Here's my effort up to AD 1500. I took note of Solo's comments about gifting to your key civ. I couldn't remember which colours went with which rating, so I gifted everybody. This seemed to work as I had a couple of turns where I was down to 1 turn per tech - the first time I've ever managed that as far as I can remember. Here's the log
AD 1000 Can't remember how to work out key civs, so I give techs to everyone who will talk to me. corporation->steel
AD 1020 start building railroad to Leipzig
AD 1040 swap for warrior code steel->refining
AD 1060 Communism discovered
AD 1080 refining->combustion
AD 1100
AD 1120 combustion->automobile
AD 1140
AD 1160 automobile->electronics;
AD 1180 build superhighways; oil(u)-Berlin 139 electronics->feudalism
AD 1200 feudalism->chivalry
AD 1220
AD 1240 chivalry->leadership
AD 1260 gold (u) Berlin 180; leadership->masonry
AD 1280 swap for masonry
AD 1300 start researching tactics->mass production
AD 1320 dye(u)-Berlin 274 mass production->machine tools
AD 1340
AD 1360 machine tools->communism;
AD 1380 swap for communismart researching miniturization
AD 1400 miniturisation->computers
AD 1420 oil(u)-Berlin 273
AD 1440 computers->flight
AD 1460 build research lab flight->radio
AD 1480
AD 1500
RJM at Sleeper's
AD 1000 Can't remember how to work out key civs, so I give techs to everyone who will talk to me. corporation->steel
AD 1020 start building railroad to Leipzig
AD 1040 swap for warrior code steel->refining
AD 1060 Communism discovered
AD 1080 refining->combustion
AD 1100
AD 1120 combustion->automobile
AD 1140
AD 1160 automobile->electronics;
AD 1180 build superhighways; oil(u)-Berlin 139 electronics->feudalism
AD 1200 feudalism->chivalry
AD 1220
AD 1240 chivalry->leadership
AD 1260 gold (u) Berlin 180; leadership->masonry
AD 1280 swap for masonry
AD 1300 start researching tactics->mass production
AD 1320 dye(u)-Berlin 274 mass production->machine tools
AD 1340
AD 1360 machine tools->communism;
AD 1380 swap for communismart researching miniturization
AD 1400 miniturisation->computers
AD 1420 oil(u)-Berlin 273
AD 1440 computers->flight
AD 1460 build research lab flight->radio
AD 1480
AD 1500
RJM at Sleeper's