Someone once said that " A giraffe looks like it was put together by a committee, its neck to long, head to small, and legs way to long. "
Someone has to make decisions otherwise it will go into limbo land and endless discussion. Techumseh is just trying to get the ball rolling. I am sure before the rules are final he will listen and be open to ideas.
Here are my ideas
I think the graphics should only be worth 1 point because I am graphically challenged. Ancient history should score a bonus of 50 points.
Just Kidding
Someone has to make decisions otherwise it will go into limbo land and endless discussion. Techumseh is just trying to get the ball rolling. I am sure before the rules are final he will listen and be open to ideas.
Here are my ideas
I think the graphics should only be worth 1 point because I am graphically challenged. Ancient history should score a bonus of 50 points.

Just Kidding