Harry T, you have overdone yourself here! I began with high expectations, which generally isn't alwaysa good thing, but I was amazed after playing some turns. You must ahve really used alot of time making this. Great to see someone finally got to use Mercator's fence technique. Graphics are outstanding and the concept is genious. I'm really looking forward to the relesed version, because this was fun. I'm always amazed when unorthodox scenarios come out, scenarios that is different from those classic war scens.
I don't know what's causing it, but I sure experienced the same thing with the gold. I got all my income at the ranch, by first bribing 'enemy' boxers and cotrolling the ranch killing cattle. Also, what are the Ranchers good for, other than defense?
I don't know what's causing it, but I sure experienced the same thing with the gold. I got all my income at the ranch, by first bribing 'enemy' boxers and cotrolling the ranch killing cattle. Also, what are the Ranchers good for, other than defense?