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  • I'll give it a shot!


    • Well there is good and bad news...

      The bad news is that the diplo screen mystery is still in effect, even after carrying out Jim's advice....

      But the good news is that the unit stat changes had a big effect.

      Ships and units are now happily slugging it out in fine style.

      One thing not to be underestimated in scenario modding is the
      subtle effects unit hit and attack ratings have on AI use of units...

      There should always be defenders and attacking units that are logical,
      I reckon I had been veering from this basic axiom with various odd unit stats...

      But now the AI has units it can understand, the war is back on!

      I will post up the new test zip this weekend!

      This one is a fun update, the war-fighting is intense...


      • Well, things are working well and I have fine-tuned some aspects of the tech tree.

        To speed a civ's research, I am considering dropping
        the soviet infantry (not the red army) and adding in
        a trade unit, to represent war supplies and goods.

        Does this sound useful, or is there any other unit that
        needs added?

        The concerns about garrisons should be relieved now,
        as I have changed the cost of most units and rush
        building defence units can now be a viable option...

        I was toying with the idea of going back to generic artillery.
        But to be honest, I love fairline's arty units and finding a
        look that would suit all civs is very diffucult...If anyone
        can convince me of units that should be added, now is
        the time to do this...

        Keeping the BM-13 katyusha and nebelwerfer, along with
        a generic AT gun, 75mm and 150mm gun would clear up
        some two unit spaces. One of which I would perhaps use
        for a Wespe arty unit...the other?....Well this is where you
        lot might be able to help...


        • Is the Battle Cruiser necessary? It's really just a more expensive battleship with lower defense.


          • My suggestion Curt would be to use the vacant space for one of the police units Fairline made up for the Mafia scenario. This would be a simple but possibly effective solution to the problem of allies invading allies, specifically the problem of the Canadians invading the US and vice versa.

            They would be placed along borders on every other hex to prevent illegal crossings. Like I said, its simple but it might work.


            • @rmsharpe:
              The Battlecruiser has been changed a bit. It actually is the
              German battleship. Now the defence is the same as a BB,
              but with increase firepower and speed...This is to suit the
              surface raider style role of this unit...

              I can see the merit of the idea, but civil police don't really
              figure much in a war scenario. The effect could be just as
              easily achieved using regular defence units for such a task.

              Perhaps changing the way the AI uses the Infantry is a better answer...

              I will look into fixing this allied invasion problem...


              • The best solution I have for the allied invasion epidemic,
                which does not involve dropping precious units or major
                upheaval is to make the bog-standard infantry unable
                to travel mountains and block the gaps in Canada.

                None of the major civs use infantry, so I reckon this might be the best answer.......



                • Initially, some civs have just regular infantry.


                  • By the time these civs get involved in the major combats,
                    they either will have improved infantry or better weapons...

                    I am going to playtest as the USA, and see if the Canadian
                    units become a pain....

                    Another solution is to remove the offending cities...


                    • Perhaps the standard infantry should be given 0 movement?


                      • Sorry I'm late on my comments, but I have been quite busy in the last week or so. I've played a few turns as Japan (perhaps inspired by my current project, 'Empire of the Rising Sun,' which is almost done; sorry for the shameless solicitation), which I've noted nobody else whose posted here has admitted to playing. First, though I appreciate having someone to scrap with right from the start, I think making the Chinese barbarians may have been a mistake, as the Brits attack them from Hong Kong and Mandalay, when historically they aided Chiang's regime against the Japanese. I'm not sure what alternative method to use for that one though. When do I get to attack the Brits and Yanks, anyway? I'll keep you posted on more from this front so far largely untouched on this thread.


                        • Maybe some hex-edited alliance between the Allied forces and the Barbs would do the trick?


                          • @Patine:
                            If you keep playing till summer 1941, the Japanese forces will be ready for attack.

                            I have my hands full with this scenario, so excuse me if I have
                            not done any playtesting for anything else. Perhaps Agricola
                            is the man to ask. Being the premier playtest ace arond here!

                            @jim panse:

                            That is an idea!

                            Is it possible?



                            • Master Curt, this is possible, you need to ask someone who has hex-editing skills

                              I have no clue of that after all


                              • Well, cheers for brining up the idea!

                                I will ask Mr rmsharpe, methinks!


