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Dictator Tot - Out Now!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by curtsibling
    Good show!

    Taking the entirity of Eurasia may be a real challenge though!

    In general, I have found the Brits to be a lot tougher than the Russians. I'm not looking forward to invading India (which I will do once I mop up the Caucasian/Caspian area). The English have been throwing 6-10 Mosquitoes/Typhoons at me each turn from S. Africa and about the same amount from India.

    So yes, all of Asia may be tough. Will keep you posted.
    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


    • #47
      Good luck and give them hell!


      • #48
        @ curtsibling

        I more or less halted my game (Germany, Deity) at the end of Dec '44 when 10 isolated cities in the Pacific and 3 west African cities were all that remained to be conquered.

        As for what worked for me, the following list of the most numerous units in Dec '44 gives a pretty good idea of what I considered worth building.

        Engineers - 121
        Wespes - 306
        FW-190 - 163
        Stukas - 197
        He-111 - 73
        Tiger II's - 97

        The Wespes were for attacking and Tiger II's for defence. I found the cost effectiveness of Stukas to be a very pleasant surprise.

        The scenario played very well. Here's an approximate time line.

        Dec '40 - British Isles captured.

        Aug '41 - Mediterranean becomes German lake.

        March '42 - Middle East captured.
        April '42 - Capture of Padang (Hoover Dam) begins operations in SE Asia.

        March '43 - US invaded.
        May '43 - India captured.
        Nov '43 - First Chinese cities taken.

        Jan '44 - Finally hold all of the US east of the Mississippi.
        March '44 - Barbarossa begins.
        June '44 - German forces cross Urals to take Tomsk. Australia invaded.
        Aug '44 - Continental US captured at last.
        Sept '44 - South Africa and east coast of Africa in German hands.
        Oct '44 - Excepting 2 Russian cities in eastern Siberia, Germany holds all of continental Asia.
        Dec '44 - Australia and Japanese home islands captured. Task forces steaming towards remaining hostile cities.

        I'm afraid that I only have a disgustingly short list of comments, none of them very important:

        Minor points: Can't build shipyard in Casablanca. There should be a road between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

        Minor nuisance: I didn't like the icon for industrialized (mined) trrain because it is impossible to tell whether there is a road or RR present. I changed it to a small industrial plant with a bright red, highly visible roof. They look like little toadstools perched on hilltops.

        Toughest opponent: The US, by a large margin. It took a long time and a lot of destroyed Wespes to capture it. If the performance of Flying Fortresses had lived up to their name, it would have been a real bloodbath.

        Most fun: With Barbarossa delayed until '44 there was lots of time to systematically reduce the Soviet bomber force by using Luftwaffe units to trap bombers so they could not return to base. Very satisfying to watch 35 of them run out of fuel.

        Least fun: Trying to ferry ~60 fighters from European Russia to the Far East at 4 bloody squares per turn. Only some bombers managed to arrive in time to do any good. Bummer.

        Law of Unintended Consequences: The 4 US freighters which magically appear every turn have an interesting effect on the US economy. Although a few German destroyers and/or subs have no problem in regularly deep-sixing them, the consequent loss of 800 shekels every turn keeps the US poor as a churchmouse.

        It is a very enjoyable scen, with no house rules to hamper players. I liked it enough to spend over a month playing it. Good effort!
        Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

        Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
        Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


        • #49
          i no longer see this!
          thanks techumseh!
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Broken_Erika; August 29, 2005, 00:07.
          I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
          Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
          Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


          • #50
            Stop whimpering and get the patch!
            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



            • #51
              Chuffed that you enjoyed it, tech!

              I am humbled to get a thumbs-up from a great designer like yourself...

              Although I was sure that I had got rif of those spawning sea transports for the USA....
              I will save your comments and add them to the 'to-do' list for the patch I am working on...

              I just have a few Daleks to deal with first!


