Outstanding earth-scorching session, Mr. Git!
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Scorched Earth Succession Game
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
Thanks for the complements, guys.
Needed to re-establish my street-cred after the sad 'Magellan Incident'
A thoroughly enjoyable RAR outing - I think I fancy a French city for my second one - it's odd playing with so few cities - I simply could not spend our income - and I think you all know how loth I am to keep money in the bank.
RAR licks incisors hungrily"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Nice piece of Rodentia, Sir!!
I like it that you also celebrate and trade while kicking "A". Cheap science and keeps the bribe cost to the AI up. If someone quickly steals Electronics from the French, then all that cash can be used to rush Hoover out from under them. And that should solve the pollution problem for awhile.
I assume you are pointing to MobWar, so barracks are avoided??
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
I hope our treasury is sufficient to justify buying a SuperMarket before a CourtHouse! My build list would have been CH, MP, Bank, SM. However your defence in depth looks good.There appear to be slightly fewer Greek cities than before
Outstanding, O n S. New Oldville looks good with those nice shiny WoWs.
Stu"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Sparrowhawk to bat ..."Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
1861 -- RB a port facility in Keno, a Barracks in Spare Oval, a cruiser, alpine & spies. Reallocate a couple of citizens in Lago to get production up to 30 shields without stopping the celebration. (Babs switch to Democracy, Chinese discover Elec2 & start Hoover’s.
1862 -- RB a cruiser in Keno, a cav & more spies. (Oh yeah, how about a harbor for Six’s Torch?) Smack a couple of Greek knights and a rifle. Raze Thessalonica.
1863 -- More spies. Take El-Armana down a couple of notches. More RR towards Greek targets. Also stop to clean up a skull or two.
1864 -- Hit Pharsalos -- lose 5 spies for no reason (only much later does the thought occur that city walls may protect against water poisoning.) Rest of team engages in sabotage. Meanwhile on the water, sink two Greek frigates & a French ironclad in the eastern sea. Sink a Transport+ in the west.
1865 -- Six more spies are added to the team -- they hit the streets -- size nine Pharsalos razed (+14 coins -- not a great business, I’m afraid.) Sink two more Greek frigates. On the Egyptian front, we nail a cav, but lose a rifle. In Chartres, we unload Silk (d) = 462, Dye (d) = 308, Hides & Silver = 156, 160.
1866 -- 8 more spies (we do go thought these wonderful volunteers.) Raze size 4 El- Armana. Raze size 8 Eretria
1867 -- Push a transport out into the eastern waters. Slay five Greek units while RR towards destiny. Clean up another skull. (Two nations warn about completion of HD.)
1868 -- Push a second transport eastward. Barbs near Six’s Torch. Lose a cav. Smack some random units. See Rhodes (size 9) en route to Miletos (size 12). (French build Hoover’s, Chinese abandon.)
1869 -- 3rd transport in the east; ship chain 3 alpines, 5 spies (no cav because they won’r reach -- rats alpines won’t reach this turn either.) to the Egyptian frontier. Size 8 Memphis loses all of its infrastructure and we Take Memphis with its three wonders as our NEW HOME!. Also take GW & 135 in coin (gov’t to Pi-Ramses..
(Doh! The Egyptians know Elec2! We could have spent too much money & built Hoover’s. Oh well, now we have another reason to head for France (Paris has three wonders as well.) (French discover AT, Egypt discover Ref2, Chinese discover AW.) Lose a rifle, cav+ outside of Rhodes, we slay a knight, rifle, fan & 2 cannons. Not happy with the Greeks. Our wounded destroyer in the SW slays a Greek cannon & cruc.
1870 -- Egypt becomes commy (three nearby cities have almost completed city walls (FYI.) We also steal the rest of their techs -- Elec2, Ref1, Ref2. Meanwhile in Greece, the walls of Miletos come down and we raze Rhodes.
Notes -- We still have about 5K in funds (down from the 8K budget handed to me.) Haven’t seen an offensive boat in three turns+, so the west may be a little at risk as I’ve allowed the cruiser to go wandering -- we may want to recall it closer to the boat chain. In the east, I’ve recalled a boat for healing, another is at the Egyptian shore and the boat chain is there should the next player want to open up the Egyptian front in earnest. The Greek front stalled for a turn or two since we have too few engineers to RR to the next set of targets on an ongoing basis.
Also need to scout a bit more -- maybe use a spy & partisan/alpine team for deep recon.
SG -- I had a market in place, but opted for a supermarket (pun attempted) as the Egyptians did a nice job of farming the country side.Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments
Looks like another productive turnset.
Once again I am looking for guidance, right now I think I will be getting mainly Spies from my cities and using them to poison water (and bring down walls if necessary).
A couple questions for the audience though first:
- do you think it is better to poison cities down to size one (without walls) and then send in offensive units to destroy the city by destroying one defender or poison the city down to one more then there is units protecting the city (without walls) and then use offensive units to destroy the defenders and "scorch" the city?
- should we continue to focus on the Greeks? bring down the Egyptians (who though they have large perfectionist cities, don't have many left), or perhaps send some units north to the Mongols who are ripe for the picking, and I think one boatload could potentially take out their two southern cities, and potentially more
/me likes the idea of the war on three fronts(though I know strategically it is a bad idea), just not sure I will make progress on any if I split my attack in three (especially with only 8 turns to do it in)"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
Greeks and Egyptians should be plenty.
And RB those spies. We'll need tons of them!Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
For what its worth my strategy was - take down walls - kill all defenders - poison until size 1 - raze.
Stu"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
and quite effective it was!
Now what's this about the Poison function not working on walled cities? (I rarely use the function and was unaware of this limitation.)
True? If so, odd imho.Last edited by -Jrabbit; March 12, 2004, 10:15.Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
Simply not true!"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
and Monk - effective no - poisoning always works, but efficient yes - vets have a higher escape chance
Stu"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit