Looking at the last save, one sees many possibilities. Camels are ripening for the first WOW, there is roading to be done, exploring and hut hunting are also on the agenda.
I agree that total city number should be held here pending a happiness solution; but, I do not agree that temples are required, now. Without Mysticism, a warrior will help as much, quicker, and at a quarter the cost. I prefer to focus on getting HG for the happiness problems. So, two of the four temple B/O's are changed to warrior.
700 Complete MPE in Stoney Lake. American civ destroyed by the Japanese.
675 There are seven techs available from the AI. The decision is taken to get them all sooner (rather than in many stages), before we generate more valuable techs that they will then demand for trades. We will get all their maps as well.
Greek - Mysticism
Egypt - Pott
Viks - Horse, Fe
Russ - Mason
Jap - Math, Wheel
Will choose Lit for next research.
650 Hut (122,12) yeilds Chariot (will captain a boat, I think)
Temples in SB and KD
The next few turns were for camels and more settlers.
525 Lit -> Poly (for Phil->Mono)
500 Hut (140,16) -> 100g. Barbs take Thebes (now two Barb cities)
450 Hut (139,5) -> Nomad HG one turn away in Slim Buttes.
Looking at the last save, one sees many possibilities. Camels are ripening for the first WOW, there is roading to be done, exploring and hut hunting are also on the agenda.
I agree that total city number should be held here pending a happiness solution; but, I do not agree that temples are required, now. Without Mysticism, a warrior will help as much, quicker, and at a quarter the cost. I prefer to focus on getting HG for the happiness problems. So, two of the four temple B/O's are changed to warrior.
700 Complete MPE in Stoney Lake. American civ destroyed by the Japanese.
675 There are seven techs available from the AI. The decision is taken to get them all sooner (rather than in many stages), before we generate more valuable techs that they will then demand for trades. We will get all their maps as well.
Greek - Mysticism
Egypt - Pott
Viks - Horse, Fe
Russ - Mason
Jap - Math, Wheel
Will choose Lit for next research.
650 Hut (122,12) yeilds Chariot (will captain a boat, I think)
Temples in SB and KD
The next few turns were for camels and more settlers.
525 Lit -> Poly (for Phil->Mono)
500 Hut (140,16) -> 100g. Barbs take Thebes (now two Barb cities)
450 Hut (139,5) -> Nomad HG one turn away in Slim Buttes.