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Early Landings Comparison Game #8

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  • Early Landings Comparison Game #8

    Well, since some have requested this, we can start another game. The start provided is a random one with the standard settings for EL games, and I have already finished my own game using it, arriving in 499 AD. I will post my own results when they have been typed up.

    Any newcomers are welcome to download the start and give this a try. The deadline for completing this game will be March 30th.

    This time we are playing the Sioux, a purple civ. After this one, we will have had an EL game now for each civ color. Remember to have fun!

    Rules used for Comparison Games

    a) The human player may not tip any huts. What’s a rule without an exception, so in the rare situation where a hut may block a player’s movement, the player must save the game, after which the hut is tipped enough times until it produces a military unit or a nomad, which must then be immediately disbanded. Huts appearing in a radius of any city can be destroyed without reaping any benefit by placing a citizen on the hut’s tile while in the city display.

    b) Since the game attempts to prevent caravan and freight re-homing, this exploit is not allowed. Any other ploy or exploit is allowed.

    c) As a minimum each player should provide a summary of their game, using the format provided with each game start. Each player is also encouraged to keep a chronological log of their game, listing significant events. The addition of details describing the game and strategic decisions made while playing it add interest, so doing this is very much encouraged. Once a game is completed, a short game summary and the optional log should be posted in the game’s thread. Attached to this post should be a save of the game made showing a completed ship or one on the way to Alpha Centauri.

    d) The player posting the best landing date before the deadline will be declared the winner of that game. If the date is the best so far attained in comparison games, it will become the new “official” record.

    Summary Format



    SSC stats
    size 8
    size 12
    size 21
    max. size

    Nuclear Power
    Space Flight

    Key civ contact

    AC arrival

    The table following each game will contain these stats. Of course, you may not end up building all wonders listed, or use all governments, so just keep track of dates relevant to your own game. More detailed logs and/or written accounts of games will be at the players' discretion. Add as little or as much as you want to the required summary.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I forgot to mention that the SSC site is at (31,55), northwest from where the settlers start the game, and my landing date, after checking the log was actually 495 AD, and not 499, as stated above.

    ELG #8 Summary

    This game was played with the robust Monarchy approach and was completed even before playing ELG #7, but at that time Zenon wanted to try a game using his great start with the Chinese that had an almost ideal SSC site and map. So I put this start and my game using it on the back burner until ELG #7 was completed. Even before playing ELG #7, I was pretty sure Zenon’s start would produce even better landing dates than the one in this game. This game was a nail biter though, because I was just able to squeeze in on the right side of 500 AD. Extensive use of Samson’s “zoom to home city” trick was needed to complete the space ship by 480 AD.

    After ELG #7 was completed, I tried a replay using this start, trying to benefit from Zenon’s latest refinements in strategy, and while I was able to pick up techs more quickly, my economy suffered enough that I could not get a ship built in time to better the landing date of my first attempt, so I’ll leave it to you others to see if you can find a way to improve upon 495 AD using this start. This game is unique in that we are our own key civ for its duration.


    Monarchy – 2050 BC
    Republic – 525 BC
    Democracy – 220 AD


    HG – 775 BC
    MPE – 1050 BC
    ST – 400 BC
    Colossus – 125 BC
    Copernicus – 20 AD
    Isaac's – 100 AD
    Leo's – 40 AD
    Michaelangelo's – 225 BC
    Darwin's – 200 AD
    SETI – 400 AD
    Apollo – 460 AD

    SSC stats

    size 8 – 400 BC
    size 12 – 300 BC
    size 21 – 75 BC
    max. size – 29 in 100 AD


    Trade – 1600 BC
    Invention – 25 BC
    Railroad – 180 AD
    Automobile – 300 AD
    Nuclear Power – 400 AD
    Computers – 380 AD
    Flight – 400 AD
    Space Flight – 460 AD

    Key civ contact - 4000 BC

    AC arrival – 495 AD
    Last edited by solo; February 16, 2004, 14:49.


