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The Solar Revolution

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  • The Solar Revolution

    I've come to a definite stalemate involving setting up 'Rise of the Third Reich,' and I need some new inspirations anyways before proceeding on that one, so I'm going to leave it aside for now. Work on revising 'Empire of the Rising Sun' progresses, but it's mostly rote work so, seeing how I've just resolved an old obligation and have some more free time on my hands, I thought I'd start a new project, one that took full advantage of ToT's multimapping capacity. Here it is.

    It is 15 to 20 years in the future (maybe more). Orbital statons are quite common, and there are colonies on the Moon and Mars. There are four maps: Earth, Earth's Orbit, the Moon, and Mars. There are seven players available: the Great Powers: an expanded US, including annexed, sattelite, and occupied nations (such as Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea, Taiwan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Liberia); the EU, somewhat distanced from, but not initially hostile to, the US; the 'Triple Alliance', made up of Russia, China, and India, and including 'sponsored states' (such as North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Iran, Belarus, and Zimbabwe); and the 'Junior Giant,' Brazil; all four have colonies on the Moon and Mars, as well as orbital colonies and bases. There is also the Solar Dragon Mining Corporation, a ruthless independent megacorp that runs it's own Lunar and Martian colonies as a private nation, complete with its own currency and military. And finally, there are the Lunar and Martian independence movements (seperate civ's; hence the scen name), and they seek liberty, self-determination, a better way of life, and all that rot for their respective globes. The remaining nations on Earth are barbs and thus largely irrelevant.

    I'm just in the formative state here; if anyone has any comments or ideas, please let me know.

  • #2
    Sounds like a fun idea!
    Soemtimes a new project gets the juices running to complete the older ones!

    Firstly, remember to make all the maps the same size, as this is the rule with ToT...

    Another thing to remember, is that while you have four maps, the amount of
    buildable cities is still at the same limit. So, this means that you will
    have to be careful about the map sizes and to leave enough cities for space
    expansion. I would use a smaller Earth map and make all cosmic maps the
    same size...

    This map might be good for Earth...!
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Speaking of ToT, can't you download it and pay $10.00 for it? If so, can someone provide me with the link? Thanks.
      Virginia Tech Hokies--->GO HOKIES!!!


      • #4
        Thanks for the map! And, thanks for the warning on cities (though I think I've heard it before). I do have Moon and Mars maps already; I'm not sure they're the same size as this Earth map, though. Does anyone perchance have appropriate units to such an era/epoch? As I've stated, my graphics skills are restricted largely to inserting and moving around shields and fixing limited damage I myself do. Also, does anyone have any thoughts or criticisms on my choice of factions? Any comments are appreciated!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Broken Hawk
          Speaking of ToT, can't you download it and pay $10.00 for it? If so, can someone provide me with the link? Thanks.
          Create a powerful civilization that will thrive and dominate the world in Civilization 2! Download a free trial, read about the game, and view user reviews.

          Looks like its $14.95 now. Money well spent!


          • #6
            Well I'm just glad that its available still. For a while I was affraid that the game would be forever cast into the rhelm of the 99 cent bin at the back of the local game shop.

            Are Fantastic World and Multi-player Gold Edition avaiable on this or similar sites?


            • #7
              Originally posted by fairline

              Create a powerful civilization that will thrive and dominate the world in Civilization 2! Download a free trial, read about the game, and view user reviews.

              Looks like its $14.95 now. Money well spent!
              Thanks. Got it. Everyone seems to think so much of it, I had to get it. Now, where can I download some recommended scenarios?
              Virginia Tech Hokies--->GO HOKIES!!!


              • #8
                Do you have any preliminary ideas for units so far? I suppose they would be close to being in line with modern day land air and sea units, but are there any exotic sci fi ideas you have up your sleve?


                • #9
                  Well, the Earth-bound units are pretty straight forward, as you've guessed. Units off-planet included suited-up infantry and engineers, tracked Lunar and Martian rovers (though armed and manned, unlike today's), grav planes, high atmosphere missiles, Martian watershed skimmers (naval units for Mars), and, for the Orbit map, orbital spacecraft. As well, robotic units crossed my mind. Any help with any of these would be greatly appreciated!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Broken Hawk

                    Thanks. Got it. Everyone seems to think so much of it, I had to get it. Now, where can I download some recommended scenarios?
                    Catfish's Cave:

                    Tecumseh's ToT Site:
                    How to Make a Website with free web hosting services & cheap web hosting for ecommerce & small business hosting. Create & Make a Free Website with Affordable web hosting provider free website promotion tools & web stats. Free Website Builder, Templates, & Best Free Web Hosting. How to Create a Website

                    The Cradle of Civ:

                    Totally classic sites, and don't forget:

                    Some useful hints for modding!



                    • #11
                      Given part of this scen's theme will be Earth powers (as well as the Solar Dragon Mining Corp) retaining their power against the Revolutionaries on the Moon and Mars, I've decided that, other than a single unit type with native teleport ability that appears late in the game, the Transporter improvement (called the Space Dock) will be the only viable way to transport what units can exist on multiple maps between them. Lunar and Martian resources will be high shield and trade, compared with the somewhat depleted Earth, and thus be worth fighting over, but Earth resources (and terrain in general) will be higher in food. What I'd like to know is how best to make a grand war on Earth take a back seat to colonial conflict, but not make it impossible. Any ideas?


                      • #12
                        You might want to replace Brazil by the Mercosur, to include Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay (And maybe Chile and/or Bolivia as well) to balance it out a bit more.
                        Indifference is Bliss


                        • #13
                          That may be a good idea, actually. BTW, what does 'Mercosur' mean?


                          • #14
                            On another note, I'm thinking, on Steph's advice, of bumping up the starting year to 2100. That way, I can have a post-petroleum, fusion-powered age with much development on the Moon, on Mars, and in orbit already. Thus, I'll likely have to rethink 'client,' 'occupied,' 'annexed,' and 'sponsored' states for the Earth-based factions. As well, I'll likely have 'wasted' terrain on the Earth map, to indicate the sites of heavy chemical, biological, and nuclear conflict during the course of the 21st Century (also helps to spare Earth city slots that could be used for the colonies).


                            • #15
                              As for graphics, I do need a good selection of units for each of the maps. I'm imagining advanced mech inf, armor, artillery, aircraft, missiles, amphibious landers, and naval units (basically with a futuristic flair, but functionally the same roles) for the Earth map, with low-grade militia for the neutrals and maybe some units being civ-specific. For orbit, mostly spacecraft (essentially naval units) and orbital station security forces. The Moon would have armored and armed rovers, space-suited infantry, near perpetual flight aircraft (given the Moon's low-gravity), and high trajectory artillery. Mars would have similar to the Moon, but with definite range on aircraft, though bore-headed, tracked drilling rigs used militarily, skimmers (naval units for the canals and watersheds), and maybe 'walkers.' There would be both a seperate engineer and trade unit for each of Earth and Moon/Mars. And, finally, late in the game, the Orbital Drop Troops, who can exist on all maps and have native teleport abilities. Any help with graphics is both humbly requested and will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

