Originally posted by CapTVK
Does that mean you can't use barbarians at all if you use changeterrain? Or should you simply be careful about letting barbarians near a change terrain field?
Does that mean you can't use barbarians at all if you use changeterrain? Or should you simply be careful about letting barbarians near a change terrain field?
When the barb have a city, I think that it depends on the unit slot used for the barbarian units: some are more "stable" than others. For instance, whenever a changeterrain occurs anywhere on the map, some barb units disappear, and some others survive!
I had many problems trying to fix that in my Disxworld scen, and in the end had to renounce using barb units (as I use many changeterrain).
The "barb unit" stability is not really well documented, and so I can't tell you which unit behaves better than others.
If you want to see the answers I got when I asked questions about that, check here: (don't stop after the first few posts, the question comes again after the 13.10.2003)
As you'll see, there was no definite answer about which slot works, and I had to use another civ...

But if you can find fine working slots, I would be more than interested!
