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Hammer of the North v2

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  • Hammer of the North v2

    Weeks, months and years have gone by... lots of work went into this complete revision of my first viking scenario. This is tougher, plays a meaner game, and is more scary than the first effort. My ambition has been to create the most violent viking scenario available.

    The primary focus of this scenario is on the viking raids in northwestern Europe, which gave rise to the transitions of western European tribal kingdoms into feudal monarchies and empires.

    The scenario is for Civ2 Multiplayer Gold Edition. I recommend turning off diplomacy screens and using the customized tiles.dll for the full flavour (remember to backup your original tiles.dll).

    You can find the latest version of the scenario here :

    Please post any bug reports and comments you might have, in this thread.

    [edit : v2.2 uploaded 12th May 2004 - links exchanged]
    [edit : v2.8 ready for download at CDG- links changed]
    Last edited by hardjoy; January 28, 2005, 22:29.
    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
    Kaplak Stream

  • #2
    Screenies... - vikings land in Normandy
    Attached Files
    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
    Kaplak Stream


    • #3
      ...and in East Anglia.
      Attached Files
      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
      Kaplak Stream


      • #4
        Nice to see it finally released Morten! I will try it at once.. *downloading*
        "Peace cannot be kept by force.
        It can only be achieved by understanding"


        • #5
          Looking forward to hearing your comments -I'm quite curious to hear a play report or two.
          The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
          Kaplak Stream


          • #6
            Okay, I have not played much so far, only a turn or two as the Norsemen. Then I hade to quit. Anyways, as soon as I get more time I will play more and give you a report
            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
            It can only be achieved by understanding"


            • #7
              Sounds cool :-)

              Apropos time.... I've pretty much wrecked everything else in my life these past weeks, to finally get it done.

              Spent the last few nights with nothing but playing and testing. The scenario lasts some 300 turns, so its been some pretty long games. Looking forward to getting my life back.

              A few more details :

              In contrast to the first version, it's actually pretty tough carving out an empire to stand the test of time, especially for the viking civs. Once you get past the spontaneous raidings and patrolling for monks and gold, you really have to contemplate sieges and campaigns in order to win.

              There's a sneaky twist regarding the Hammers...

              With the 'tech by conquest' in effect, the vikings cannot conquer too much territory too fast without receiving baptism. Baptism will cancel all pagan rituals, including the Hammers of Thor. So you'll lose your potentially most powerful weapon, if you're not careful.

              On the other hand, you seriously need to conquer as much territory as you can, before your enemies grow too strong. I'll leave it up to you to devise a strategy to deal with this problem
              The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
              Kaplak Stream


              • #8
                Can I upload it to the Spanish Site, hardjoy?
                "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
                "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
                The Spanish Civilization Site
                "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


                • #9
                  You are so cruel to release your two gems during a RL crunch time! I'm looking forward to playing them when I can.
                  El Aurens v2 Beta!


                  • #10

                    Yes, please do. However, I want to add a little documentation before too long. There's a few minor adjustments as well, so the doc's and pedia entries will probably coincide with v2.1.

                    I'll update the links and notify you in this thread, when I do - probably won't be too long, since I seriously gotta get back to my real life now, so I can't use forever.

                    You might want to also check out this thread :
                    This scenario attempts to simulate the history of the Spanish Armada of 1588. Playing as the Spanish, the player has 60 turns to quell the Dutch revolt, build a large fleet and conquer England. The English player has the same time to build a strong navy to not only defend her coasts, but also...

                    Same goes for that one.


                    Didn't realize that - I thought the holidays would be a perfect occasion for some civ2 mayhem
                    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                    Kaplak Stream


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hardjoy
                      The scenario lasts some 300 turns
                      A slip of mind. Correction : the scenario lasts some 300 years, which amounts to about 100 game turns - from the first viking raid to the dawn of the crusades.
                      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                      Kaplak Stream


                      • #12
                        For which one are you itching more for feedback: Vikings or Armada?
                        El Aurens v2 Beta!


                        • #13
                          The vikings definitely...
                          The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                          Kaplak Stream


                          • #14
                            Excellent scenario, Hardjoy I'm embarassed to say I missed version 1, but that makes playing this one all the more enjoyable.

                            For what it's worth, Chichester on the S. coast of England is mis-spelled. Also the flag of the House of Wessex was a gold griffon (dragon) on a red ground, rather than the 3 lions which was a much later banner for the kings of England. Perhaps you can do something with this shield to make a flag, not that this is of any real consequence
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Okay, I just had my first try as the danes, and I was very eager and conquered lots of cities. On turn three I had to choose baptism. ARGH!
                              At least I learned that I should mostly conquer Barbarian cities in the beginning. The Frisians weren't too happy when I slaughtered one of their kings
                              Anyways I will report back later on..
                              "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                              It can only be achieved by understanding"

