Well I think Typhoon has gotten the infantry ball rolling with those troopers there. Coupled with Curt's recently posted city construct graphic which is sure to provide some great futuristic city styles, I'd say this project is off to a good initial start.
No announcement yet.
The Solar Revolution
Typhoon, those troopers are great!
@Patine: Regarding what Biru Biru said, I would suggest using the 5 Lagrangian points for the stationary positions. What's interesting is they aren't all immediately around the equator, but are scattered around. They each have their own advantages. This book gives a good rundown of which ones are good for different situations. It's also good for describing the potential/likely technological path of weapons, at least here in the US. In the seven years since its been published, its predicted some of the methods used in the "war on terrorism" (ie armed UAVs).
Well I thought I'd drop by and deposit this little "Ode to the MGE expansion disk Mars scenario"....... the Blue Scout Biplane. Despite the fact that there would be plenty of satelites with amazing surveilance ability in orbit of Mars in this timeline, I'm sure low level scout aircraft would still have a roll in tracking enemy movements and transporting light supplies.
Ingame screenshots!
Well, anyway, here's the maps.Attached Files
I happened across some other magazines about future military technologies:
1) November 1999 issue of Popular Mechanics; "Fighting Ships of the 21st Century- Radical Trimaran Hull Skims The Waves At Speeds That Will Revolutionize Warfare"
2) February 2001, Popular Mechanics; "Hot Rod Tank- Army's New High-Speed LAV Sheds The Treads To Fight 21st Century Battles"
3) June 2004, Popular Science; "Defense 2020- The Pentagon's Weapons of the Future: Spears from Space, Superfast Torpedoes, Kinetic Missiles and Jet-Based Lasers"Last edited by Timor_Leste; January 23, 2006, 18:20.
Patine, these are the units I promised a bit ago...Attached FilesLast edited by Timor_Leste; January 23, 2006, 18:14.
This thread's been dormant for a while, as I focused on a few other things. But, I think (hope) EotRS is almost done, my tripartite idea for RotTR is running into a few snags I need to resolve, so I'm taking a bit of a break from that one, and the Mideast2 revision is also almost done. I had a few new inspirations for this Solar Revolution one, as well. First, I had ideas for what many (though not all) of the city improvements will be, but I do need some good ideas for WoW's (including a lot of things left to be built). I've also considered the idea of orbital space and may do orbital facilities as city improvements and even the odd Wonder (though that doesn't satisfy my desire for the potential of orbital combat). I've also considered what to do about terrain resources, as, in a fusion-powered world, a lot of 'energy' resources (like oil or uranium) are largely obsolete (the poor Gulf emirates!). Also, I've been considering how to make the Minor Nations (barbs) attackable without the AI putting such emphasis on it. Any suggestions? BTW, those units last posted are a very good start, Timor_Leste and typhoon. Thanks! Looking forward to any ideas (or graphics) anyone may have.
Originally posted by Patine
Timor_Leste, your post wasn't very clear on how I would apply that link info to a world map. I've left a terrain slot free just in case I go with that, but could you explain your idea in clearer terms?
Biru Biru had suggested using geosychronous orbit to navigate between worlds, and I provided an alternate idea of using the Earth-Luna Lagrangian points. Each binary body system has regions within which craft can sit within having to use fuel to maintain their position relative to the two bodies (ideal for space stations). Each region has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most critical Lpoint in the Earth-Luna system is the one on the far side of the Moon. The book mentioned that, if a state based weapons to strike Earth on the far side of the Moon, controlling this Lpoint would be important, either to destroy the launch facility or protect from such an attack.
Thanks for the bump, TL! Though I'm not actively working on this scen, I do plan to finish it someday. In fact, I just had a new inspiration I might as well share before it drops off again. I figure when I figure out a way to implement TL's system to work Earth's orbit as part of the Earth map, I could free up a map for the Asteroid Belt. There, you wouldn't have many units allowed to be built on it, but a form of Freight (in the enhanced trade freight slot) could be built to ship rare metals to the other maps. The 'common' freight elsewhere would fill the caravan slot. Is this a feasable idea, or is it doomed to fail?