    • #3
      ELG #8 Log

      BC years

      4000 Little Bighorn
      3800 Wounded Knee
      3700 Alphabet
      3550 Wou – warrior
      3400 Code of Laws
      3350 Lit – settlers
      3150 Cedar Creek
      2900 Wou – settlers, Bronze Working, Ced – warrior
      2800 Slim Buttes

      Slim Buttes was the SSC having a whale, wheat, silk and another special hidden by grassland. There were a few river tiles and only one unuseful mountain tile, making it an excellent site.

      2750 Lit – settlers
      2650 Sli – warrior
      2450 Ceremonial Burial
      2400 Three Forks
      2350 Wou – settlers
      2150 Ced – settlers, Thr – warrior
      2100 Lit – settlers
      2050 Monarchy, Wou – warrior
      1950 Sli – settlers
      1850 Lit – warrior, Stony Lake, Killdeer
      1800 Currency, Bear Paw
      1700 Big Mound
      1650 Lit – warrior, Sto – warrior
      1600 Trade, Kil- warrior, contact with a Spanish exploring unit, peace, give tech

      MPE was postponed for a bit and income was maximized to expand the economy and number of cities as quickly as possible. There was no shortage of excellent city sites for helpers, most of them having access to one or more whales or other useful specials.

      1550 Ced – settlers, Big – warrior
      1500 Sto – warrior
      1400 Sli – settlers, Wou – settlers, Ced – warrior
      1350 Thr – food, Bea – settlers
      1250 Wou – warrior, Kil – settlers
      1200 Big – food, Bea – warrior, Ced – food
      1100 Lit – food, Wou – warrior
      1050 Lit – Marco Polo’s Embassy, Big – warrior, Romans – trade for Writing, 150 g tribute; Persians – give tech

      Besides Writing, MPE provided access to 12 other techs I could trade for later. They were Map Making, Masonry, Pottery, Horseback Riding, Iron Working, Mysticism, Warrior Code, Construction, Feudalism, The Wheel, Polytheism and Mathematics. Several of these usually do not appear so early via MPE, and this good fortune probably made the difference in this game, allowing a pre-500 AD landing. Several AI must have started the game with quite a few free techs.

      1000 Sto – dye
      975 Literacy, Lit – warrior, Wood Lake. Greeks – trade for Map Making, share maps, 150g tribute

      950 Sli – wool, Dead Buffalo, Sto – warrior
      925 Big – diplomat, Lit – warrior, Ced – trireme, barb archer bribed, 61g; Woo – warrior
      900 Thr – food, Sli – warrior, Bea – trireme, Spanish – give tech, share maps

      After trading maps, I could see that Madrid was just within range for setting up a r/rr bonus later on. The helper Stony Lake, to the east of the SSC could also be used as a station city. Besides sharing a whale and wheat with the SSC, this helper had two other whales within its radius.

      875 Woo – settlers, Lit – settlers, Dea - warrior
      850 Kil – food, The Republic, Ced – food, dye(d) to Arbela – 96g; Spanish – trade for The Wheel, 200g tribute; French – trade for Construction, Pottery, peace, share maps

      825 barb horseman bribed, 41g, Bea – warrior, Wou – warrior, Persians – trade for Polytheism, give tech, share maps; Spanish – give tech, share maps

      800 Sto – food, Sli – hides, barb leader – 150g, Greeks – give tech
      775 Sli – Hanging Gardens, Woo – warrior
      750 Big – settlers, Point of Rocks

      Point of Rocks was the first of 5 colonies established on the western part of the Persian island. These sites had good commodities and some good trade specials, too. These colonies were along the way to the Japanese, who became the target of many good trades later on.

      725 Thr – silk, Sli – we love begins, Wou – hides, Lit – copper, wool(d) to Persepolis, 136g

      The Persians were a bit too close for good payoffs, but were easy to reach when some quick gold was needed, which was all of the time.

      700 Bea – settlers, Sli – dye, Ced – dye, Philosophy, Monotheism, barb legion bribed, 82g; Spanish – give tech, 150g tribute

      The Spanish kept picking known techs to study next, but made up for this by being a good source of tribute.

