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  • #16
    Deity, what time would the potential Friday night USA game be in Australia EST summer time, I may join in, but limited till after 1pm Aust EST Summer time due to probable work conflicts before that time


    • #17
      Originally posted by Zylka
      I agree with Spyder on first and last. Plumbing, I think - is an excellent idea when worried about a game full of builders.. but with excellent expanders such as yourself and I, Ljube; having a few builders around uhindered and without new rule confusion gives quite the interesting balance of strategies.
      Builder strategies in diplo games are way too effective. I was hoping to make the life of a normal builder a little bit more difficult, forcing him to research pottery, which he usually wouldn't and another tech (plumbing), but OK, I guess with only 8 foreign caravans it's a bit more difficult anyway. Just remember, builders are expanders first class at the start.

      Originally posted by Zylka
      For 60 cost diplomats.. I'd say tech stealing is absolutely allowed. Remember that we're trying out a tech trade system where each party must have discovered by themselves their own offer; which in itself will slow reckless and slutty overall tech advancement
      Well, I strongly disagree. If diplos were made less expensive, I would be able to put five of them in each of my cities thus preventing the thefts altogether. Since they are 60, it is way too expensive to try to counter tech theft with diplomats fortified in cities. If tech thefts outside of war led to the isolation of the offender, then I would agree with that, but it is never the case in spite of our presumption we're playing a diplo game that should resemble reality as much as possible.
      Now, I don't see the reason why I wouldn't stop my research, mass produce diplos which are still a good bargain and steal whatever tech the others have? To stop me, the others would need to sink my ships.

      Originally posted by Zylka
      For Wonders - in all honesty, I'm myself comfortable with status quo. Colossus, Great Library, Lighthouse, Hanging Gardens, Marco Polo's - they're all damn powerful early wonders in our settings, and no one player is that likely to get two of them. Spread the great projects, spread the strategies - right?
      The problem with wonders is that the one who gets the Great Library can switch off his research and concentrate on building his civ. Then he can research a few selected techs all other players will undoubtedly avoid (chivalry, leadership, tactics), mass produce dragoons/cavalry and take the world. There isn't any good defence against cavalry at that time anyway.

      If the level is emperor, then hanging gardens are not in the same league, as is not the lighthouse because the start locations are too apart and triremes still move 3.

      There is also a problem of the colossus. Since we only have 8 foreign trade routes, the civ that builds the colossus has a huge advantage in terms of domestic trade.


      • #18
        I'm interested in the B-Game too. It just depends on starting time.
        "All things are good except for the bad parts"


        • #19
          Not Enough City Names

          After someone has built more cities than they have for defualt names it creats an error and the game crashes. Gonna need a good bit more names than those we have now.

          Suggestion for Zylka: Make the names "A" "B" "C" etc after those you've already provided us and we can create our own names once we get to those.
          "All things are good except for the bad parts"


          • #20
            Originally posted by trev
            Deity, what time would the potential Friday night USA game be in Australia EST summer time, I may join in, but limited till after 1pm Aust EST Summer time due to probable work conflicts before that time
            Sounds good. That's 9pm USA Eastern Fri night... any takers?

            And what about the Euro-classic - Zylka, Dylan?

            If we start this B game then the Euro-classic will never continue. I know Makeo and myself are keen on the Euro but it would also be nice to get Trev in a new game - let's see who posts for a B game.

            So far we have:
            Deity Dude?
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • #21
              The only rule I don't like is the time-wasting reloading with new rules/txt's. It'll make bvgger all difference to the game. But thankx for your hard eforts Z in setting up the pak
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • #22
                Single resources worth a base 10 shields and 10 trade making "bvgger all difference"? And that the the majority of them sit at the crossroads of continent #1? Good luck in the automobile era, you'll need it

                After someone has built more cities than they have for defualt names it creats an error and the game crashes. Gonna need a good bit more names than those we have now.
                cheers orange. I'll fix that before sunday


                • #23
                  I think the increased shields and trade for those resources provides a nice incentive/catalyst for a diplo game. The difference it will make to the game depends on what the players do about them, so I applaud the effort to make things interesting.

                  But I'm just not sure it's worth stuffing around with reloads though.
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • #24
                    I can play in the B-Game if it starts earlier in the evening. Maybe 8ish eastern otherwise I'll just stick with the one i'm in already.
                    Last edited by orangesaber87; November 18, 2004, 13:35.
                    "All things are good except for the bad parts"


                    • #25
                      Well Z, after glancing the RULES.TXT file casually, I noticed jet fighters still have no fuel range set. Will it make jet fighter a unit that doesn't require refuelling? I think that's not a good idea.

                      I also noticed chariots are not there any more
                      Such a shame considering their cool graphics.

                      The city of Kiev is listed under both Caucasian and European cities. I leave you Kiev. I can find a few other Euro cities to fill the list


                      • #26
                        A definite start time and date needs to be set for group B and as I cannot play before Friday 9pm Eastern USA time, I suggest that the start date and time be Friday 26th November at 9pm Eastern USA time. Can people give definite confirmations for that time, so we can see how many definite players we have and whether there are any vacant spots. I am aware of orangesaber87 preference for an earlier start, but most but not all weeks I am simply unable to begin earlier due to work and other commitments.


                        • #27
                          Yah, I'll go with that Trev. orangesaber87 has the other game anyway but still most welcome in this one. Makeo will be around for sure now.
                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • #28
                            hahaaa.. I've been working like a madman ljube.. will fix those little blurps later tonight. Soo..

                            Cyber Spyder
                            and myself..

                            See you all tomorrow morning!


                            • #29
                              Yeah, I do have the other game. You guys stick with 9pm I'm lookin forward to sunday.
                              "All things are good except for the bad parts"


                              • #30
                                Okay, I just got home from a mad crazy weekend with almost too much fun. I'm hanging around, hope you're all on time tonight!

                                weaving webs within the web...

