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New Dictator - The Latest Attack!

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  • #61
    That answers that question!

    In that case, I shall stick with cities - But I am going to redistribute some of them.

    I want less cities in Africa and South America in order to keep
    the battles in the areas where the action happened in WW2.

    Any suggestions, RM?

    I was toying with the idea of getting rid of the cities in South America and cutting back the cities in Africa quite a bit...


    • #62
      I am currently remaking the USA/Canada area of the map, in addition to other edits!

      I'll keep y'all informed!


      • #63
        Just to begin, I believe that Greenland and Iceland were turned over to the United States, not Britain, in 1940.

        San Julian and Santiago can go, but I'd leave the rest of the cities in South America.

        In Africa, Lome, Inhambane, Kigoma, Pointe Noire, Bangui, Malakal, and maybe even Port Sudan can be axed.

        On South Africa, I'd take out two or three of the cities, keeping of course Jo'burg and Cape Town, but that's always so predictable, so maybe leave one of the other three there too?

        Medina can go.

        These should be enough cities for you, Curt!


        • #64
          Good show - I done a large edit of the map yesterday - But I may remove even more cities as you advise.

          I just saw no point in 20+ Allied units congregating in Southern Africa!

          I will do some more map 'pruning' and then get back here with the results!

          Cheers, RM!


          • #65
            Nice too see that you're making progress Curt. And I must agree with rmshape that naming cities with regions is always a turn-off if it's not used overall in the scenario (like a mini-world map or something).
            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
            It can only be achieved by understanding"


            • #66
              Agreed - The next scenario I am planning may be on a smaller map and utilise such a system!

              But for now - I present you all the raging total world war that is the latest Dictator zip!

              Get it here!

              I have made various changes to the map and graphics.
              Also I have made engineers available to all...I am not sure if I want to keep engineers in the game.

              The AI seems too fixated with engineers...

              But the battles are very savage!
              In my last game as the yellow neutrals, Paris, Moscow and a host of smaller cities bit the dust as the US, Germany and Russia slugged it out!

              When I left the game in July 1945, the Americans and Germans were fighting a lethal war of attrition in the ruins of France.

              The Yanks pummeled hard with their B-17s and superb infantry.
              While the Reich struck back with Amerikas and deadly screaming V2 missiles!

              London fell in 1944 - And The Japanese have been able to spread wide, even while taking hideous losses from the USA.

              What a world!
              And now you can take part too!

              Enjoy the new version!



              • #67
                Curt, good job on the Great Lakes! They are very close to being realistic. Playing now...


                • #68
                  The Great Lakes on the old map always bugged me - I'm glad they now look OK!



                  • #69
                    I'd say keep engineers. There's a lot of tactics you could use to exploit the lack of them, like destroying all enemy roads to slow down the enemy and then just parachuting into the cities.


                    • #70
                      Jo'burg is still controlled by the UK, but has allied units in it. You can just use civcity and change it to the allies and there won't be any problems.

                      What was the status of Mogadishu in June 1940? I thought they still had belonged to the Italians? I could be way off here, for all I know...

                      Just curious on Suez, does "Canal" really need to be part of the name?

                      I love the new shape of the world, Curt! Kudos!


                      • #71
                        Ok, this is odd: Playing as the Nazis and this popped up in May of 1942: Unalligned Nations develop Jet Engine.


                        • #72
                          I might give Mogadishu to the Axis.
                          But with a perilous situation, like no airbase or defenses.
                          It will be hard for them to keep this foothold in Africa!

                          I am happy you like the new world edit, I think the US/Canada
                          region is more AI friendly - A landmass worthy of the USA!

                          The Unalligned are democracies with plenty of trade output -
                          They always seem to have the edge in research, but they cannot
                          trade any techs - They also cannot put the Jet or Atom techs to any use.

                          This just represents some clever neutral people making science breakthroughs...

                          I reckon it seems weird, but it has no impact on gameplay...
                          When the Japanese begin hacking away their cities,
                          the Unalligned Nations will have plenty to worry about!



                          • #73
                            Oooooooooh, you tricky bastard! D-Day is a bloody nightmare! My Me-262s and Panthers are barely holding their ground. Paris and Lyons have been destroyed and those damn Brits keep parachuting in and taking Cologne!

                            Oh man, just wait till my Eastern Steppe cities start pumping out the hi-tech stuff. Those bastards are gonna pay!

                            ...You know, for Brigadier level, this is a real pain in the ass ...


                            • #74
                              I was hoping the D-Day event might prove to be fun!

                              Give those Allies hell!


                              • #75
                                @To all play-testers:

                                There hasn't been any trouble from the 'Too Many Units' message has there?

                                I am hoping the elimination of wasteful cities and massive unit attrition will keep the amount of units low...

