The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
We don't really know what constitutes a national emergency (or even a regional one - see my actions on the Greek frontier), so we have to wait for Old n Slow to give his verdict on this.
The situation in 1930 -- no embassies with either the Russians nor the Indians; but then again they are far away so we don't care (too much). We have 35 cities, compared to Japan's 18 (in Fundy), German's 7 (Dem), American' 12 (Commy) and Greek's 21 (Also Fundy)
Meanwhile the world is a mess -- more than 200 neg points due to pollution (and we have 7 count 'em 7) engineers to deal with it. Looking over our new American cities, seven of them are in direct jeopardy and the other three are only a step away from danger -- so we check on the seven directly at risk first:
Buffalo -- see shields towards a supermarket -- but we decide that the potential Uranium truck would be much better for the defense.
Boston -- with a bomber right outside, we quickly rush ... an engineer!
Chicago -- Americans at the door -- another engineer.
St. Louis -- with a partisan damaging the countryside we rush a barracks (and move a number of wounded howies into the city.)
New Orleans & Denver both opt for engineers as well. Baltimore with gobs of hungry people gets the ok for a harbor.
The three cities not in direct danger could easily be at risk in short order and their help may make the difference with the other seven -- so Atlanta & NY both rush military aid in the form of engineers and Washington rushes to do the same with another truck (with hopefully uranium.)
On the domestic front, Slowville with five skulls quickly rushes another truck (uranium again!) and oldtown rushes a Recycler.
1931 (1) -- (Japs kill 3 via bombs; a Jap tank dies vs a newly made vet Alpine in Buffalo.)
Seven new engineers appear on the scene and go to work; (we look and look and only see what??? we're commy and have a total of TWO spies?) Four more spies are put in rush orders in America along with three engineers, and two airports. Slowville loses its engineer due to food shortage (caused by yet another skull appearing on the horizon.) Slowville rushes Mass Transit & Oldeton rushes an airport. Washington has an airport & rushes a fighter. Pop = 34M
Place Deland & Toofaraway back to Auto. Perg survives a Greek Bomber (due to the SAM) Loos our distant ironclad to a bomber. Two Jap Bombers raze Frodo Castle. Germans sneak attack -- a frigate dies vs Toofaraway but an ironclad slays an enginner in the NE. Americans take back Chicago ( -75)
We move the engineers & erase about four skulls; move lots of howies into heal; buy a barb part (-155).
1932 (2) -- (Good News -- the bright bright yellow sun is gone! Bad news we're hit with global warming -- but not hit too bad imho; worse news -- the skulls stay.) Pollution is at -230 -- during the course of the turn we're able to bring it down to -180. Now have 14 enginners on the job-- twice as much as at the start -- still a long way to go. Given the greek attacks, Toofaraway and Samwise come off auto and one rushes a barracks while the other rushes a (non-vet) fighter.
Espy San Diego (caught a hint of a blue dot in other wise"green area on the world map even thought there was some black on the main map earlier so we went looking with a partisan -- later we see the same effect NE of Baltimore (later found to be Las Vegas but we also saw a bomber come out of that black, so maybe there is some 'info' given to the world map with a activities that doesn't carry over to the main map.)
Take Chicago (again) (+199) & RB a barracks. Hobbiton (on auto) is making an engineer -- we buy the remaining shields.
1933 (3) -- (Greeks buy Pergamon (-14g) and take rocketry -- we later visit with a bomber only to discover that the SAM is still there -- ouch!) Japs and Amerk bombs slay a unit each in Buff and Wash (our fighter protection was in Boston -- rats.))
Six more engineers hit the streets -200 pollution at start gets worked down to -140. Deliver a UR truck from buffalo to Warrenville (demanded but not celbrating) for 128. Hmmm disappointing -- no more deliveries until celebrations begin -- also want airports in both locations.
In the NW vs the Greeks we ruch a Howie in Toofaraway, and Alpines in Pho & Deland -- we should put more barracks up there.
In the American arena some engineers start a road (& RR) to SD; a bomber smacks a fanatic halfway (over a fort -- shades of a Xin stack) so engineers RR that space & a couple of howies move in. Meanwhile we take Dallas (+248) (but don't have enough geographic superiority to surround the city so a half dozen partisans appear. Smack a couple for style points. Lose three spies due to sabotage of units ( VERY expensive and unusual for me -- I often do this when my spies have nothing better to do -- ouch!)
1934 (4) -- (Greek Cruiser slays an Alpine in Toofarawy despite the CF (our fighter takes him our later just for spite.) Jap bombers slay 5 units ( threw a few in the trees as partial blockage to stall their approach to Buffalo.) Smack a barb leader (in the open SW of Buff) for 150. Take San Diego (+129) (and the UN -- Russia has 18 cities and India has 7). Also espy Las Vegas. Shoot down two Jap bombers and an American bomber.
1935 (5) -- (Lose 2 units to Jap bombers but a fighter scrambles and takes a third down.) Deliver UR truck from Washington to Oldeton for 653 (good but not great -- Washington is still not celebrating, so we'll hold the Slowville truck for now. Slay a Greek tank with our howie & an Greek arty with our fighter in the NW arena. Also damage a greek tank with a spy.
Found Miami -- now our Oldeton and Slowville planes can play in the A-J arena.
Notes -- the parisans seem to behave a lot like barbs -- if they see a juicy target (like an engeneer) they'll smack him if out & about they'll pillage. But it looks like once they get in a fortress they might stay there quietly. No promises but...
There is a uranium truck in Washington from Slowville -- I cranked up the lux a notch (got Slowville to celebrate, but the duke's city needs another little nudge. Wanted both of them to be happy before the delivery.
Pollution is still a problem (-150 right now) -- we may want to fly home a few engineers...
Las Vegas has SETI ( just to point out the juicy targets... and NE of there is an irrigated spot -- perhaps another American city?)
Depressing that we seem to have only 4 remaining governors to play this out. (sigh) I think mayhaps some took the "lazy" discriptor a bit too much to heart.
I have downloaded.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper2008, 2010 & 2011 RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
It took some time to find the time, but here we are -- 1943 (8 turns), and moving to a dominant position.
The original playlist:
Old n Slow
obiwan18 (Ben Kenobi)
La Fayette
Vlad Antlerkov
Quick notes:
--We have the Americans and Japanese on the run. Next offensive thrust should be into the Jap heartland. Troops are gathered in Izumo (by land) and Fukushima (by transport) for that purpose.
--The former American continent holds no more Americans. Hoping for a combined airstrike/amphibious assault on Minneapolis next, since our lack of naval units makes the seas a perilous route. BE WARY!
--We're playing defense against the Greeks. To keep our foothold up there, it's critical to RB units (fighters and jeeps) FAST, as they continue to send combined naval and air strikes against us regularly.
Pollution is still a problem, but is mostly under control. Getting anywhere from 3 to 8 new skulls per turn.
I was forced to destroy a lot of our pseudo-threat partisans, since they took to destroying RRs and blocking supply lines. (First time ever, saw 2 of them actually leave a fortress to do so!!)
In terms of the "city under threat" rule, the constant influx of boats, bombers, and copters makes all north-facing cities on the old US continent yours to control (along with everything near Greek lands). On our home continent, I threw most everything back to Auto/military -- which is mostly Jeeps! -- since Domestic advisor really wants to work on Apollo. (Planning to let the Americans have it, which still shows us the world map.)
Anyway, here's the zipsave. Log to follow.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper2008, 2010 & 2011 RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
It's 1935, and the Comrade Lazy Rabbit is installed in office. We're a Communist civ with faders set to 60-0-40. This nets 740 GP/turn (research rate = 219 turns). We have 36 cities and are at war with everyone but the Indians. Japanese have 18 cities, Americans 10, Greeks 21.
Build orders are adjusted to prefer fighter jets, spies, and engineers. Rushbuying brings us down to 1370 GP in the treasury.
--American bomber dies attacking Washington. Greeks send naval forces against Sicyon.
--Japanese fighter kills 2 engineers and a spy in the field. That clears the way for their spy tofoment a revolt in Dallas from which they plunder 46 GP and take Radio.
--Greeks get Refining, Combustion. Indians get Rocketry. Russians get The Corporation. Japs get Rocketry.
--Japs (4 rifles) wanna chat, demand Space Flight. We decline and war continues.
--Dallas liberated (cost = 204 GP). San Francisco captured (288 GP). Kagoshima defenses (5 units) noted. Our fighters take out 2 Greek DDs.
