krazy: this is certainly the perfect move at this stage of the game, although it depends whether you built the academy in the right city. you'll want shïtloads of commerce there (so towns, luxuries or water tiles). you'll want to build the oxford university in that city too along with all the other science buildings, eventually bringing it to +250% science, making it a technology powerhouse.
using the scientist for a tech is something that's worth it from late-mid-game on. and golden ages are also more for later on.
your next one you might want to settle in that city too. short term he "only" gives you 6 beakers and one hammer. but 6 * 350% = 21 beakers... from each super citizen scientist!
pretty decent, uh?
using the scientist for a tech is something that's worth it from late-mid-game on. and golden ages are also more for later on.
your next one you might want to settle in that city too. short term he "only" gives you 6 beakers and one hammer. but 6 * 350% = 21 beakers... from each super citizen scientist!
pretty decent, uh?
