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Star Wars scenario... no, seriously!

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  • I would agree to keep any SW scenario 'pure' and containing just canon material from the movies.


    • Well, I can't do that. I've already included Thrawn from the excellent Timothy Zahn novels, and Zaarin from the excellent TIE Fighter PC game. Both very worthwhile inclusions and, in my opinion, are actually "more Star Wars than Star Wars" (especially after I saw what dredge Lucas himself was capable of with Jar Jar-sodding-Binks).

      That having been said, I would like to include something as a tribute to Kevin J. Anderson, who in my honest opinion is something of an assclown hack. I'm sure he's very comfortable living off the royalties of his no-talent pissant trilogy "Star Wars: Jedi Academy" - I'd like to put a bee under his (frenular) bonnet and stir things up a little.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • As an old TIE-Fighter game fan, I can accept the use of Admirals Thrawn (Sir!) and Zaarin...(accursed traitor that he is!)


        • I know it may be late in this stage of development, but all this talk of the Grand Admiral himself inspired me to take a shot at everyones favorite Chiss. He's a modification from Gareth's excellent Grand Moff Tarkin unit posted afew months back. I can't even count the number of Star Wars fans that say the Thrawn trilogy SHOULD have been the trilogy made following the original trilogy of films.
          Attached Files


          • Thanks for the pic, sarsstock! There's still plenty of time for us to get other units into the game too. I have the unique units for the bad guys, but I don't have any units for the good guys. I'm thinking maybe we should put in a unique unit for Leia, Mon Mothma, and maybe Admiral Ackbar too. Do you know anybody who could do that?

            I would attach a picture of the units bmp but it's too large so we'll have to wait until I've done the scenario

            I do have one question, though. There's a file called Improvements.bmp which has (understandably) pictures of the improvements. But I don't know what part of the game uses these pictures at all. I change them and they don't change the crummy lo-resolution picture of the improvement in Civiliopedia. Anybody know why I should bother changing Improvements.bmp?
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • IIRC, they should appear on the civilopedia, but on that particular improvement's page (ie, not on the improvement list)

              Indifference is Bliss


              • Originally posted by Sarsstock
                I know it may be late in this stage of development, but all this talk of the Grand Admiral himself inspired me to take a shot at everyones favorite Chiss. He's a modification from Gareth's excellent Grand Moff Tarkin unit posted afew months back. I can't even count the number of Star Wars fans that say the Thrawn trilogy SHOULD have been the trilogy made following the original trilogy of films.
                Cool unit!

                Brings back fond memories of partrolling the Outer Sectors!



                • To answer your question Alinestra about units for Leia, Mon Mothma and our favorite Mon Calimari admiral, I'd recomend sending a request straight to the source of the Thrawn unit I modified, which would be Gareth of course.

                  He's been pretty active with unit making lately, maybe he'd considering chruning out afew more Star Wars themed units for a worthy project.


                  • He's already made a Leia unit. Maybe she doesn't look the way Alinestra wants though?
                    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                    It can only be achieved by understanding"


                    • I was under the impression based on the inclusion of Grand Admiral Thrawn that the Leia unit Alinestra was looking for might be a more post "Episode VI" Leia than the classic "Episode IV" Leia on hand.

                      Specifically what did you imagine this Leia's atire looking like?


                      • I actually haven't seen the Leia unit. I'm not picky - any one will do. Is it in this thread?

                        Maybe I need to get a clue some day.
                        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                        • Couldn't attach the whole compilation of Fairline's SW units, but here goes:
                          Attached Files
                          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                          It can only be achieved by understanding"


                          • That's going into the scenario

                            One final question is about the lower-right unit square in the units.bmp file. That's the unit that I should put for barbarian leaders, right?

                            If so, then is it true that the players should never be able to build that unit?
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • Lower right is the unbuildable barb, but barbs also use other slots of course.


                              • Is it like regualr Civ2 in which the unit is actually a diplomat with altered graphics, or is it a different unit altogether in ToT?
                                Indifference is Bliss

