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BATTLEFIELD GETTYSBURG - Preview & Creation Discussion Thread

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  • #91
    You have made very good use of those elements -

    About the cape as a clothing item? - Damn right!

    One look at Phil Foglio's Baron Wulfenbach character confirms the total coolness of the cape!


    • #92
      Well whenever the cape comes back into fashion you can bet I'll be riding the crest of that wave! Top hat and all too!! And a cane while I'm at it!!!

      In any case here's the last of the Union General units requested by Steph. I hope they're to your liking my good man. I'm curious, aside from the units how far along are you in terms of progress? I mean with events, terrain, rules and such.
      Attached Files


      • #93
        I'm curious Steph, the mere fact that these units exist means that they can be destroyed correct? What exactly will be the effect of say the Confederates loosing Hill, Longstreet or dare I say..... Lee himself?


        • #94
          First of all, let me thank you for those wonderful generals, Chris! Top-noth stuff

          Well, I have not thought about that - yet. Maybe it will just add some more flavour to the scen? Any ideas though?


          • #95
            What are you guys going to do for artillery on the battlefield? Will there be "changeterrain" barrages every so often?


            • #96
              It would certainly be nice to be able to trigger some sort of morale loss and or boost as a result of the enemy loosing a commanding officer. However, in using the Civ II engine I'm not sure how you could simulate morale loss for one side and a morale boost for the other.

              Other than deriving some sort of point scoring system like Case had with "Cruel Sea", where you'd get points for taking vital area's and destroying enemy units, I can't think of any such way.


              • #97
                Also, to comment on Harry's question, is there a way in ToT to change the terrain where a heavy barrage took place? If so then that would take the game up a notch in terms of realism!


                • #98
                  @ Harry: That´s a bladdy fine idea, sir. I think it shall be a bit tricky to simulate that ... we shall see

                  @ Chris: That´s a mighty fine reminder about Case´s Cruel Sea scenario


                  • #99
                    Well since "changeterrain" destroys any units or cities where it happens a barrage could be simulated. You could probably just make a set of random events with "changeterrain" as the trigger.

                    Or heck, you could the human player control the barrage through the clever use the "killunit" event. An "artillery command" unit could randomly pop up at a predetermined place. Kill the "artillery command" unit and a change terrain event happens.


                    • Now that´s even better Harry

                      I wanted to make Artillery batteries (6pdrs, 12pdrs, 24pdr Howitzers) immobile units with missile-type shell units - at least for the human player. In that way you should also take care of your shell supplies ...


                      • in that way you can also use supplies wagons ( carriers with the shells that first have to move to the batteries and from there can start firing the shells)
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                        • I think that could work applying the submarine flag to a land unit?


                          • Filling the ranks ...

                            Here is the current units file

                            I am now in need of some Horse Artillery graphic ... any takers?


                            • Forgot to attach the file ...
                              Attached Files


                              • I can try to take a crack at it, but I can't guarentee its quality. The unit I'm imagining is not the horse artillery in transit, but rather the gun unloaded and firing on the battlefield with the towing horse off to the side. Does this sound good Steph?

