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Gold Gulch Playtest!

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  • Gold Gulch Playtest!

    Well, the wonderful guys that act as all around techies for my father came over and fixed my DSL. After a month and a half of bull I'm back on the internet at home. Woo!

    Anyways, I give you the playtest version of Gold Gulch.

    The following text is from the readme file contained in the zip.

    Idea behind the game: You are an enterprising saloon owner looking to make your fortune in the gold soaked valleys of the Black Hills. Starting out with an already established saloon in a small town called Gold Gulch you are pitted against 4 other enterprising individuals out to control the town and the riches that lie therein. At your disposal is a myriad of pioneering individuals looking to take their small slice out of the last lucrative territory outside of the United States. Young women, lured by the prospects of a new life, look to you as their savior and evenual employer. Men, some on the run from the laws of the United States and other veterans of the now defunct Confederacy, hope to find a purpose in this lawless territory you call home. You are the "Boss" of a small, but growing business. Make your fortune, or die trying.

    Assets at your disposal: Prostitutes, Gun Men, and the ever growing immigrant population. Prospect for gold, exert your influence over the town through gambling, liquor, and investing. Send your prostitutes out to grab new pioneers, send your prospectors to search for gold, and even rustle cattle for a quick cash reward. The avenues of eventual economic conquest are open to you. Make the most of it.

    Gaining new types of employees: Research, as it is typically known in other scenarios, is mainly derived from alotting a portion of your annual proceeds, much like you would normally do with taxes. New strong men and improvements can only be secured through investing in the future. Be sure to gain your cash through clientele or through extroverted means, as research can only be achieved through communication and gross saloon revenues.

    Events: New and famous personnel can be gained by buying new and different types of rough men that guard your saloon. Be sure to watch out for the ever present US Cavalry that patrols this lawless territory. Get in their way and you will be up ****s' creek without a paddle.

    Saloon building: As in any business you need to go where the money is to make a profit. Saloon building is encouraged only on plots that have actual structures. The valley is growing constantly so you should try to build a saloon on every open plot of developed land as possible.

    Valley growth: The valley population grows constantly. Every day new immigrants and pioneers make their way to the valley to seek a new place to live and prosper. Across the river there is prime land for settling. Be sure to open new saloons on the new plots, but beware, your employees may disappear on any plot on the east side of the river if a new business sprouts up (Civ2 events.txt).

    Goal: Control the valley completely or make your way back to Chicago with your new wealth.

    IMPORTANT: Only be a saloon and male, don't attack Nature, and never pick the Sioux or Nature as your civ. NEVER!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Sound will be forthcoming, as well as DLL's for the report windows. Be sure to read the list box that opens at the start of the scenario so you will have some knowledge of what the units are designed for and how they should act.

    Ideally the scenario should be played in multiplayer but that's a bit tedious for playtesting.

    Graphics: The unit graphics use parts of Fairline and Eivind's units as they were the best for this time period. I have only added to and edited their work. I have also sampled from Curt's extensive icons. Sarsstock made the nice title for me. Thank you all.

    @ Agricola: I expect any spelling mistakes to be reported my good man. There is a hefty amount of vernacular in the popup windows, but please make sure it makes some semblance of sense.

    Let me know what you think. All comments welcome.

    The only save in the file should be "founded.sav". This is the save I am updating the scenario file with.

    ZIP UPDATED 11:11 pm EST 10/22/04
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Harry Tuttle; October 22, 2004, 23:01.


    • #3
      Hihi! I was the first downloader!

      I'll try it first thing tomorrow! It's 2:50 AM here and I have a lecture tomorrow morning ...

      Judging by your other work, this is already a classic
      Find my civ2 scenarios here

      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kobra
        Judging by your other work, this is already a classic
        Well I hope so. A lot of brain power went into this one. Though I do have to say it was fun


        • #5
          Shore is purty, Mister Tuttle. I reckon you did a heap o chores to get this ol hound dog ta hunt!
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6
            Nice one Harry! Sorry I wasn't quick enough with the units man , but looking at yours can see I wouldn't have been able to produce anything as good..


            • #7

              Excellent news Harry!

              And your first post is, to say the least, promising!

              I'll try it as soon as possible!

              Now, you just gave me a good reason to delay my working on my next scen...
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • #8
                Lemme try this one out ...

                Btw, With this one I think my Civ 2 folder is about 1 Gigabite


                • #9
                  OMG! I must try this one when I get home from uni again.
                  "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                  It can only be achieved by understanding"


                  • #10
                    Hmm, as I started first (tried it fast) I managed to bribe the other civs whores.. I guess that's not what you intend the players or the AI to do.
                    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                    It can only be achieved by understanding"


                    • #11
                      "Ladies of ill repute" is more p.c. perhaps?
                      What now, you 're the first Civ2 "fancy man" I know of!
                      Atherdain the p1mp :P
                      Hey, you "sugar daddy"!
                      "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                      -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                      "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                      "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Arthedain
                        Hmm, as I started first (tried it fast) I managed to bribe the other civs whores.. I guess that's not what you intend the players or the AI to do.
                        No, that's ok. I don't want to elude to "preference" among the whores. In a multiplayer environment or even a single player environment this would be an easy way to stifle competition at the far end of the valley. Girls got to stick together.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fairline
                          Nice one Harry! Sorry I wasn't quick enough with the units man , but looking at yours can see I wouldn't have been able to produce anything as good..
                          Oh don't worry about it. The playtest has plenty of unfinished things in it. One or two graphics isn't a problem. I'd still like them though, as your artistic skills would be much appreciated.


                          • #14
                            Hmmm... I'm getting a bizzare problem. The first prospector that found gold got that $1000, but now each time I strike gold I get squat. Is this intended to be fools gold Harry or a bug?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sarsstock
                              Hmmm... I'm getting a bizzare problem. The first prospector that found gold got that $1000, but now each time I strike gold I get squat. Is this intended to be fools gold Harry or a bug?
                              You know what, I did see that, but I thought I was just seeing things. The odd thing is that when I found the gold first then it worked fine. Other times, if I found the gold after the first player did, but on another turn, then it worked. Does anyone know what is causing this? Maybe an event overload or something? This is definately a bug.

