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Romp -- an Early Conquest Succession Game

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  • Romp -- an Early Conquest Succession Game

    Just a couple of special rules in addtion to the 'Poly constraints (no re-homing, etc.)

    #2 -- If anyone discovers Industrialization, we lose. GAME OVER.

    #1 -- The last tech we will research is Tactics. (better get Magnetism beforehand…)

    We're the Sioux -- and we'd like to get back with all those folks who smacked us with better technology.

    Saved game is from the start -- better for those who know that side of the game to give us the best starrt possible.

    MGE. Giga.
    Restarts…ON. .

    Pick up & go...(no formal list yet, and maybe not at all...)
    Attached Files
    Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments

  • #2
    I'm in. But not until tomorrow, so go ahead, anyone.

    (Is this a free-for-all?)


    • #3
      I'll kick this off. 20 turns.

      Attached Files
      so long and thanks for all the fish


      • #4

        4000 Judging by hutfinder, there are two choices. Immediately build or use the visible specials for two possibly stronger cities. So, a little looking around first.

        3850 Slim Buttes and Three Forks

        3650 Warrior-SB

        3600 Warrior-3F

        3550 Alphabet

        3450 Warrior-SB

        3350 Rehome SB warrior to 3F

        3150 Code of Laws

        3050 Settler-SB


        While not visible yet, there is a second special offshore 3F.

        There are specials along the coast to the NE of the exploring warrior. I went looking for the hut instead. Probably dicey though as any science scroll would only set us back. At this point I would wait for Monarchy first.

        Looks like an island start so seaside cities, for boats, are called for.

        Good luck.

        so long and thanks for all the fish


        • #5
          Naturally I won't play along, but what version do you all play?
          I have but the civ2 gold version. I bet it's not compatible with yours?
          "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
          "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


          • #6
            D/L the save. If it loads, the versions are similar enough, if not actually the same. (MGE = Multi-player Gold Edition)

            Why not play??

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • #7
              It is too tempting to see how our Cloistered one starts a game. Very interesting city placements. But I have aquestion: how come they aren't named Little Bighorn and Wounded knee??? We are researching BW (9 of 39 beakers). We are on continent 13 - looks like Lighthouse again. Goal: Monarchy, work toward trade. Should we build a wonder? Pro: city grows unencumbered by settler production for future SSC. Con: more cities means faster science. Pro: small island means no great sites for cities, so grow the ones we have. No decision will be necessary in my turns.

              And what about that hut?? Certainly not before Monarchy. Enough said.

              3000 fortify warrior in 3F. move warrior to uncover ocean tile near Slim Buttes. Buy Settler in 3F
              2950 3f: Settler. Warrior reveals blank ocean tile near SB. I guess with hutfinder I would have known that... SB settler to wheat for a road. Hut eschewed.
              2900* Whale found in south.
              2850 Roman Civ destroyed by Barbs. PRB warriors in SB.
              2800 Stony Lake founded
              2750 SB settler is heading for the south.
              2600 BW=>Mon
              2450 Killdeer founded near the southern Whale
              2400 SB builds setters.

              2050 Stony Lake: Settlers. 3F: Settlers. Mon=>Curr. Revolution: gov: Monarchy. Hut: Chariot (Killdeer)
              2000 Hut: Archer (Killdeer). Retire.

              Who's next??
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Hey Grigor!!

                Yep, I wondered about the city names that were offered, too. I'm guessing that in checking out the save, OnS built some cities??

                I had that tile in mind, too, for the third city, Stoney Lake. But I would have built the fourth closer by, on the coast, just four clicks away where I mentioned two seafood specials (you uncovered one of them). There is also a four special site at the SW tip, though two are further out to sea and the other hidden. Perhaps multiple cities should be built there. With three more cities, the best sites will be used up and a few fill-ins will remain.

                If we go Curr->Trade->Map, we can start exploring offshore and decide whether Marco Polo or Lighthouse should be first on the WOW list, with HG next. Anyway, that's how the 'Cloistered One' would do it.

                The game is afoot!!

                so long and thanks for all the fish


                • #9
                  Further review, and the click-click of the black art, indicates that LH is not an immediate need. Careful sailing can reach new lands without danger, careful being an important term. So I will amend the previous by calling for MPE, for maps and research assistence, and HG for the happiness/sleaze benifits.
                  A standard approach really.

                  Then go for Lighthouse, Monotheism/Mikes, and Steam, for a Crooks and Clads romp. As soon as those techs are in hand, reduce the science slider to zero to slow the AI's research pace.