      675 Celts – give tech, share maps; Raging Brook, Japanese – give tech, share maps
      650 Kil – gems, Sto – settlers, Running Bear
      625 Greeks – 50g tribute, Big – trireme
      600 Woo – settlers, copper(d) to Arbela, 72g; French – trade for Masonry, Seafaring, Banking, give tech, share maps; Spanish – 50g tribute

      575 Sli – marketplace, Wou – wool
      550 Poi – settlers, Bea – beads, Lit – settlers, hides(d) to Paris, 296g; Japanese – give tech, share maps; Greeks & Spanish – 50g tribute each, revolution

      Now that the SSC was ready and as much tribute as possible was extracted it was time to switch to Republic and start SSC growth.

      525 government to Republic, Run – salt, Rag – settlers, Sli – trireme, Russians – trade for Engineering, hides(d) to Lyons, 176g

      500 Big – dye, Thr – silver, Sli – temple, size 4, Medicine, Silver Moon, Wildcat Valley

      Wildcat Valley was on an island near the French having access to 3 whales, one of the best colony sites. The French were another very good trading partner.

      475 Dea – gems, Sto – hides, Ced – hides, Sli – size 5, dye(d) to Orleans, 312g
      450 Kil – dye, Great River, Sli – size 6
      425 Sli – hides, size 7, dye(d) to Kyoto, 280g; Celts – give tech, share maps
      400 Rag – silver, Woo – dye, Big – beads, Bea – hides, Sli – Shakespeare’s Theater, size 8
      375 Sli – aqueduct, size 9, Wou – copper, Astronomy, gems(d) to Lyons, 348g; silk(d) to Orleans, 468g

      After a slow start, now trade is starting to hum.

      350 Sanitation, Poi – dye, Sli – wine, size 10, Lit – dye, Seven Brothers, French – give tech, share maps

      325 Sil – dye, Run – dye, Dea – beads, Kil – settlers, Sto – hides, Thr – dye, Sli – harbor, size 11, Greeks – trade for Bridge Building, give tech, share maps

      300 Sli – gems, size 12, dye(d) to Pasargadae, 232g
      275 Sli – sewer system, size 13, Woo – trireme, Snake Canyon, Japanese – give tech, share maps

      250 Sli – bank, size 14, First Wind, silver(d) to Kyoto, 460g
      225 Big – beads, Bea – hides, Sli – Michaelangelo’s Chapel, size 15, University, hides to Paris, 296g

      200 Wil – gems, Dea – gems, Sli – library, size 16, Lit – settlers, we love commences in many helpers and colonies, dye(d) to Sli – 216g

      175 Sli – wool, size 17, Greeks – give techs, share maps
      150 Sna – granary, Sev – silk, Gre – dye, Wil – harbor, Poi – beads, Kil – settlers, Sto – hides, Thr – coal, Sli – cloth, size 18, Ced – settlers, Wou – copper, Persians – give techs, share maps; Spanish – give tech, share maps; dye(d) to Edo, 176g

      125 Sil – dye, Sli – Colossus, size 19, wool(d) to Pasargadae, 504g, Fir – trireme, silver(d) to Cordoba, 140g

      100 Sev – granary, Gre – harbor, Sli – stock exchange, size 20, Theory of Gravity, gems(d) to Kyoto, 554g, dye(d) to Rheims, 368g, French – give tech, share maps

      75 Fir – granary, Rag – coal, Dea – spice, Woo – beads, Big – silver, Sli – wool, size 21, Chemistry, Ced – harbor

      50 Sna – coal, Bea – beads, Kil – dye, Sto – beads, Thr – food, Sli – university, size 22, Wou – dye, Lit – gold, dye(d) to Osaka, 208g

      25 Sil – beads, Run – salt, Rag – settlers, Dea – dye, Sli – food, size 23, beads(d) to Tours, 368g, French – trade for Invention, share maps

      AD years

      1 Sli – food, size 24, Gunpowder, Lit – warrior, Kil – warrior, Sto – warrior, wine(d) to Osaka, 606g

      20 Poi – salt, Dea – harbor, Sli – Copernicus’s Observatory, size 25, hides(d) to Paris, 220g, Persians – give tech, share maps

      40 Sev – silver, Gre – gold, Wil – dye, Dea – dye, Kil – dye, Sto – beads, Sli – Leonardo’s Workshop, size 26, Navigation, Ced – hides, Wou – gems, Lit – wool, dye(d) to Persepolis, 132g, gold(d) to Persepolis, 198g

      60 Fir – dye, Sil – coal, Run – beads, Woo – beads, Bea – coal, Sto – salt, Thr – coal, Sli – food, size 27, Explosives

      80 Sna – beads, Big – gold, Sli – food, size 28, Wou – dye, cloth(d) to Edo, 641g, Spanish – give tech, share maps, Japanese – give tech, share maps

      100 Gre – engineers, Wil – granary, Rag – beads, Sli – Isaac Newton’s College, size 29, Woo – engineers, Bea – engineers, Bea – engineers, MetallurgyCed – hides

      SSC growth and wonders were completed simultaneously, making it seem like this was even planned in advance! All that remained was to terraform some of its specials and to set up the rr bonuses with Madrid.

      120 Sli – cloth, Spanish – trade for Chivalry, Greeks – give tech, share maps, Japanese – give tech, share maps, wool(d) to Edo, 532g, silver(d) to Orleans, 380g

      140 Sto – beads, Physics, Persians – trade for Democracy, gems(d) to Rheims, 408g, coal to Sli – 131g

      160 Fir – salt, Sna – salt, Gre – dye, Wil – beads, Sil – gold, Run – salt, Poi – colosseum, Dea – salt, Woo – colosseum, Big – colosseum, Bea – beads, Kil – dye, Thr – dye, Sli – wool, Steam Engine, Wou – gold, Lit – colosseum, silk(d) to Lyons, 204g, Yellowtree

      180 Sev – cloth, Rag – silk, Sli – coal, Ced – colosseum, Railroad, wool(d) to Persepolis, 246g

      200 Fir – temple, Sli – Darwin’s Voyage, Magnetism, Industrialization, silver(d) to Sli – 204g, revolution, French – give tech, share maps

      240 government to Democracy, Kil – colosseum, Sto – colosseum, Sli – oil, Corporation, Yel – transport, wool(d) to Persepolis, 408g, cloth(d) to Edo, 797g, dye(d) to Paris, 224g, coal(d) to Paris, 755g, salt to Sli, 137g

      260 Electricity, Fir – gold, Sna – colosseum, Sev – colosseum, Gre – colosseum, Wil – colosseum, Sil – colosseum, Run – colosseum, Reg – colosseum, Dea – colosseum, Woo – temple, Big – salt, Bea – colosseum, Sto – gems, Thr – colosseum, Sli – wool, Ced – wool, Wou – colosseum, Lit – diplomat, Refining, gold(d) to Sli Buttes, 390g; gold(d) to Orleans, 396g; beads(d) to Osaka, 200g; gold(d) to Persepolis, 354g

      From here on out it was two techs per turn.

      280 Yel – coal, Steel, Sev – oil, Poi – silver, Kil – library, Sto – temple, Sli – dye, Combustion, wool(d) to Edo, 712g; silk(d) to Paris, 438g; dye(d) to Antioch, 224g; Celts – give tech, share maps

      300 Electronics, Sna – oil, Run – beads, Rag – copper, Woo – wine, Thr – library, Sli – silver, Ced – spice, Automobile, Sev – transport, Fir – transport, Gre – transport, gems(d) to Orleans, 360g; coal(d) to Tours, 395g; copper(d) to Slim Buttes, 399g; dye(d) to Cordoba, 132g

      320 Mass Production, Sil – coal, Poi – superhighways, Dea – oil, Big – oil, Bea – oil, Sli – superhighways, Atomic Theory, Lit – wool, dye(d) to Madrid, 438g; gold(d) to Slim Buttes, 782g; silver(d) to Madrid, 547g; hides(d) to Osaka, 228g; oil(d) to Slim Buttes, 953g

      Now 2 of the three SSC routes were receiving the rr bonus with Madrid. The third would be established a few turns later when it was needed. Sli Buttes also started repeating hides now.

      340 Leadership, Fir – superhighways, Sna – dye, Sev – superhighways, Gre – hides, Wil – superhighways, Run – food, Rag – superhighways, Woo – gold, Kil – beads, Sto – beads, Thr – oil, Sli – hides,, Ced – food, Tactics, Wou – dye; food to Slim Buttes, oil(d) to Wildcat Valley, 958g; wool(d) to Seven Brothers, 192g; salt to Slim Buttes, 316g

      360 Yel – salt, Nuclear Fission, Wil – oil, Sil – superhighways, Dea – transport, Big – superhighways, Bea – superhighways, Sli – hides, Machine Tools, Lit – food, hides(d) to Osaka, 1022g; dye(d) to Valencia, 402g; gems(d) to Valencia, 602g; coal(d) to Wildcat Valley, 300g; oil(d) to Wildcat Valley, 770g; dye to Slim Buttes, 352g; oil(d) to First Wind, 336g; salt to First Wind, 152g; oil(d) to First Wind, 326g

      380 Miniaturization, Fir – gold, Sna – superhighways, Sev – oil, Gre – hides, Sil – oil, Run – oil, Rag – silver, Poi – beads, Dea – superhighways, Woo – superhighways, Big – oil, Kil – university, Sto – harbor, Thr – silver, Sli – hides, Ced – temple, Computers, Wou – superhighways, Lit – copper, gold(d) to Slim Buttes, 1056g; oil(d) to Big Mound, 770g; oil(d) to Wildcat Valley, 441g; coal to Wildcat Valley, 72g; oil(d) to Bear Paw, 392g; hides to Madrid, 229g; Greeks, trade for Warrior Code

      400 Yel – SETI Program, Nuclear Power, Wil – oil, Sil – oil, Rag – oil, Bea – oil, Sli – wool, Flight, dye(d) to Lyons, 232g; silver(d) to Orleans, 335g; spice(d) to Rome, 122g; gold(d) to Rome, 152g; copper(d) to Kyoto, 136g; silver(d) to Kyoto, 217g; hides(d) to Osaka, 732g; wine(d) to Osaka, 250g; oil(d) to Slim Buttes, 782g; hides to Slim Buttes, 132g; oil(d) to Point of Rocks, 274g; beads to Wildcat Valley, 72g; oil(d) to Raging Brook, 290g; coal(d) to Seven Brothers, 210g; cloth to Slim Buttes, 206g

      420 Laser, Fir – salt, Sna – beads, Sev – oil, Gre – hides, Run – food, Poi – silver, Dea – food, Woo – beads, Big – food, Kil – food, Sto – food, Thr – food, Sli – gold, Ced – food, Wou – wool, Lit – food, Radio, wool to Persepolis, 208g; gold(d) to Persepolis, 624g; oil(d) to Slim Buttes, 719g; silver(d) to Tours, 345g; oil(d) to Big Mound, 514g; oil(d) to Wildcat Valley, 514g; salt to Wildcat Valley, 82g

      440 Advanced Flight, Sil – beads, Rag – copper, Bea – cloth, Sli – food, Rocketry, Seven Brothers, Greeks – trade for Horseback Riding[/b]; oil(d) to Slim Buttes, 775g; salt to Wildcat Valley, 110g; oil(d) to Wildcat Valley, 560g; oil(d) to Raging Brook, 170g; beads to Raging Brook, 70g; silver to Slim Buttes, 192g

      460 fir – food, Space Flight, Sna – oil, Sev – silk, Gre – barracks, Wil – food, Run – food, Rag – oil, Poi – beads, Dea – food, Woo – Apollo Program, Big – dye, Kil – S#1, Sto – S#2, Thr – S#3, Sli – gold, Plastics, Ced – S#4, Wou – S#5, Lit – S#7, Japanese – trade for Warrior Code, oil(d) to Slim Buttes, 750g; silk(d) to Wounded Knee, 323g; gold(d) to Persepolis, 600g; beads to Slim Buttes, 215g

      480 Yel - S#7, Superconductor, Fir – S#8, Sna – C#1, Gre – S#9, Wil - S#10, Sil – C#2, Run – S#11, Rag – S#12, Poi – C#3, Dea – S#13, Woo – M#1, Big – C#4, Bea – C#5, Kil – M#2, Sto – M#3, Thr – C#6, Sli – mass transit, Fusion Power, Ced – S#14, Wou – S#15, launch 15-3-3-1-1-1

      495 arrival on Alpha Centauri
      Attached Files
      Last edited by solo; February 22, 2004, 13:25.


      • #4
        Nice game, Solo. This has certainly come a long way from the 10 city early Republic style!! Marvellous looking empire you've put together this time. Looks very ICS even.

        2600 beakers, almost 1700 from the SSC, and many improvements remaining indicate how sweet the trade revenues were. This is a good map for new folk to work with, I think.

        so long and thanks for all the fish


        • #5
          Originally posted by solo
          Extensive use of Samson’s “zoom to home city” trick was needed to complete the space ship by 480 AD.
          I guess this isn't considered a cheat anymore? seems like Xin Yu or Ming listed this among known cheats something like 4 years ago? i can't seem to find it atm - or for that matter the thread where Samson must have rediscovered it...
          Insert witty phrase here


          • #6
            Simply unbelievable - a mere 1100 years earlier than my best ever effort!

            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • #7
              Thanks Monk and SG(1)! We have come quite a long way since beginning these comparison games. The quality of competition made this inevitable.


              Our ELG rules permit any exploit such "zoom to home city". I'm sure we all have an exploit or two we feel we just can't "stoop" to using, but this comes down to a matter of personal opinions, which can vary widely.


              • #8
                i've not used that particular one in games because i always thought it akin to caravan rehoming as the game attempts to prevent going to a different city at that particular point in the game as well. beyond that, i can see how it would have cut 20-40 years off your landing (maybe just 20 with your # of cities). anyway, was just curious how the discussion went as it seems to be attributed to samson instead of Xin Yu
                Insert witty phrase here


                • #9
                  Is seems to me this says it all:

                  "b) Since the game attempts to prevent caravan and freight re-homing, this exploit is not allowed. Any other ploy or exploit is allowed."

                  The game poster sets the game rules.


                  • #10
                    Will someone please explain to me exactly what the "zoom to home city exploit" is?
                    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                    • #11
                      I think I can explain this one ...

                      During the start of turn city processing the game allows you to enter a city screen when a white good is completed - if that city contains a unit that belongs to a city further down the build list you can click on that unit and 'zoom to home city' - whilst there you can modify that cities build order - no big deal unless you have just discovered a new tech! but now you can instruct that city to change to whatever that new tech has opened up - and rush it - thus getting your SuperHighway or SS module a full turn before you would normally be allowed.

                      Have I got this right?

                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #12
                        [edit]Yeah - that's exactly right.
                        Damned quick typists![/edit]

                        When you have built something and you get the message "City has completed it's improvement", then choose the option to go to the city screen. Once here, you can make the changes you want to production, but instead of leaving the city screen by clicking on exit or pressing return, you go to a unit in that city which has a different home city. In the menu for that unit, you can see "Zoom to home city", which will transfer you to a different city's city screen, without taking account of either the shields or beakers/cash amassed by that city that turn. This way, you can take advantage of discovering a tech earlier in your turn, and change the cities' production to the newly-discovered improvement to get the "AI benefit" of having units and improvements on the very first turn of having a tech.


                        • #13
                          Seems that I did - get it right that is!

                          Beat ya doy!
                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #14
                            It's an "exploit" because it takes arranging cities with units in them from cities higher up the build list (which is processed from bottom to top), sort of like arranging more than 2 Settlers or Engineers to get a work project done in one turn.

                            Still falls within the rules established by the game starter. So does Airbases on Hills and Food Caravan Trick, I might add.

                            And for Lafayette: black-clicking and HutFinder...


                            • #15

                              I have been trying to finish this game but have been delayed due to local pollen/allergy conditions. Since no one else has posted, would you please keep this open for another week, so I can finish?? Thanks.

                              This will appear lame next to your extraordinary effort. I am roughly 400 yrs. behind you at this point. Made many mistakes along the way. Not so sharp any more. Also, had bad luck with AI help getting Engineering.

                              so long and thanks for all the fish

