezuelan president) has said that he intends to begin talks so that Venezuela joins the Mercosur.
    Indifference is Bliss


    • #32
      I know there's been a delay in response, but I had a temporary lapse in inspiration for several days (during which my Civ 2 work centered on revising EotRS further - I think I'm close to done that). However, I now have some new ideas to run by the community. First, there's been a lot of focus in this thread on what little countries will be part of which player, and who'll trade with whom, based on current events. I don't mean to be abrupt, but this scen is 95 years in the future and the focus is the Lunar and Martian Revolutions and Earth and the Solar Dragon Mining Corp's reactions to them. Plus, I'm trying to keep the most workable minimum of Earth cities possible, so many Earth nations won't be represented with a city in the end. Sorry, but it has to be said before things get bogged down. Now, back to business. Now, I ideally plan a different 'feel' for each of the four main Earth powers and the SD Corp in terms of their colonial style. The US is an imperialistic and capitalistic entity intent on holding prime territory at great cost, with most colonists being from moneyed backgrounds looking for profit, but dominated by a mass media infrastructure sattellite transmitted from Earth to pacify its colonists (they may get a unique pacifying Wonder or improvement). The EU is a bit more liberal and not as aggressive, but certainly not a pushover; they use colonies mainly to extract resources and eleviate overpopulation. The Triple Alliance have many small makeshift colonies designed to increase and maintain their political, economic, and military presence, but conditions aren't the best, and there are frequently problems in these settlements; however, the Alliance is quite aggressive in expanding. The Middle Powers vary from state-of-the-art Japanese or Canadian stations which are quite comfortable to a crowded and undermaintained South African one. And, finally, the Solar Dragon Mining Corp has well-developed and comfortable colonies with colonists judged and treated on their productivity; the corp decides all policies, including the colonists' rights and priveleges. The revolutionaries begin with a few colonies who've broken away from each. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions/criticisms on that?


      • #33
        Well its good to see your well along with the initial pre-production planning for this project. I also like the back story on the cultural differences between the playable civ's.

        My only concern is that 95 years may not quite be enough time in the future to have allowed the rise of this "Solar Dragon Mining Corp" and the wide spread colonization of botht the Lunar and the Martian surfaces.

        Still, I know what I like and I like this idea .


        • #34
          Aside from the generic shared vehicles that will be featured, do you have a rough idea what the civ's own infantry units might look like in terms of helmets, colours and weaponry?


          • #35
            On the matter of civ-specific infantry, I'm uncertain as to appearance. However, except for Solar Drop Troops, infantry (and mosts units actually) will be map-specific, which may mean each of the main Earth blocs has an infantry for each map, the the SD Mining Corp one for each non-terrestrial map, and the two revolutionary factions just for their respective map. Ones off Earth should be in protective life support gear; on Earth, likely much like troops in certain near-future Hollywood films. For the Triple Alliance, though, I imagine one type of infantry for each of the three main members on Earth, but a unified infantry unit for each off-Earth map. As a rule, orbital troops should have black suits, Lunar troops greyish-white ones, and Martian troops reddish-brown ones, as a rule, whereas Earth uniforms should be extrapolated from modern ideals, with a futuristic edge. As for whether 95 years will be enough time for this scen's beginning, I'll have to consider that carefully. Any suggestions?


            • #36
              Well, I'd suggest that a solider of the future operating in extreme hostile enviroments might dress like something crossed between a Storm Trooper's uniform and the uniform from a trooper from HALO. I'm sure the basics of a futuristic soldier's attire will include some sort of state of the art visor that doubles as a computer interface, as well as drastically improved body armor.


              • #37
                Will these be useful?
                Attached Files
                I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                • #38
                  I know I haven't posted in a little while, but I've been a bit busy. I agree with your general image of non-Earth troopers, Chris, though specifics would vary by map and civ, I think. As for Earth troops, I imagine similar to modern infantry, but with berets instead of helmets, a tactical analysis computer visor worn like sunglasses, a dressed down version of a contemporary uniform, and a gun like those in the 'Alien' movies. Beret and uniform colors would vary by nation. Orbital station infantry would look, I imagine, kind of like those Earth Alliance security guys from 'Babylon 5' (they're meant to be indoors on a station). The Orbital Drop Troops, who I've mentioned, come late on the tech tree, have native teleport to all four maps, and can paradrop within a given map (not to mention better stats than any other infantry). They I see as having sinister, steel-grey power armor and a big gun. If anyone can help me with these, I'd be most appreciative. Then I can move on to vehicles.

                  @Erika: Some of those flying things may make good shuttles for the orbital map or Lunar aircraft. We'll have to see.


                  • #39
                    Well I completely with your outlook on the role and functions of infantry in a conflict such as this one, I also like your general description of the Orbital Drop Troops.

                    I remember in the MARS scenario that came included on the MGE expansion disc a blue stylish biplane and a very elegant futuristic sail boat. Do you think such vehicles might have a place in this game?


                    • #40
                      (I'll try not to get this thread OT this time ...)

                      One exam down, two to go. Until then-

                      1) Find the most recent edition of Popular Science. The cover article: "Tomorrow's Robot Army: Inside the Pentagon's Plans for a Soldier-Free Battlefield." Details plans to field droid transports, mobile hospitals, tanks and walkers by 2032.

                      2) Doing research for a paper, found a series of articles on megalopolises. Boshington extends from Boston to DC, including New York City and Philadelphia. ChiPitts includes Pittsburgh, Detroit and Chicago. SanSan includes San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, and (controversially) Reno, Las Vegas, Tijuana, and Phoenix. Others: Ruhr Valley, Johannesburg/Pretoria, the "wider Keihansin zone" of Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto.

                      After my, final.. I'll post the collection of units I've found that seem to match what you've asked for.
                      Last edited by Timor_Leste; December 12, 2005, 19:28.
                      My Cepha scenario
                      The Solar Revolution
                      Soon-to-be-updated collection of Civ2 artists' signatures. If you know one that's not listed, feel free to drop me a PM.


                      • #41
                        Cool idea!

                        I just recently got TOT, so I am fresh from playing the original sci-fi scenario.

                        I found it a bit cumbersome to have to explore such a large orbit map after finally getting off of the terran map. In reality, there may be plenty of places to plop things around the earth, I don't know; for playability though I would recommend limiting orbit to a narrow strip with impassible terrain. This could be the geosynchronous orbit, the strip of space around the equator where sattelites (and stations) in orbit maintain a constant location over a specific point on the earth. Private and government claims to this rare and valuable territory are already heated. In game, tranport ships that can pass impassible terrain can reach orbiting stations from anywhere, but "launch pad" or teleport space would be rare and valuable, giving the Morcusor, Atlantean platform, etc, a unique advantage.

                        Events and techs could in part be based on developments in international space law, in addition to technology developments?
                        Ants. An MGE scenario


                        • #42

                          Mind if I take a shot at those units? No promises, unfortunately. My Civ output and quality has been miserable lately so I may or may not be able to deliever satisfactory results in time, hope that's not a bother.

                          And while we're on the subject of Halo...
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            On the contrary, I think that above posted green trooper might be just what Patrick was looking for. The open helmet would make him a good fit for a terrestrial trooper.
                            Last edited by Sarsstock; December 13, 2005, 00:35.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Sarsstock
                              On the contrary, I think that above posted green trooper might be just what Patrick was looking for. The open helmet would make him a good fit for a terrestrial trooper.
                              Quite. I was thinking perhaps Master Chief could be used as a generic trooper- I'm sure Bungie Studios wouldn't mind.

                              As for nation-specific infantry, I must confess that I am stumped. Apart from the US Army's Objective Force Warrior, few other countries have programmes for developing the soldier of the future- outside of the UK's FIST, France's FASIN, and Germany's IdZ- there is little inkling of what they may look like. At this point I'm open to suggestions.
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                @Timor_Leste: I'll try to find that issue and have a look at it. Thanks!

                                @biru biru: That's certainly a possibility. It would cut four maps to three and make orbit more strategically valuable. I'll certainly consider it.

                                @typhoon: Those troopers are great! I'd like to see a few more in those mold, if you could.

                                @Sarsstock: They may well be what I'm looking for for terrestrial troops.

