Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Simply not true!
Simply not true!

Sparrow -- I count the defenders, sabotage the infra (spy's choice -- better odds, but takes more spies; better chance of growing vets, I think.) Once walls are down, poisen until #defenders +1; smack away with vet cavs -- should get to an empty size one city -- enter with most wounded attacker & voila! Fresh land!

Took a few turns to get the system in gear -- also too many turns roading to next set of targets.
The Mongols are easy -- look how lokg the barbarians have held them at bay. -- Feel free to send a boat with a couple of spies that way to buy up some None units...Maybe get a second city?

Razing a couple of Egyptians cities would be appreciated -- not only will it solidify that front, but it will add to our presence on the rock & prepare us for more customers...
