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SciFi/Fantasy Unit Graphics

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  • Egad! I have not seen that blue-skinned unit in quite a while!


    • Here are some of my cut and paste Civil War Alternate History Units:
      Above: British Infantry and Royal Marine(AK-47 equipped)
      Below: Confederate and Union Soldier(AK-47 Equipped)
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      • Has any one delved into the graphics of the senarios originally on MGE? There are 4 or more sci-fi scens with rather good alien units and robots. (I can't post them myself 'cause I don't know how to even get the graphics into that multiple box form or post them. Can someone enlighten me?)


        The bottom row are clone bokeys copied from pics I found on the net; I've no idea what the significance of the colors and uniforms is - can any SW geeks enlighten me?
        I happen to be a SW buff, so this was a fun challenge. Hokay, here's the rundown-

        1) 1st version of clones are the guys with head fins. The color scheme designated categories. There's the basic trooper, plain white of course. There's a jet-pack trooper with green stripes. There's a sniper with red red stripes. The pilots have a weird helmet with no fin and yellow stripes. Commanders have a black shoulder pauldron (a leather strip sticking out at the shoulder) and blue stripes. The blue stripes were also designated to ARC troopers, or clone commandoes. In some stories there are also clone demolition guys, with shoulder rocket launchers and blue stripes as well.

        2) 2nd version of clones are the guys with scarier helmet faces and rounded head fins. The colors here designate rank. There's a basic trooper, white again. Sergeants have red stripes. And here *sigh* is where it gets confusing. I'd better organize this.

        Commanders- There are a multitude of version 2 clone commanders, all have shoulder pauldrons and shock absorbing leather waist skirts, and the colors vary. Some have flip-down binoculars built into their helmets.

        Special Ranks- here it gets hopeless. A bunch of special units entered the combat theatre here, like space troopers, marine troopers, snow troopers, assasins, shock troopers, elite troopers, and jungle troopers. I'll try to describe 'em.

        Jungle trooper- this is an early version of the imp scout, with green camo armor.

        elite trooper- the only "elite" clones were the 501st legion. These guys had blue stripes. This group was under Vader's personal control. When all the clones were revamped as stormtroopers, this legion maintained its elite status, and got the nickname "Vader's Fist". They also spearheaded the attack on Hoth.

        shock troopers-Fairline, you had 3 pics of clones. the shock trooper was the one in red. these guys were literally kamikazes, doing suicide missions.

        space troopers-guys with clunkier-looking armor and vacuum-sealed suits with air tanks

        snow troopers-they look just like the snow stormtroopers

        marine troopers- they look just like snow troopers but with burgundy/purple face mask and skirt

        clone assasins-fellows with razor sharp reflexes and trained in hand-to-hand combat. they used vibro-blades attached to the wrist instead of guns

        There, *phew* all done. Don't anyone ask for info on the stormtrooper line. Look it up on wookieepedia. It has plenty of info.


        • A true Star Wars lore-meister!

          Pity the new movies were so terrible though!

          *runs to hidden base on hoth*


          • I've recently been working on building a scenario which pits an fantasy style world against the Victorian British Empire. Now I have already come up with what I consider a good representative unit set for the British Empire though I need some advice on what units should be represented by the fantasy side. Should the enemy be solely pre-industrial humans, or should there be the inclusion of dragons and leprechauns and other fantastical creatures...and if so what kinds would be most likely to be encountered(as I really don't follow a fantasy genre at all...any suggestions on the fantasy category are welcome). I also am considering including mercenaries from Argentina as well as a small team of explorers from the United States.
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            • Here I have one of my cut and paste vampire units(Inspired from Blade 3 when the vampires appear in the Syrian Desert).

              Main Weapon: M16A2
              Ballistic Protection: Some form of Vampiric Metal Body Armor(in place of standard ballistic vest)
              Anti-solar gear: Specialized Mask and Gloves
              Camouflage: Desert Camouflage Uniform(DCU)
              Extra gear: Tactical Belt, with pistol
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              • Here we have a cut and paste SS Officer employed in Paranormal Operations.
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                • I've officially been bitten by the designer bug. *groan*

                  Since I've never made a scen myself before, I picked something easy- invading aliens vs. humans on a small world map. The timeline starts at 2030, so there are a large number of futuristic units. I've taken most, including all the alien units, from pre-downloaded scens. The problem is, I still need 2 units for the humans. I'm hoping somebody has the units I need. They're two "walkers"-you know, machines with a cockpit and two legs, similar to an ATST. The first walker I intend to call the raptor, the second one, the behemoth.

                  Raptor=long legs, medium size if possible

                  Behemoth-obviously, large size, no other specifications

                  Thanks being here, guys!


                  • Found these vintage walkers on my HD. I am afraid artist is an unknown. I am not certain they fit into the futuristic theme without some modification though. At least they are walkers.
                    Attached Files


                    • T in the image. I know I should know which artist it is.. it just escapes my mind right now...


                      • Tanelorn


                        • Ah yes. Tanelorn. I should have known. I've been around in the background for ages...

                          I must admittedly say that it is only in the last year I have started to post anything at all.


                          • Thanks torbk! Those will do perfectly.

                            imho these pics are great. My standards are definitely not up to Fairline's.


                            • Here are some of my cut and paste units for the Post Apocalypse. First we have a Post Apocalyptic Jihadist from the Islamic Unity Front(A post nuclear war alliance that includes The Middle East, North Africa, Iran and Afghanistan. And then to the right we have a soldier of the European Christian Alliance(a modern fascist party that emerged from the ruins of a nuclear Europe, whose power base extends from London to Vladivostok on the Pacific).
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                              • Nice work bc, you working on a new scenario?
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