Welcome to the latest version of my humble contribution to the WW2 scenario genre!
This time, I have upgraded the graphics somewhat;
(with some amazing help from your favourite SL creators!)
I have also tried to cram as much WW2 action into the scen as possible;
(while not giving any civ empire a huge advantage...)
This is my most fun work to date, and much time has been spent on the icons and terrain...
I will chart the playtesting and final development on this thread, and I hope to
perfect the scenario with the help of our ever-ready players here on SL forums!
The WW2 genre will never be bereft of fun, if we keep the outlook fresh and add
some new dimensions, as in Harry Tuttle's Atomic Eagle - Hand of Reaper scenario!
But enough of this grizzled, shell-shocked veteran's talk!
I present some graphics to give y'all a taste of what's to come!
Here's the units!