--Uranium (d), Slowville to Washington, 406 GP. Dye (d), Doldrums to Buffalo, 86 GP.
--With Mob War in sight and no more freights, we move to 70-10-20 (nets 972/turn, 23 turns/tech). 8 celebrations end.
--RB spree continues, with a SAM in SF and City Walls in Dallas, plus many units.
--Fighter patrols kill 2 Jap bombers, spot Toyama (4).
--Capture Kagoshima (323 GP), find Nagasaki.
--Transport rushed in Washington, takes retinue of howies with alpine/spy esort to the shores of Las Vegas.
--Massive Greek troop advance threatens our entire holding near them. RushBuy Deluxe in all our near-Greek cities.
--Jap bombers and copters are everywhere. They take out several howies, spies, and engineers, and re-take San Francisco. and grab Space Flight.
--We capture Las Vegas and get 170 GP and SETI.
--San Francisco liberated for 1053 (-208 plunder).
--Patrols destroy 6 Japanese bombers and spot Albuquerque north of Vegas.
--Edo ID'd as a rich source of Japanese offensive strength, so we bribe it away for 1456 GP. Quite a bargain, as we plunder 153, get 1939La Tour Eiffel, 3 bombers, a fighter, a cruise missile, 2 riflemen, and 2 alpine troops!
--To blunt the Greek effort, we take Pergomon and get Combined Arms in the process.
--Greeks (5 rifles) chat. We don't give them nuclear fission, but do grant a peace treaty. (Of course, their troops don't depart as promised...
--Rushbuy frenzy brings us down to 140 GP.
--At peace with us, Greeks declare war on Germans.
--Japs develop Combined Arms.
--We capture Nagasaki and gain 238 GP. Cleaning up nearby units, I get a note of "8 units destroyed" when our howie attacks a diplomat!
--Strategically-positioned size 1 Fukushima is bribed for 182 GP rather than razed.. Toyama is bribed as well (115-12)
--Americans start Apollo and go Republic.
--Greeks capture German city of Cologne.
--New Orleans blows up (oops).
--We discover the last tech of military value -- Labor Union!! Since we're not going to AC, opt for Environmentalism over The Laser. (A first for me!)
--Spot Jap city of Ise (5), spot and kill incoming Jap copter.
--Albuquerque bribed for 564 GP. Plunder is 264 plus 3 Destroyers, 2 fighters, 2 alpine, one fanatic.
--Americans decide we ned to chat. They are down to 2 missiles. We grant peace, but our demand for tribute yields more WAR!
--Greeks take another German city (Munich), this time using paratroops.
--Burn 2 cruise missles to kill Jap Battleship approaching our coastline.
--Capture Ise and plunder 81 GP.
--Japs activate alliance, Indians declare war on us.
--Funding becoming a problem, so we sell off 2 sewer systems, 8 libraries, a courthouse, and 5 universities.
--Greeks gain Mass Production, send 5 boats (cruisers and aegis) against Toofaraway (which survives).
--Germans get automobile, peace treaty from Greeks. They enter into Munich Pact against us.
--Troops massed in north of our home continent set sail for Izumo. Three bombers soften it up, spotting Nagoya in the process.
--Sell off a few more unneeded items.
--Massive tech trading among our many enemies.
--Japanese and Greeks sign peace treaty.
--We capture Izumo and gain 216 GP. Japs chat (4 rifles) but opt to stay at WAR!
--Wandering DD spots Phoenix. Fighter patrol spots American Aegis and Russian transport near Albuqq. Transport (6 units) sunk.
--We have some chats and sign peace trieaties with Germans, Indians, and Russians. For now.
Summary: We now have 47 cities (38.51 MM commies). The Americans have 8 cities (4 spotted) and the Japanese ahve 11 left (6 visible IIRC). the Greeks are our next project. They have 23 cities and a bit of an attitude problem.
I left about 2700 or so in the treasure, which can be increased by turning off science and getting celebrations rolling again. (Still, we net about 770/turn as is.)
We're now on a total war footing, so the final turnsets should be fun.
Comrade Rabbit picks up the red "hotline" phone and calls Comrade La Fayette. LaF asks the secret password. "Vet spies," the Rabbit responds.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper2008, 2010 & 2011 RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms