Greetings to you, new king of the Babylonians, from the American nation.
Note, that our civs were in peace for a long time now (mainly, because our armies did not meet up to now )
We would like to continue this way, though we are worried about your good relationship to those evil french, who are known as a barbaric and blood-thirsty race
Furthermore, we condemn your recent aggressive conquest of nearly the whole greek nation. We friendly ask to be more nice to that mostly harmless small race
Note, that our civs were in peace for a long time now (mainly, because our armies did not meet up to now )
We would like to continue this way, though we are worried about your good relationship to those evil french, who are known as a barbaric and blood-thirsty race
Furthermore, we condemn your recent aggressive conquest of nearly the whole greek nation. We friendly ask to be more nice to that mostly harmless small race