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SciFi/Fantasy Unit Graphics

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  • Originally posted by curtsibling
    GhostOfDisco, there is nothing to stop you making your own icons.
    True enough.

    Though, as of now, I've got my own scenario to work on.
    The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
    2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


    • My god, the RL pulls me away from the PC for one weekend and I miss the unveiling of the Mona Lisa of sci-fi graphics!!

      Gareth they look beautiful, very nice job indeed . I'll work on incorporating them into some more screen shots for SW SoC after I've finished with the tech tree and events files.
      Last edited by Sarsstock; January 29, 2007, 10:44.


      • Thanks. Did you get all you asked for Sarsstock? As I say, I've lost your original request.

        @ GhostofDisco: Point taken about the shields. I took the colours and designs from SW: Battlefront, so if they're wrong I'll be complaining in the strongest terms to the publisher Lucasarts, proprieter: G. Lucas

        I'll make sure I change the shields before posting any more SW units. The Imperial and republic shields should be white?


        • Well, where you've got blue, it should be white. Just look at the way they look in the movies.

          It's not that big a deal. As curtsibling said, anyone can make their own "shield."
          The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
          2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


          • I agree with Curt about the true Star Wars fans being able to edit the insigna as they see fit. As for the original unit request, I sent an e-mail concerning it.

            Ultimately I hope these units are encouragement enough for civ II sceanrio designers (better designers than I) to make some scenario's that take place in either the original trilogy or the prequel trilogy era. I'm sure more than afew regulars on the thread have some ideas for scenario's based on the odd book, or comic, or an original idea of your own your certain would have made for a better movie than the prequels .


            • My e-mail account is f-ed. Send me a PM

              I'm probably in a minority here, but I thought the storyline of the prequals was pretty good. The whole Clone Wars thing would make for a great scenario I think.

              Obviously Episode I was largely sh1te, as was the casting of Annakin/Vader, and as with all G. Lucas movies, the dialogue was laughable. The same could be said of the original 3 movies in fairness - we just remember them as we did when we saw them as kids first time round.

              I quite enjoyed Epiode III, not least because that f-king tw*t Jar-Jar Binks was nowhere to be seen
              Last edited by fairline; January 30, 2007, 12:59.


              • The minority maybe but far from alone. I'm completely on board with liking the prequels in general, especially Revenge of the Sith, hence why I'm placing my project in the prequel era. My mention of making something better than the prequels was meant as a quasi-challenge to encourage some designers to tackle the subject since I know for the most part there's not allot of love for the prequels on the forum.

                They did get progressively better I thought from Episode I to Episode III, though I think they all would have faired better had another director taken the helm. (I still say that Jar Jar aside, Gungans are a cool species). I was for the most part okay with the casting of Anikan/Vader, again I fault his corny dialog on the man in charge.

                And as you said the Clone Wars were a great contribution to the story as it offered an endless supply of potential stories and conflict for the franchise. And God knows its true the originals weren't without their share of flaws (dare I even mention gummy bears aka Ewoks defeating an Imperial Legion with sticks and stones?). Though Jar Jar did have one key scene at the end of Episode III, though it was the only time in the prequels where his talents were used correctly, he said absolutely NOTHING and kept his eyes down at the ground the whole time at Padme's funeral procession.

                Hopefully my own project SW SoC will prove enjoyable enough to be worthy of the name Star Wars.
                Last edited by Sarsstock; January 30, 2007, 14:47.


                • Oh, according to Poly your PM box is full. No worries though, I'm still working on the tech tree and have the rules and events afterwards so I shouldn't worry about getting you the original request just yet.


                  • Originally posted by fairline
                    My e-mail account is f-ed. Send me a PM
                    Setting up a new web-mail account, soon?
                    El Aurens v2 Beta!


                    • to this Fairline


                      • Great stuff Fairline! You wouldn't happen to have mge versions of those units, wuould you?


                        • I am going to keep silent on the subject of the new SW movies.

                          All I will say is that Sarsstock's sceanrio contains far
                          more imagination than Lucas has shown since 1983.



                          • Nice to see you again Kashanka. If you head over to civdan I think I posted some MGE versions a while ago.

                            @ Curt: I recently watched the original trilogy on Sky and the dialogue is every bit as appalling as Episodes I-III. Then there's Mark Hammill's crap acting, and basically the whole of Return of the Jedi is turgid sh1te

                            For me the saving grace is the whole rise and fall and rise again of Anakin; it's is an interesting theme, and the effects have always been top notch.


                            • I do agree that visually, the SW movies are all stunning.

                              The main problem indeed is that Lucas wishes to recreate the cheddar dialogue of the classic 1950s pulp comics,
                              those which he undoubtedly grew up reading...Hence all the terrible racial profiled aliens, stilted talk etc...



                              • Yeah, I think he was going for the feel of the Saturday-Matinee sci-fi series of the 50's. The guy who directed the Empire Strikes back did th best job.

