Acctually, I believe it is stored in a config file: Do not open me.sav
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Getting rid of the health bar!
No it isn't.
My "Do Not Open Me.sav" has never been anything other than 0 bytes, so it seems to be entirely useless. Civ.ini and civ2.dat are the only Civ2 config files I know of.
And Boco's problem was solved. He had set the sprite override for all units in the @UNITS_ADVANCED section in the rules.txt. That obviously prevented the game from using the sprite file.
So, to recapitulate, getting to use the static sprite file requires the following:
- Turn OFF unit animation in Game > Graphic Options. To make this menu setting permanent, go to Cheat > Scenario Parameters > Edit Special Rules and set the Unit animation lockout to 1 (one).
- Make sure the .SPR file override is set to 0 (zero). This goes for both the Cheat menu and the Rules text file (the @UNITS_ADVANCED section).
Indeed. And you're not half bad yourself, WK.
Thank you! I mean... Thank you.
Let's just say we're all irreplaceable. I mean, seriously, we've all done some excellent things... And we've all received a Silver Fleece medal too.
I could have said we're all standing on each other's shoulders, but I think that would be very uncomfortable.
This meeting of the Test of Time Mutual Admiration Society is now officialy adjourned!
Sorry to interrupt all the backslapping. I've tried out SpriteGen and it seems to work as intended. However, I've got three problems:
1. The purple background often found in unit files is visible in the ToT units menu, defence minister and city screens for created sprites. You can, however, change the background to all pink prior to running SpriteGen – this is more a nuisance, I guess. I don't want to accidentally wipe people's unit signatures in the original bmp, either. If you can’t change this, then at least give it a mention in the readme for ***** like me.
2. I’ve got units from the units.bmp file in the build menu and units civilopedia. Therefore, if I delete the scenario units.bmp file, these are then replaced by the defaults from the Original directory.
3. The third point is not directly related to SpriteGen, but is a consequence of its use. I have some scenarios, converted from FW/MGE using Angelo Scotto's CivConverter utility, where the SPR file override parameter is set to 1. It's embedded at the end of the .scn file. Does anyone know precisely where, or do I have to search myself? Unfortunately I think I already know the answer to this one.
Nearly forgot. Ignore question 3. I have my answer. Look for the scenario name in either the .scn or .sav file. The byte immediately preceding the name contains this flag. If the byte is set to 01, the SPR override is set to 0. If the byte value is 03, SPR override is 1.
I just converted Favoured Flight's ROTK scenario to ToT - it uses units as mountains, which looks terrible with the health bar. Now it looks great.
During the conversion process I found that, on this occasion, the purple background was also visible on units on the game map. Looking at the units.bmp from which the static.spr was derived, I found 3 different variations of the purple background colour. There is obviously a narrow range of these colours which carries the invisible mask in the game, however, some of them show up when converted to sprites. Like I said, above, it might be easier to just make a note in the readme to switch to pink first rather than trying to figure this crap out.Last edited by Catfish; September 20, 2003, 09:30.
Originally posted by Catfish
1. The purple background often found in unit files is visible in the ToT units menu, [...]
This is exactly what my SpriteGen does. It makes those two colors transparent. So if there are regions that aren't transparent in your units, give the upper-left pixel of the unit that color. That's what the standard ToT unit bitmaps do anyway.
2. I’ve got units from the units.bmp file in the build menu and units civilopedia. Therefore, if I delete the scenario units.bmp file, these are then replaced by the defaults from the Original directory.
Yep, that's true. No way to solve that I'm afraid, except by including both the bitmap and the sprite file... The sprite file will work just fine even if there's also a units bitmap present. As long as you make sure you got the correct settings.
3. The third point is not directly related to SpriteGen, but is a consequence of its use. I have some scenarios, converted from FW/MGE using Angelo Scotto's CivConverter utility, where the SPR file override parameter is set to 1. It's embedded at the end of the .scn file. Does anyone know precisely where, or do I have to search myself? Unfortunately I think I already know the answer to this one.Last edited by Mercator; September 20, 2003, 11:49.
Originally posted by Mercator
That's because ToT sprites only have two transparent colors. First of all, magenta is always transparent. Secondly, the color of the pixel in the top-left corner of the graphic is transparent.
Edit: I just read your post over here.
I should clarify what I mean. ToT reads 24-bit graphics and displays them as 15-bit. Because of this, colours which closely approximate transparent ones in 24-bit may also become transparent when reduced to 15-bit. Is it possible that ToT reads sprites differently to bmps? Is it also possible that different parts of the game engine, ie, menus, tiles, dialogue boxes, etc, read them differently? Hence the strange results I found with a number of files which had different shades of the transparent background.
Originally posted by Mercator
There's no need to start hex-editing. Just repeat the steps in my second to last post before this. Open the cheat menu, adjust the sprite settings and resave the scenario.Last edited by Catfish; September 20, 2003, 18:42.
No it isn't necessary, instead of opening the scenario as a scenario, open it through the "Load a Saved game" option instead.
You'll have to enter "*.scn" in the filename box first, to show scenario files, but it will load just fine, without advancing anything.
I addressed the issue of the variations of transparent purple in the "camo thread". It's because images are 15-bit. A lot of colors that are very close to magenta will be reduced to magenta. The same goes for the units bitmap.
Originally posted by Mercator
No it isn't necessary, instead of opening the scenario as a scenario, open it through the "Load a Saved game" option instead.
Originally posted by Mercator
I addressed the issue of the variations of transparent purple in the "camo thread". It's because images are 15-bit. A lot of colors that are very close to magenta will be reduced to magenta. The same goes for the units bitmap.
Edit: Ignore this crap. I've just done some testing and come to the conclusion that I'm just frigging blind. When the top-left unit pixel has been blanked (magenta), the only places where background doesn't show are the build menu and civilopedia. Why? Because it's reading the bmps. Christ, I'm a ******.
Edit (again): Come to think of it, the top-left unit pixel is blanked in the bmp too, but it's working fine. Ah, bugger it - easiest to simply change the entire background to magenta before running SpriteGen. Over and out.Last edited by Catfish; September 20, 2003, 19:42.
I can get distracted by other things while posting sometimes, so I guess I, um... "crossposted"
It is my program that does the reduction from 24-bit to 15-bit, so maybe my formula isn't quite the same one as the one ToT uses.
I wouldn't really have to thought so, until I saw my own screenshot there. In that white gradient, the 4 colours ToT has reduced it to (the two middle ones, in particular) are very strange indeed (rgb[240,240,240] and rgb[239,239,239] to be precise).
I'll have to look into it...
Right... I've looked enough. It IS quite different. I'll get to it ASAP. The attachment shows the difference between colours in 24-bit and ToT 15-bit.
I thought the 15-bit would grade the colors in equal steps of about 7 and 8, but they go in steps of 15 and 1. Very odd, because that pretty much means ToT only uses more like 173 (= 4913) distinguishable colors, not 323 (= 32768), not to mention the 24-bit 2563 (= 16777216)... Making it visually closer to 12-bit...
ToT graphics are getting worse by the minute ...
But maybe this also demonstrates that the color depth as an indicator for image quality is more in our heads than being actually visible. It's not like anyone really noticed ToT is pretty much half the color depth everyone thought it was.Last edited by Mercator; September 20, 2003, 20:30.