                  What do you think, Grigor??

                  so long and thanks for all the fish


                  • #10
                    Download Problem

                    I can't seem to work my way around the comma in the filename -- could you rename and repost please

                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • #11
                      Sorry - to clarify - the zip contains a file named sc_b2000,sav - this is the comma I can't get round

                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #12
                        On a recent CFC game of the month screaming for rapid conquest, I tried a number of early strategies to see what got there the fstest. Now, I am not in the league of some (Chofritz, for instance, who is ridiculously speedy, or of course Smash) but I am within hailing distance of Lafayette (though still lagging somewhat, I fear) in these matters. But my discoveries were as follows:

                        1. The biggest early slowdown is building roads too soon. As you can see, I was unable to resist that error in this game.

                        2. Early exploration is faster than waiting around. Much faster. So much so that an early Map Making is usually preferable to running quickly to Trade. In this game, you chose BW as the off tech to Monarchy, so I continued that strategy. At this point, we should aim for MPE as soon as possible, even starting now to plan for four settler builds to convert into caravans. Maps will then be available from the AI.

                        3. Without question the fastest conquest is with vet Knights. I associate this strategy with Smash. Once MPE comes online, we should be able to pick up Mapmaking, HB and WC, and must trade maps with all the AI. We can then go directly to Feudalism and Chivalry, possibly as soon as 800BC. The veteran part is useful, so Sun Tzu should come ahead of HG, which we won't need until we start rolling up the AI. It seems to take about 6 knights to roll up an AI civ, with 3 triremes to get them there. If some enterprising AI has done a MP trick and built a city on a defensive special (river), there may be some problem until Crooks come online. But even then, 6 vet knights will usually take the city out, as long as we don't mind most of them dying. After rollng up an AI civ there are typically around 4 injured vet knights left over and 1-3 new cities for them to heal in, which gives a start for the next army.

                        4. Lighthouse saves time. Navigation is way down the road, and the direct ocean path is much preferable to hugging the coast, even when it is possible to get there that way. Plus, vet triremes rule the ancient seas. Usually this strategy leads to victory even before Navigtion, so Clads won't be a factor. But one must admit that they are way fun

                        5. I have not determined which is quicker: to establish an early beachhead and build up gradually in the AI territory, or to build up early at home and whack 'em all at once. The early beachhead strategy often involves fighting a lot of pusillanimous battles outside of cities, which is rarely an efficient use of force against the AI. If we are disciplined enough to stay at peace until we have the overwhelming force necessary, then the early beachhead may save some time since it requires fewer triremes.

                        6. Homeland happiness can be controlled by martial law until HG comes. I don't see a need for any white goods at all unless an opportunity arises for an early barracks - for instance, in the event that we find a nearby AI before we are in a position to get Sun Tzu.

                        Isn't this game great??


                        • #13
                          Grigor - it appears that we cross posted - please look at my posts directly above your last...

                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #14

                            I was able to successfully "use" the zip save by unzipping to the MGE directory and changing the comma to a period. Also, it starts with sc_ whereas the original save was sa_. Lots of technical bumps in the road with this one.

                            Anyone, please,

                            It's been six years since I played bloodlust and that was classic 2.42. Can I please get a "briefing" on bloodlust effects?? How does it affect the ability to get maps for instance, or trade techs?? I assume trade to non-coastal cities would be virtually impossible, right?? Will the AI attack at ALL times, or just -v- the human player?? Thanks,


                            (Just in case, here is Grigor's save.)
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Bloody Monk; April 24, 2004, 12:55.
                            so long and thanks for all the fish


                            • #15

                              Very nice, very thoughtful strategy!!

                              1) Roads...While another city could have been built sooner (adding to total arrows and, thus, speeding research), the early roads speed movement and will be NEEDED quickly, so it will even out.

                              2) I thought a long time about taking Map Making over Bronze, but Bronze allows rushing the second row, and this early in the game, city building seems a higher piority to me.

                              3) I neglected to mention STWA; it definitely has a place (along with LH) in the VET Crooks and Super Clads strategy. You may be right about racing to Chivalry for vet Knights, but I need to see it work to be convinced. It seems at first consideration that there would not be enough cities at that point to make switching to a war footing worhtwhile. By going to Monotheism (with Seafaring for explorers) the sleaze could continue offshore so a more powerful "critical mass" of cities could be laid down before switching to all out war. But, you definitely got my attention with this plan.

                              4) Lighthouse

                              The rest is tactics, a matter of taste, I think...mayonaise or mustard or both!!

                              And indeed YES!! This is a very great game.

                              so long and thanks for all the fish

