Those units look stellar, Chris! And this Seven Year's War cache obviously can be easily modified to ToT standards, but we may need a few more units (like native and Ottoman units, ships, Saxons, Spaniards, etc.). I'm also sure you (Chris) can do some reduxes on those flags and cities, but those graphics in the cache should make a good model. I also still like that map!
No announcement yet.
The Seven Years War
Will you be releasing your 'Empire of the Rising Sun', which a number of people contributed a great deal towards, before starting on this next project?
I can personally vouch for Patrick in saying that EOTRS is the first priority on all his Civ II project lists right now. This is something that won't be given serious attention until after EOTRS's release.
So no worries to all those who contributed to EOTRS, it is comming I assure you.Last edited by Sarsstock; August 5, 2005, 21:42.
Originally posted by Patine
Have no fear, Chris is absolutely right. This is a speculative, not active, project. My current active work is going to EotRS, and everyone's help with it will not go to waste.I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!
In the zip posted at Tech's "what's missing" thread, I posted some cities.
Attatched below is an American Continental and a Hanovarian Musketeer, both updates of units Eivind provided from his similar project. Out of curisoity Eivind when did you attempt your "Seven Years War" project. Also, were the Continentals suppose to be included in the "Seven Years War" unitset and not a "Revolutionary War" unitset Eivind?Last edited by Sarsstock; August 14, 2005, 17:48.
I think you are confusing the American War of Independance with the Seven Years War. The latter was 1756-63, twenty years before the US existed
While I'm carping, Britain had no lancer regiments until the 19th Century.
That was my thought too Gareth and I am well aware of the difference in timelines between the Seven Years War and the American Revolutionary War. However for the sake of being true to Eivind's unitset I sought to update each and every one he provided including the continental who likely may not have been born at the time of the Revolutionary War.
In any case I'm sure the continental could find a home in any number of projects out there. But predated Continentals and Lancers aside, what is your opinion of the rest of the units if I may ask as all are based on units of yours?Last edited by Sarsstock; August 14, 2005, 17:54.