              • #52
                OK, some semi-random observations (again, I played as the Germans on the Marshal level):

                The Half-Track costs as much as the Paratrooper unit, while being much less useful, IMO.

                The "Commonwealth" still exists as a player in the game, despite the real-world Commonwealth nations having been subsumed into the UK and US player. Belgrade, Casablanca, et al shouldn't really be called "Commonwealth".

                The movement rates in the Civilopedia are not accurate (I gather this is a frequently occurring bug).

                I have run across many tiles, including ocean tiles, which are not stackable. Is this intended?

                PzKw III and PzKwIV are the same cost. Perhaps the IV should cost more, or the the III should be obsoleted once the IV can be built?

                I've noticed that the British, Russians, and Germans can all build the P-47. Is this intended?

                Zeroes seem awfully weak on defence... I suppose that may be intended to reflect their lack of armour plating when facing fighters, but they really do horribly when scrambling against Chinese bombers, which is probably unrealistic. Then again, that's probably the only reason Japan didn't finish off China until 1945, in my game.

                I am sort of stymied now - the Russians are finished, the Brits are down to a few cities in India and Australia. I can't make the Japanese attack me (I suspect I need to take Washington to do that). But I've enjoyed the scenario
                "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                • #53
                  I will look into those few bugs you mentioned, STYOM!

                  I plan to release a patch that fixes a lot of smaller issues, and adds some new city art.



                  • #54
                    I have looked into the rules and only the USA civ can build the P-47 Thunderbolt.

                    The '@UNITS_ADVANCED' section in the rules determines who can build what.

                    And the P-47 is set for the USA only.

                    *The Halftrack and Armour car provides defence for your otherwise vulnerable tanks and men.
                    *The para units are half the cost of the half-tracks, but fill a more interdictory, city-nabbing role...
                    *The unstackable tiles are an unfortunate side-effect of the stack utility, I think.

                    *The 'Commonwealth' is just a coverall name for those nations who exist as lunch for the main players.

                    Other changes:
                    *I have made the PzKpfw III cheaper.
                    *I have given the Zero and Hein a more defence power.



                    • #55
                      Just encountered a MAJOR problem/bug in my game. I am playing as the Soviets. Nazis just got Barbarossa, so I was expecting them to attack. But, they never did! I revealed the whole map, and the British engineer is nowhere to be found. I am assuming that all locations were occupied by AI Nazi units when the event triggered. I am assuming this would mean the engineer would not be created, thus no Barbarossa. Given the AI's tendency to wander about aimlessly with its units, I am surprised nobody has encountered this problem yet. Curt, is there a technical reason you need the engineer unit to trigger the event? It seems like my problem might be a common one. I am suspecting most playtesters are playing as the Nazis. Anyone??


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Kugelregen
                        Just encountered a MAJOR problem/bug in my game. I am playing as the Soviets. Nazis just got Barbarossa, so I was expecting them to attack. But, they never did! I revealed the whole map, and the British engineer is nowhere to be found. I am assuming that all locations were occupied by AI Nazi units when the event triggered. I am assuming this would mean the engineer would not be created, thus no Barbarossa. Given the AI's tendency to wander about aimlessly with its units, I am surprised nobody has encountered this problem yet. Curt, is there a technical reason you need the engineer unit to trigger the event? It seems like my problem might be a common one. I am suspecting most playtesters are playing as the Nazis. Anyone??
                        It can happen!
                        That situation only happened to me about once in all my playtests.
                        This is a limitation of the CIV2 events, but I have a solution.

                        1)- Leave the game.
                        2)- Unzip this delevents file into your Dictator folder,
                        3)- Drag your sav file onto the delevents file.
                        4)- You'll see a DOS window for a moment.
                        5)- Reload your game.
                        6)- It will rerun whatever events that have triggered so far.
                        7)- Hopefully the Brit engineer will be there, kill it!
                        8)- Enjoy beating up the Commies.

                        Attached Files

