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Non-graphics mods for TOT Red Front Redux

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  • #91

    Thanks for the information on the Soviet navy. I find that kind of background gen to be extremely interesting as it fleshes and makes more real the little icons that we move around.

    @ Lend-Lease afficionados

    I copied the following numbers some time ago from the Net. Like most Soviet WW2 statistics on the Net, the numbers may be inaccurate or, as in the case of the values marked by my ****, make no sense at all.

    Lend-Lease to the USSR

    October 1941 to June 1942

    Aircraft 1285 ****
    Tanks 2249
    Machine-guns 81287
    Explosives, pounds 59455620
    Trucks 36825
    Field telephones 56445
    Telephone wire, km 600000

    1942 and 1943
    Aircraft 3052 ****
    Tanks 4084
    Vehicles 520000

    Fighter Aircraft

    P-39 5707 (4719 reached the USSR)
    P-40 2397
    P-47 195
    P-63 2397 (21 lost in transfer)
    Hurricane 2952
    Spitfire 1331
    Total: 14982 (own production: 74740)

    Bomber and Attack Aircraft

    A-20 2908
    B-25 862
    B-24 1
    Hampden 23
    Albemarle 14
    Mosquito 1
    Total: 3809 (own production: 65008)

    Total Aircraft Delivered - 18,791
    Total USSR Aircraft Production- 139,748

    The idea of P-39's appearing in Sverdlovsk after being ferried from Alaska is nice but, as a player, what I would really want for Christmas are at least a few of those A-20's or B-25's.
    Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

    Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
    Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


    • #92
      Originally posted by techumseh

      At the risk of a threadjack over a fine historical point, I don't agree. The Red Army was at the end of it's rope logistically, stopped for lack of supplies just outside Warsaw. The Home Army rose prematurely in an attempt to liberate Warsaw ahead of the Soviets, got into trouble, and the Red Army was unable to help, even if they had been so inclined.
      While you are correct in stating that the Red Army was at the end of it's tether at the time, and the Poles timing certainly sucked [in retrospect], it would have been feasible for them to have quickly have come to the Poles aid if they had wanted to - the Soviets had several bridgeheads across the Vistula near Warsaw, and the Warsaw garrison was known to be small.

      IMO, Stalin's efforts to block the Western Allies attempts at re-supplying the Poles make it clear that he was hoping for the Poles to fail.
      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • #93

        It seems that the ghost turn's spectral presence is harder to exorcise than I had imagined. I have made the changes that should thwart it, yet it remains. See if you can tell whats happeneing. Colwyn, did you manage to eliminate it in 1.5? What did you do to get that to happen?

        As you know, the 'ghost turn' was thought to be generated by the creation of partisans in the pryapt marshes after a refugee killed event.

        I have eliminated this effect on turn 1 by having turn=2 fire a flag which is a prerquisite of the refugeekilled=partisancreated event. Therefore, since the flag has not been fired on turn 1, no partisans are built for the Soviet player.

        This works fine and no Partisans are created. Ghost turn still occurs.

        Went back to the original file and selected a fortified soviet unit and Ended Player Turn via the Orders menu. Saved and reran the scenario's first turn. Even though not 1 Soviet unit on the map has movement points left, the ghost turn still occurs!

        I tried with both 'wait at the end of player turn' toggled on and off, ghost turn occured either way.

        Anyone know whats happening?


        • #94
          Ghost turn is present in RF 1.5 and more units are involved than in RF 1.4. Which version of .scn do you intend to work with?

          I'll see if I can figure out how to hex edit it out of the game, even if it means hex editing individual German units to set their movement to zero.
          Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

          Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
          Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


          • #95
            I would suggest working with 1.4 and adding changes - As Catfish has already made a good conversion of it.



            • #96
              Guys... I'm already looooooooooooooooong into working the .scn file. Its 1.4.

              Originally posted by AGRICOLA
              I'll see if I can figure out how to hex edit it out of the game, even if it means hex editing individual German units to set their movement to zero.
              What would the German unit's movement have to do with it? I cant seem to figure out what exactly is causing it.


              • #97
                Is this the sequence of turns that you want? All Soviet units are active in the Soviet July turn.

                Ignore the fact that there are only a few German units, I have no wish to hex edit hundreds when testing.

                The attached file is from 1.5. I'll switch to 1.4 if things are ok so far.
                Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                • #98
                  I got :

                  Failed to load file: File obsolete format.


                  • #99
                    I want the Germans to make their attack(june,41), followed by the Soviet ([1st to move in] July 1941) turn. The ghost turn occured between. I have managed to eliminate Soviet unit creation during the German attack in June. Play should resume with the Soviet turn in July. If you have managed that (I can't check your file) then you might want to work on my .scn file as there have been many changes I have made already.


                    • I downloaded and it opened fine in my RF 1.5 folder but the units were wrong in the RF 1.4.

                      Have you tried it in your RF 1.5 folder?

                      Let me get a bit further if I can before trying it on your .scn
                      Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                      Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                      Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                      • I dont have a 1.5 folder. You talking MGE? I'm not set up for that.


                        • Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
                          I assume we want to have terrain and unit animation lockout turned on as well as .spr override (scenario parameters menu)?
                          Nooo!! The lockout features don't quite work the way it is advertised (spr override does work, though).

                          Have a look at this thread:

                          And this thread seems to have the long-overlooked hex-editing solution to make the lockout options work as intended:
                          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                          • We could package Catfish's SPR.file fixer files with the scen?



                            • Well, I already toggled those thing in the scn file per the advise of this thread. I probably didnt do it in the order specified in Mercator's 2nd thread, so I hope that all is not lost. I dont know what catfish's SPR filefixer is. Please Remember fellas, this is the first time I have picked up TOT.


                              • Originally posted by AGRICOLA
                                I downloaded and it opened fine in my RF 1.5 folder but the units were wrong in the RF 1.4.

                                Have you tried it in your RF 1.5 folder?

                                Let me get a bit further if I can before trying it on your .scn
                                Rob, John, I think you're at cross-purposes here. RF1.5 is MGE, while FMK is using the ToT conversion of 1.4.

                                I think given that FMK has done so much work already with 1.4, we should stick with this as the start point. I think the only thing we need to ensure is that enough rear-echelon German units are deleted at the outset to rule out a 'too-many-units' problem on the early turns.

                                Will this need to be achieved by hex-editing, or can this be done manually and still allow the German first turn?

