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Atomic Eagle II: The Price of Freedom Development

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  • I've been looking online for this stuff all night, but the only good census data I could find in one place was for the U.S.

    What was the population of the following Canadian cities in 1940-1950?

    - Ottawa

    - Montreal

    - London

    - Frederickton

    - Halifax

    - Fort William

    - Winnipeg

    - Regina

    - Calgary

    - Vancouver

    - Victoria


    • Originally posted by Sarsstock
      So now its the Kriegsmarine that rules the Atlantic eh? I guess this would be a most unwelcome wake up call for the Americans, as in your earlier story preview you told us how the general American mindset was that the Navy was strong enough to protect America's shores.

      To loose five carriers in a single battle would be a disaster, let alone the bulk of America's Naval Air Force in the Atlantic and a sizeable chunk of her Atlantic fleet in general.
      i guess the majority of the U.S. fleet would be in the pacific, fat lotta good they would do since they would be needed in the atlantic, mabe the U.S. Can have hoardes of naval units in the pacific but they would have to navigate through the canadian northwest territories in order to get to the atlantic,
      I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
      Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
      Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


      • I'll have to look into that one Harry for ya. I think I will have to actually inquire at a library to get the census data on those cities.


        • Originally posted by Broken_Erika

          i guess the majority of the U.S. fleet would be in the pacific, fat lotta good they would do since they would be needed in the atlantic, mabe the U.S. Can have hoardes of naval units in the pacific but they would have to navigate through the canadian northwest territories in order to get to the atlantic,
          *cough* Panama *cough*


          • what if the the germans took panama early in the game?
            I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
            Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
            Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


            • Originally posted by Sarsstock
              I'll have to look into that one Harry for ya. I think I will have to actually inquire at a library to get the census data on those cities.
              Ok cool, thank you. The only census data I can find for Canada has to do with ethnicity, not actual city population by year. I did find Toronto and Quebec data though. Surprisingly Central and South American city population data was fairly abundant.

              @ Erika & Typhoon: Panama will be in U.S. hands to start and will be a point of entry into the Atlantic. I have to stress that naval warfare will not be stressed in the game, owing to Civ2's inability to really work well with it.


              • Are you still doing this one in ToT, Harry?

                If so, anything you need done, just say da word, boss!

                This is going to be such a fine epic of a war!



                • Originally posted by curtsibling
                  Are you still doing this one in ToT, Harry?

                  If so, anything you need done, just say da word, boss!

                  This is going to be such a fine epic of a war!

                  Yep, ToT. I've been arranging the graphics in ToT for a bit now, but working out the lumps in MGE. Right now I'm making historically accurate population centers.

                  and thank you, I will call on you when needed!


                  • I look forward to it, cheers!



                    • "Strategery"

                      One thing I always hold high when I'm making a scenario is the strategy aspect. It is an important part of any game and increases the fun level. I hold high regard for a game that manages to excite a player so that he or she is so pissed off that the AI took a city that he or she can't sleep. It's a hallmark of a good scenario.

                      So, in that regard, I've made the SETI program into the Los Alamos laboratories, conveniently located in New Mexico, a stones throw away from the German assault. Lose the city and you lose a research lab in each city. Ha ha ha.

                      Also, I'm making use of the food routes. Lose Kansas and your Eastern cities starve. Ha ha ha.

                      Also, I'm making use of the hyper shield terrain. Lose Ohio, and your done. Ha ha ha

                      Oh yeah, and there are a bunch of other event oriented Wonders. When Austin "The Rock" Hudson comes onto the scene you will be able to build "Austin's Wolverines" which counts as a happy citizen in each city. If Austin gets killed however, the Germans can build "The Death of Rock Austin" which counts as two free civ advances for the Germans. Also, "Austin's Wolverines" becomes obsolete. So sad.

                      There are also a few more that can be gained by retaking cities and losing cities.

                      Should be fun


                      • Congratulations! You obviously did not use up your bag of innovative dirty tricks in Gold Gulch. Prime yourself for poison e-mails from pissed off players once you release the scen.

                        Might Hudson "The Rock" Austin make more sense than Austin "The Rock" Hudson for naming "Austin's Wolverines" and "The Death of Rock Austin" ? Either that or rename "The Death of Rock Austin" to "The Death of Rock Hudson".
                        Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                        Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                        Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                        • Originally posted by Harry Tuttle

                          Yep, ToT. I've been arranging the graphics in ToT for a bit now, but working out the lumps in MGE. Right now I'm making historically accurate population centers.

                          and thank you, I will call on you when needed!
                          Well, I'm sure gonna enjoy this one.
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • Harry Tuttle = a bottomless pit of ideas.

                            This keeps sounding better and better Harry!

                            Are there going to be different seasons in this using batch files similar to Red Front, or is weather not going to be a factor?
                            STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                            • Originally posted by our_man
                              Harry Tuttle = a bottomless pit of ideas.

                              This keeps sounding better and better Harry!

                              Are there going to be different seasons in this using batch files similar to Red Front, or is weather not going to be a factor?
                              Thanks everyone.

                              @Ourman: That really depends on my AI strategy events and Civswap. I have to see how much space is used and how much interruption there is in the game.

                              @Agricola: Yeah that makes sense. The name will probably change a bit.


                              • Update: North America, except for parts of Mexico have been populated with farmland. Author starts singing "amber waves of grain"...

                                Most of the titles and wording of the popup screens have been redone too.

