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new civ:ToT scenario

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  • new civ:ToT scenario

    Anyone still play Civ:ToT?
    i dunno if anyone will be interested in yet another mod/scenario. if anyone would be willing to try it for a few turns or just take a look at it, id appriciate any feedback. The scenario is fully playable, but there is not much civlopedia yet, and there will be some balacning issues with units at the end of the game.

    download main files : 1.58mb

    download sound files : 2.23mb

    download saved games showing each main age : 288kb

    This is my own version of civ that ive been working on, on-off, since civ2 scenario pack came out years ago. Ive now made uses of civ:ToT with all tech and unit slots used and four linked maps.

    The idea is supposed to be like an alternate earth world, which evolves quite similar to earths history but in different ways and with similar but different units, not the historic ones like crusaders etc. The planet was colonised by humans from earth long ago, but after the great disaster the all advanced tech was lost and people began to think they originated on this world. You have to rediscover all the advanced tech, and in the end go into space to look for the truth about the origins.

    So the game goes from warriors to futuristic units in like hovertanks and big robots. Ive changed the tech tree quite a lot, only about 1/3 of the techs are unchanged.

    This is basically how I think civ2 should be. Thanks for reading this, Id apprieciate any response. If other people enjoy it, it might be worth 'professionalising'

    thanks for any reply
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Daftpanzer; October 12, 2003, 11:01.

  • #2
    Yes, there is a ToT underground. We're stealthy, but cool.

    I'll be glad to try out your new scenario over the next week or so. Thanks.
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


    • #3
      Thanks, techumseh

      PS there is one bug in the game, ive turned fanatics into cheap and cheerful genetic soldiers, and made the fundamentalism government appear late in the game. However ive noticed the computer occasionally likes throwing in barbarian units using the fanatic slot in the middle ages, so you have your pikemen guys fighting genome soldiers that just appear from the wilderness, kinda wierd (and difficult!). Maybe theres a work around this somehow, if theres a tech that triggers this then maybe i can do some tech list swapping.


      • #4
        Fanatics appear as barbarians with the discovery of Guerilla Warfare by any civ. You can prevent this by making Gue unavailable.

        Take a look at William Keenan's Barbarian Paper on the Cradle of Civilization site, here: It shows how you can control every aspect of barbarian apearance by controlling the availability of various techs . Also look at his Advanced Slot Properties tip. These two are my bible when I work on ToT scenarios.
        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


        • #5
          cool, thanks for the info Lots of useful stuff there.

          Hmm... if guerilla warfare is made unavailable, wont that also disable partisans when a city is captured?


          • #6
            You bet. You could move the unit to another slot as an alternative.
            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



            • #7
              Very interesting. I've only played a few turns, but it does seem addictive, so that's a good sign.

              I like the graphics, esp. the flags and health bars. The Alpha Cent. terrain is wild, and the asteroid map is fabulous!

              Can I make some suggestions? <- rhetorical question.

              Look for alternatives to the default city names. Made up ones are more interesting. There was some City Txt. file around at one time with a bunch of interesting fictional names. I'll see if I have on my HD.

              Name the maps. It's under @TRANSPORTOPTIONS right near the end of the Game Txt.

              Include a Readme. This should be a priority, IMHO.

              Looks good. I'll give more feedback as I play through it this week.
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #8
                thanks for the feedback

                thanks also for the info on game.txt. Looks like i could change some other things in there as well.

                I will make some custom city names. I have some credits but not a proper readme file, i will make sure to include one.

                PS the flag graphics were modified by me from medieval : Total war. So it might be illegal to look at them if you dont have the game. or something!


                • #9
                  [Hijack]Do you like MTW? I bought a copy but haven't installed it. [/Hijack]
                  El Aurens v2 Beta!


                  • #10
                    Yes i liked medieval TW, its a great game, although i always seem to get bogged down in epic wars when i play the main campaign, fighting to keep my super empire across almost all of europe. I havent completed a main campaign yet after about three months of owning the game. It always ends up totally non-historic, but its quite fun. I usually try to keep the byzantines in the game, launching raids against the arabs and the mongols who appear later. And once the byzantines are strong again they usually thank me by attacking my trade boats and starting another huge war

                    In general is good fun, but it can get a bit too epic at times, playing 2 or more important battles at the end of each turn can get a bit stressful for a causual game session. The computer can resolve the battles for you instantly, but usually gets your guys killed (the computer seems to do castle assaults much better than i can manage tho, loosing hardly any men).


                    • #11
                      Techumseh, did you happen to play any further? is there anything else you think needs fixed?


                      • #12
                        guess not the death of another project...
                        Last edited by Daftpanzer; October 26, 2003, 11:53.


                        • #13
                          Nooooo! I was keeping an eye out for ToT threads (I thought), but I somehow missed your post. Sorry.

                          I just checked back 'cause I was going to copy the thread id for Curt Sibbling, who's doing a multi-map version of Bitterfrost. I think he should have a look at yours.

                          I've been busy with my own civ stuff, so I still haven't got very far, but I returned to my save game on the weekend, so I'll have more to say this week.

                          How did you do the shield/health bar? Can I steal it for my Martian scenario?

                          Keep slugging, this scenario is definitely worth the effort.
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • #14

                            Don't you give up on this one, it rocks!


                            • #15
                              Curtsibling, hey thanks

                              techmuseh you know i wont be offended actually if you dont want to play anymore. Sounds like your busy enough! Thanks very much for playing and the feedback you gave already. My scenario at the moment seems to get a bit unbalanaced and wierd in the later parts anyway.

                              Of course everyone feel free to use anything from my mod, as i have pinched some ideas and graphics from other people to make it.

                              The health bar can be edited in the units.bmp file. I think there was a thread about this somewhere, tho it was over a year ago IIRC. Basically theres a small rectangular area for the health bar at the top right of the units bmp, with a colour taking up some of this area to represent where there is player colour. I think its nomally a small blob taking up the far left, but you can make it bigger, even flooding the whole rectangle if you want, tho this makes it look a bit wierd IMO. It seems the position and size of the actual health bar cant be changed, so it always appears in the middle.

                              P.S, where can i find 'Bitterfrost?' sounds interesting...

                              /edit found +downloaded it, looks very cool. Ill give it a go if i can get MGE civ2 to work.
                              Last edited by Daftpanzer; October 30, 2003, 23:35.

