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Ancient/Pre-Steam Unit Graphics

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  • Originally posted by GhostOfDisco
    And is it just me, or would the Red Front map work well for a Greater Poland scenario? It's got everything from the Russian hinterland to eastern Germany and a bit of Italy, and given that Poland is situated between Germany and Russia...
    What about this one?
    "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


    • Plate G2 in person. Yes sir. Look at the armor & barding on that voevoda! Amazing!
      An oprichnik unit would probably be opposed to by animal rights groups & the faint of heart...
      I meant the severed animal parts of course, not their victims. The ambiguity was not intentional.
      P.S. I am amazed at how fast you can deliver such great results. Units don't grow on trees, they grow on time most can't spare. Cudos.
      Last edited by tanelorn; March 16, 2007, 04:11.
      "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
      -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
      "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
      "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


      • I´ve found an interesting site about historical military uniforms. The site contains many pics of uniforms from different countries between 1400 and 1800.

        Military Uniforms
        American War of Independence
        A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


        • Good find!

          *link saved*


          • Originally posted by tanelorn
            Plate G2 in person. Yes sir. Look at the armor & barding on that voevoda! Amazing!
            An oprichnik unit would probably be opposed to by animal rights groups & the faint of heart...
            I meant the severed animal parts of course, not their victims. The ambiguity was not intentional.
            P.S. I am amazed at how fast you can deliver such great results. Units don't grow on trees, they grow on time most can't spare. Cudos.
            Thanks. He's actually more a plate 22C Voevoda from the Montvert 'Warriors of Eurasia' title. Osprey and McBride pinched pretty much every plate in the Ivan the Terrible book from the Montvert title and simply changed the colours. We definitely need a swan-winged oprichnik, I agree; animal rights be damned! Tim, do you know if they actually used real swan wings, or were they more akin to a Polish Hussaria wings?


            • Originally posted by Michael Daumen
              D'oh! I have a bunch units painted by Alex Mor for the Great Northern War that I've never seen used, so I've held off looking for Fairline's assistance on it. The latest units are making me reconsider - plus I would feel less guilt about pinching the Vauban that hussar is awesome.

              Umm, I couldn't really do it without grenadiers, cossacks and/or Crimean Tatars, however.
              Thanks MD, and I had planned an update of my GNW and War of Sppanish Succession units to ToT, so if you can wait a while...... I must draw some Bronze Age chappies first.

              @civ2units: great site


              • Well, if they were not framed somehow, I doubt they would retain their shape. Both illustrations of the Horseguard parade uniform show full wings but no real info. Even Tatar "winged Ulhans" attacking Karl X Gustav are shown with framed wings.The wings were developed out of the habbit of attaching feathers and real wings on the Balkan asymetric shields used by stradiots, delis & gussars initially. Supposedly as the Polish Hussars ditched the Serb Gussars shield early 1600's, they framed the wings first to their saddle, then to their back. If the Russian horse-guards used real wings just for parades, no problem. However, have you ever seen real swan wings spread that long as in the Montvert illustration- standing freely nontheless? The Osprey has a pair of realistically proportioned ones, but in both cases, wings cannot stand that way without support and no frame is shown. Unless the Osprey guard stiched them on his expensive coat. If it hangs from a saddle frame at this angle, it would cane his back when galloping. The Hussar book says something about early elite Hussars hanging them from their neck (!) and charging into battle. Somehow I don't buy that either. The Oprichniki avoided all that mess by hanging actual grisly wolfheads from their horses neck and wearing fur coats.

                P.S. Unlike the other Montvert titles I've come across, the text on this particular one is full of unsubstantiated ethnolinguistic crackpotry and no subject matter content.
                Go figure. A Russian publication, like Zeughaus magazine that references its sources is a better choice but I don't know if they have anything on this.
                They could be using webbing to mount the wings in the Osprey illustration, but none is shown.
                (Is crackpottery a word?)
                Last edited by tanelorn; March 16, 2007, 15:50.
                "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                • Originally posted by Michael Daumen

                  What about this one?
                  That might work as well.
                  The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                  2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                  • Here are some unit graphics ive been messing about with. Just felt like sharing in case they are useful to anyone.

                    None are from scratch. As you can see, I think all are based on Fairline’s units. Some are little more than re-colouring and minor cut+paste, others took a bit more effort.

                    BTW, these are not actually for a civ2 scenario if you were wondering. Its something Im doing for fun, but also to help illustrate the different armies of a forum role-playing game I am modding over at civfanatics (a ‘Never Ending Story’), where people play as countries/empires instead of characters.


                    • Nice. Good work.
                      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                      • Nice units.

                        Now I wonder if you guys will ever make a scenario based on it, just 'cause the units look so nice.
                        The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                        2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                        • Nice units!

                          I might well find a use for some of them in the near future...
                          Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                          Discworld Scenario:
                          POMARJ Scenario:
                          LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                          • Thanks very much

                            As for making a scenario, that would be tough as there are a lot more than 7 major alliances/spheres of influence in the game


                            • Heres some more remixing of Fairline's units, with varying degrees of sucess:

                              These are for a mutant pseudo-mongol empire and its various allies.


                              • I´ve made some Spanish 7YW units from Fairlines Frederick the Great and AWI unit set.

                                American War of Independence
                                A Divided Nation - US Civilwar

